What did I get myself into

To anyone out there willing to listen

So its my third week into the biggest loser contest at work ( I was 185), at first I was doing it for the cash ($1,000) then I some how turned a new leaf and was doing this to better myself..No internet myths like lose 10 pound in 3 day diets..No Diet pills.No weight program..Just me and my knowledge. Well the first week I did great lost 4 pounds (which I didnt realize I was doing much to lose it put me at 181.5 ) Then week 2 didnt lose just maintain a wieght of 181.5 (I started eating right and going to the gym and really REALLY worked hard) Now week 3 (today) I GAINED a pound now im at 182. I am/was so fustrated and sour the whole day about the damn 1 pound.

I then realized that I may not want to put my self through this emotional rollercoaster..What did I get myself into? I m going crazy counting every single calorie..cant enjoy lunch.. worried about eating to much or to little and then while doing my daily task. Im thinking about what the hell to eat later ( making sure that it is Heatlhy and not going over my limit for the day) I just dont know if I can put myself throw another weekly weigh-in, I just gain 1 pound and went into depression mode. ( I never lost weight in my life or had to for that fact) until now I have always been skinny at the age of 18 I was 130 now the age 25 I am 181 and not happy about the weight gain.. I just to be a smaller size (155) but dont know if im emotionally ready. IT JUST SO HARD and I just need help trying to figure out whats right..what the right food....what the right exercise to lose weight and not gain muscle...what the right number of days to work out blah blah blah .I am going nuts and the little to no weight lose...is not motivating me,


  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    you have to keep motivating yourself. think of all the nice clothes you can buy with that 1000 dollars... weight loss is the hardest thing to do and its a fight everyday... theres temptations everywhere... you just have to buckle down because just like u gained that 30 pounds in 5 years think what ull gain in another 5 years if u dont start eating correctly...

    be strong... and dont over do the whole dieting thing... you have to look at it was fun instead of omg what did i just eat... and if you mess up its okay just jump right back on...
  • schulzde
    Yes, just stick with it. Don't stress about going over every now and then. You have to look at it for the long run. If 5 out of 10 days you are under your calorie intake, then that's probably 5 more days then you would have had if you didn't try to start keeping track. Eventually you will get to where you are subconsciously thinking about it and not consciously. It won't be such a stress then. Keep it up, you can do it. Remember ...baby steps. You didn't gain this weight over night, you can't loose it overnight either.
  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    I don't know if it would help you, but something I did to learn to resist "bad" foods is find out what exactly is in them and how they are made. For example, hot dogs are high in fats and well high in everything. I actually saw how and what they are made of and I haven't wanted to touch them since. I wouldn't stress over every single calorie.....stress makes me want to eat more. Just remember you did not put the weight on overnight.....it's not going to come off overnight. Hang in there.
  • EmilyStrick
    i am obsessed with the calorie counting too!!! but i think (i hope) that after a few weeks of counting, we will know what we can and can't eat...and although we'll still be keeping track, the obsession will turn in to habit, and habits are hard to break, and this time that's a good thing!!!