Knee injury is back :( low impact workouts?

Hi everyone, so last winter i had an unexplained knee injury. I had no mechanism of injury, just woke up one day and boom hurts to bend, put pressure on it, run, and range of motion was crap. it eventually went away and the dr couldn't determine what the issue was.. SO.

its been so long since i had issues with my knees thank god! i began running outside about 2 months ago with a friend. We are kicking serious *kitten*! I started using running outside as a staple to my workout routine. The last run we completed 9km! I was soo happy wow I've come a long way. After this run, my knee is hurting again. I can't imagine running on it... so. My next workout staple has been Spin class. I am loving it.

I will be seeing a Dr, don't worry but. I am devastated that I can't run :(. Do you think spin class is too much for my knee? Would you consider it low impact?? any tips for workouts in my condition i would love that


  • starcyndycyn
    Do you have access to a pool? If so, swimming is awesome exercise and low impact on your knee. Aquafit classes can be amazing, too--I take a hardcore one taught by a great teacher at my local gym, and it's like a water bootcamp. The other teachers are not hardcore, but she is. We use water weights and really get a great cardio and toning workout, and it doesn't hurt my knee (I have a knee issue, too). Good luck and be careful! :)
  • rherington
    rherington Posts: 85 Member