Hitting a brick wall

Can someone look at my diary and tell me what I am doing wrong? I did have a funeral to deal with but I have keep track of my calories but my scales seems to go up a pound instead of down. Am I doing something wrong? Someone said I may not be eatting enough calories. I am eatting what my plan calls for each day and am usually under. PLEASE HELP!!!!!


  • I work at a gym and the trainers there say not to way youre self every week due to how a womens body weight fluctuate..I WEIGHT MYSELF every 4 weeks I put on a pair of jean that were currently tight on me ..then put them on before I weight my self and if there loose I get my self all pumped up knowing when I get on that scale that i lost some weight,but not everyone can go that long without weighing them selves..good luck
  • I'd start with eating food at breakfast. Or at least a protein shake. You had coffee. That is not food. It's empty calories, and it will send your body into starvation mode.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    How's your sodium intake? I can't see how much you're consuming, but that could cause water retention, hence the "gain". I keep mine under 1500 daily because I tend to swell like a dead horse in summer.
  • kclarkss
    kclarkss Posts: 69 Member
    I started MFP this August and lost 6 lbs too. I weigh myself everyweek and this week my weight didn't budge. At least I didn't gain. I lost in inches. My husband noticed a difference in my legs.

    Last week I started weight lifting and I have also increase my cardio. So I think I have gained some muscle therefore, I didnt lose any weight this week.

    It is a bit discouraging, but I will keep plugging away, maybe next week it will be lower. I will be happy to get into smaller size clothes even if my weight stays the same.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Are you really drinking that little water or just not tracking it? If you really are then you're not getting enough and if you track your sodium you might find that's a little high with all the quick processed convenient foods I see listed. Which could lead to water retention. Try to drink at least 6-8 glasses even if you have to get some mio to add flavor. Or try to drink a cup of water before each meal that helps me get a few extra glasses in a day ( I too am horrible about drinking enough water). Also try switching out some of the processed stuff for real food. I see a lot of skinny cow and other chocolate stuff I know it's low calorie but it basically empty calories and what your body needs is real nutrients it can use.

    You seem to do well even when eating out so I think you just need to give it some time.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'd start with eating food at breakfast. Or at least a protein shake. You had coffee. That is not food. It's empty calories, and it will send your body into starvation mode.

    That is a ludicrous suggestion. You do not send your body into this 'starvation mode' by skipping breakfast.
    How on earth do you think those doing intermittent fasting manage to get so lean and healthy if that is the case?
    It makes not one iota of difference when you eat your calories, as long as you are not eating too low for a long period of time.
  • trulycrazed
    trulycrazed Posts: 79 Member
    After looking at your diary I'd give basic advice of...
    Eat more, your cals should not be dipping as low as 900... I didn't look all that far in your diary, so it may have been a fluke... but if you have 1800 cals to eat, don't be afraid to eat them!
    Drink more water
    Cut out at least SOME of the processed and start eating more fruits, veggies and non "lunchin meats"... I love junk food, but the salt lvls can be crazy
    Track your salt, it shouldn't be over 2000... if it is you'll end up bloating, though I personally can't handle more than 1600 without wanting to die.

    PS Noticed that you're a breast cancer survivor... hats off to you! :-D (hope you don't mind me mentioning that)
  • topshopperwantabe
    topshopperwantabe Posts: 112 Member
    You need to drink a lot more water and have a decent breakfast. Do you cook or always eat out. I had to give up restaurants for a while until I could control myself. I bag a lunch everyday for work, and the money you save you can add to the budget for new clothes when you lose those pounds. Good Luck
  • I had a look at your diary and I also think should be eating more calories, especially at breakfast. You should also healthier food, more veggies and lean protein. I am not sure if you have time to cook but I noticed there are a lot of packaged and take out food in your diary. You should always try to cook as you can control what you put in your meals and it would be much more healthier for you. I know it's hard to cut back on fast food and sweets and you can be tempted to eat these foods while keeping your calories at 1200 or less but it's not going to do any good to your body.

    Good luck and let me know how it goes :)
  • clarissa08
    clarissa08 Posts: 31 Member
    Well first of all, this journey is a life time change, and from my observations it looks like you have just recently took the plunge! But you have come to the right place! First of all, use the BMR tool to calculate your basic metabolic rate. You need to be above that in order to lose most effectively, and by looking at your daily calorie goal, I am going to assume you're under that. Also, if you are exercising in any form, EAT THOSE CALORIES BACK! Fuelling your body properly will make it more efficient. In addition, do not set really lofty goals in the beginning or expect to achieve them over night. This is a life time of change, sort of like watching your hair grow. Focus on positives, and make one decision a day better than the day previous.You have to form habits before they transform you. Finally, never deprive yourself! If you like soda and you want soda allow yourself one once in a while. Just have a smaller serving of whatever you're craving, and have it once in a while - it usually tastes better the next time you have it!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Congratulations on starting.

    Just looking at your diary . . .

    You need to eat more regularly and with a healthier diet. Perhaps it was the funeral . . . it looks very catch as catch can. It's hard to eat on the run. That said . . .

    Less salt
    More vegetables and lean meat (if you eat meat)
    I would try eating less bread. I was very surpirsed when I started logging here how crazy caloric bread is
    Try for 1200 calories a day at least (I don't remember what your target is)

    I would try hard to get a better balanced diet for a week and then look over your diary to see where your biggest unexplained calories are that would be easy to drop and look for places to add some good quality, nutritious food.

    Good luck!
  • This morning was the first morning I didn't eat breakfast. I don't normally miss breakfast.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Your not eating enough - follow the link and work out your BF%, your BMR and you TDEE as it shows you. Always eat more than you BMR and less than your TDEE. Your TDEE should be based on your current weight not your goal weight.
    Once you have found your numbers choose the TDEE and activity level that matches what your current activity levels are - then base your cut on that. Most start out with a 20% cut from their TDEE - you may be able to safely do up t 30%. At the calorie level you are consuming now you are probably closer to a 50% cut! Less is not more - eating below BMR stalls your loss.

    If you need help working the numbers PM me and I will help.