Contract to myself, 90 day challenge

90 day challenge with P90X

Goals: Loose 20-25lb of fat and feel comfortable in my own skin
Start Date: Sept 1st
Starting Weight: 6ft 255lbs, 31% body fat
Chest: 46.5
Waist: 45
Hips: 42
Right Thigh: 25.5
Left Thigh: 26
Right Arm: 16
Left Arm: 16

How I will accomplish these goals:
-I will follow the P90X program religiously. I will not miss any workout unless I have the flu, not the head cold but the flu.
-I will follow the nutrition plan laid out by Beach Body and my personal restrictions stated below:

What I will be giving up: Alcohol, weed, soda, candy, junk food, fast food, burgers, burritos, pizza, sweetener in my coffee, chocolate covered anything, as much dairy as I can withhold, bad carbs, trans fat.

I will also be disdaining from alcohol unless it is during a business meeting when it would be offensive if I refused to partake in libations. I will hold myself to this very strictly.
(I own a bar and am in the process of purchasing another)

I have timed the start of the Challenge so the seventh day lands on a Friday. Although I work long hours on Fridays I must do the stretch routine before bed.

I can’t remember the last time I actually finished what I started. I am committing to myself to finish.

Commit to Finish!

Tony Cooney
San Francisco
