I need help

I have been under my calorie intake and exercising everyday and I gained three lbs back why did this happen? How do I keep it from hapening again?


  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Are you weighing yourself everyday? You're weight fluctuates even if you are doing everything right. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time on the same scale. You will see results. Be patient and stay focused. I wish you the best.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    One of my MFP friends said once that sometimes it takes your body a few days or even a week to register what you are doing exercise wise. How are your sodium levels? Are you drinking enough water. All of those things were things that I had to watch. Also, I've been told it is best to make sure you are eating all of your calories a day because it's a specific formula that is intended to be just enough of what you need. If you are too low, your body may be going into starvation mode and that's why you would be gaining instead of losing. Hope this helps! Good luck!!!
  • Janicca
    I find that I am not always accurate in my serving size and when I check or add it in it suprises me and I have to make sure I do it correctly. Also if I don't drink my water my weight JUMPS back up. Are you getting 64 oz of water every day or just sometimes?
  • sheri0825
    sheri0825 Posts: 6 Member
    If, you are working out and gaining muscle it could cause you to gain weight. Muscle weighs more than fat and sometimes people gain before they start losing. Try doing aerobics and if you use weights make sure they a low weights and high reps. I am struggling to, but hang in there you did not gain the weight in a day. You just need to stick with it for a few months keep track of your food, if you don't start seeing results you should talk to your doctor. A person can have thyroid problems or other issues that will prevent them from losing weight. I wish you the best on your journey. Hang in there but know that it will not be easy just don't give up.
  • tschanen
    Go less by what the scale says and more by how your clothes fit! My mom is a personal trainer/fitness instructor and that's her rule of thumb.