Les Mills Body Pump??

Hi everyone, okay. I need HELP. I am about 60 pounds over my goal/healthy weight and am thinking about starting Les Mills. But I dont know very much about it or if it will knock off those 60 pounds. Help anyone??? :)


  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    YES!! That was the start in my weight loss. I did body pump and zumba 3 days a week when I first started and the weight came off fairly easily (with proper diet of course). I've switched things up a bit now, but I still do the class once a week. Love it!! Good luck with your goals.
  • Sheets76
    Sheets76 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Guys - does anyone know how many calories you burn doing the Les Mills Body Pump class? Thanks :)
  • mscott9
    mscott9 Posts: 7 Member
    Really?! Thats awesome! I just saw that the local Y offers it two days a week and im hoping to start on Tuesday. but i'm nervous that I wont be able to keep up :s any advice?
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    OK first. Exercise will not knock off the 60 pounds. Nutrition is what you need to focus on. Weight loss is 80% nutrition. Exercise has numerous advantages other than weight loss, don't get me wrong. But if you want to lose weight you need to focus on getting your nutrition right.

    Is Body Pump right for you?
    That is up to you. Any exercise that gets you up and moving and that you enjoy is good for you, provided it is done safely. Les Mills classes, be it body pump, RPM etc are good because they encourage the individual to go at their own "pace" (pace may be load etc). The bad thing is they are done to music and require movements be done in time. When lifting any weight this can be dangerous, Please make sure you are confident and comfortable with the movements and doing them with correct, safe form...sometimes an instructor can't pick up every error in their class of 30.

    Good luck with your weight loss and a healthy lifestyle
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Hi Guys - does anyone know how many calories you burn doing the Les Mills Body Pump class? Thanks :)

    BodyPump 560
    RPM 675
    BodyAttack 735
    BodyStep 620
    BodyBalance 390

    (On average per class from the Les Mills site. I would subtract your BMR for the time spent per class when logging)
  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    I would recommend doing the smallest weights first. I kinda laughed when they gave them to me, but by the time the class was done my arms and legs felt like floppy noodles! Oh and make sure you know how to do a proper squat, because they will make you squat and squat and squat some more!
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    Just finished my first 90 days of LMP from Beachbody. Not exactly the same as Bodypump but I like that they ramp you up and spend time to let you learn form. Something to think about.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I LOVE LES MILLS!!!!!!!!!!!

    I moved away for 3 years so was unable to attend my regular classes and I put on about 19lbs.
    I've been back for just over a month now and can see the difference already, the weight is starting to come off and im looking leaner and feeling great!!

    I do Pump, Step, Attack, Combat and Balance - a different class every day, 6 days a week.

    They are such good classes, great music to really get to motivated.

    I would definitley recommend any of the classes :-)
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    Hi Guys - does anyone know how many calories you burn doing the Les Mills Body Pump class? Thanks :)

    If possible I would invest in a heart rate monitor.
    Eveyones different so burn cals at different rates.
    I'm 5f 2", quite small build, 134 lbs so not too over weight and my HRM says I burnt about 230 cals during Body Pump
    Obvoiusly there's not alot of cardio and I can't lift that much at the moment but you do still sweat like mad lol.
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I do Body Pump and Body Combat, I've been doing Body Pump for just over a year now and I can finally see muscle! Body Combat (~9 months) is a great way to SWEAT!!! and its sooooo much fun. I'm not someone who enjoys exercising per say, but I find it easier to find the motivation to go to Combat than Pump!

    Body Pump *is* great though, I started doing it when I was 250+ lbs and I've been able to up my weights significantly. Give it a try, you'll see. Don't let your first class be the predictor of how it'll go. Stick with it.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi my first body pump class is this Thursday! I am quite nervous about using the weights!
    I love the les mills programme tho, been doing it for three years on and off due to illness.
    Currently do body combat, attack, jam and balance as well as zumba. The group dynamic is really motivating.
    Good luck! X