Is my bad as bad as your bad? Just let it out!

67butterfly Posts: 76 Member
:ohwell: Today i had my first real bad since joining mfp. It all started when i skipped my breakfast, and worked through lunch. I came home from work hungry and frustrated. I grabbed a slice of bread and ate it. Then i had a brownie. Then i had another brownie...and yes a bigger brownie. Apparently that wasn't enough, so i made peanut butter cookies. I don't think i was with it at this point because of my sugar high.. So while i was in my sugar induced coma, i ate cookie dough. I don't think i've really ever eaten that much cookie dough....well, okay that's a lie, but it doesn't really matter at this point. The point is, my bad was bad, and just like i told my friends, it's a good thing it's Sunday. Now i can repent in my MFP confessional, and move on with a clean new tracking menu. There it's out!!


  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    An entire pizza, plus I cant remember how many beers... plus beer munchies of whatever found my mouth when I got home. hahaha. It happens. Move on.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    yep - a whole ( large) pizza with chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes, double feta and double cheese with spicy ground beef and 3 cans of gingerale - felt like crap for 2 days but right back on track the next day
  • AnaTheApple
    3 packets of biscuits, 2 slices of cake and half a jar of peanut butter last week - that's what made me decide to join up, actually!
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 138 Member
    Yes, been there when it comes to eating... Hang in there.....
  • VogtAndrea
    We all have times like this. Last night I made stir fry. It was awesome and I had to go back for more. More isn't supposed to happen in my life anymore but there I was, chewing and swallowing the extra.
    There are other times when nothing will satisfy me and I know I'm going to keep raiding in that fridge. The thing is that I can't be doing that anymore.
    The answer... drink a bunch of water, brush your teeth, log it honestly, and get on with things by starting over. Put it behind you.
  • CountDown321
    CountDown321 Posts: 117 Member
    Taco Bell stuff. Thankfully, I guess, at least half my food was gross and I tossed it.
  • SilverOnTheTree
    SilverOnTheTree Posts: 102 Member
    The study session dragged on til 1am. 800 calories of potato chips, 600 calories of chocolate biscuits. Was thinking "oh gods what a nightmare". Logged it. Turns out, if "every day was like today" I would gain 1lb over the whole week. Well!

    If you're on track every day, one bad-bad day can't wreck it.

    And, EAT BREAKFAST :love:
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    A whole box of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies in an hour.

    Edit: I admitted it on my MFP news feed but didn't log it in my diary :/
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I just kept making plate after plate of nachos. I think I stopped at five.
  • danitameyer
    We all have a weak moment at one point or another. At least you admitted it and are willing to go on. Kudos for that! Tomorrow is another day.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    not since i joined mfp. a couple of years ago i developed depression related food issues, and once i ate an entire poundcake, a medium pizza, cheesy bread, chicken strips, pancakes, cookies and a large container of tapioca pudding all at once. and stayed in bed for 10 hours watcing tv afterwards. that like every day 4 or 5 times a week. and this is how i gained 60 pounds in one year.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    A whole box of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies in an hour.

    and this is why, even as a leader, I DON'T buy Thin Mints. lol
    I am terrible when I am bad. and once I jump off the cliff....well I just keep on falling into bad. Yay for new days!
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Ice cream. So much ice cream.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Oh yeah! I had myself a faturday last week which consisted of a bacon cheeseburger and an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies. I "just one more-ed" myself sick which fortunately led me to join here.
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    once one of my clients ( im a hairstylist) brought me a homemade blueberry coffee cake. the manicurist take a huge chunk when she went home, and then i was left alone in the salon the rest of the day picking at the cake. i ate half of it. half of an entire coffee cake. scary how that happens, isnt it? its like... what did i just do!? hahahah
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    i log it, but it's quick add there's over 500 of my bad....gonna begin again.
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    so been there done that!!! hahaha. the very reason i DONT buy girl scout cookies anymore. i literally eat the whole package!
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    HEY, the big thing IS, you know it was bad. Before MFP it wouldn't have entered your mind. You now know you can't skip meals and if you do, eat something thats better for you, like a sandwich with whole wheat bread. I am so weak I cannot have anything like brownies in my house. Today I was at Meijers and the 1st thing I ran into was a display of carrott cakes on sale. I might prefer carrott cake to sex! The operative word there is MIGHT.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, make up for it this week. the thing we are on isn't a one month thing, it is a lifetime, lifechanging eating habit thing. Its not a diet. Its lifetime, if you want to get thin and stay there!!

    Add me to your frind list and let me know how you do Best of luck

  • cupcakes_
    cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
    I'm sure I've done the same if not worse than that, although that was pre-MFP.
    A few weeks back I ate two ice cream sandwiches in bed.
  • falcon367
    I had a sweet craving FR night watching some youTube videos around midnight, so I ate a protein bar trying to get a much needed fix. I felt so guilty yesterday morning, that I logged it in my breakfast calories.. LOL Yeah, I know ... not like devouring a piece or two of cheesecake, but hey, I haven't had anything remotely bad for months, so for me it was confession worthy.