Does "Insanity" work?



  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm on my second week and have already dropped a few pounds and can feel a difference in my clothes. It kicks my butt every day but I am sooo proud of myself when I finish.
  • Karla_Witha_K
    Karla_Witha_K Posts: 18 Member
    From the looks of it, it does work. But it's also extremely intense and can be harmful if you push yourself too hard. That is from someone who doesn't have the program. I opted for p90x but I fell off of that bandwagon about a month into it. My schedule was too crazy to be able to do an hour to an hour and a half of boring exercises. I hear Insanity is a little more...upbeat than P90x.

    But if you're worried about the money, there is BeFit in 90 on youtube that offers a p90x/Insanity like workout program that is FREE! I discovered it yesterday and I'm going to start next Sunday (softball tournament this weekend and I don't want to be pooped and sore for it...bad news bears). Just look up BeFit in 90 on youtube. The workouts are around 30 minutes long so you won't be slogging for an hour (if that's even a word...not too sure) and since you're in college, time may be a priority with juggling classes and whatever else you have going on.

    Anyway, best of luck! Feel free to add me if you want motivation/support during your journey.
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm on Week 2 of Insanity after just having a baby(6weeks ago) and am loving it. Yes it is intense and yes it is probably the hardest workout I have ever done. That being said in the first week I lost 1.5inches from my waist and 1 inch from my hips, the scale didn't move but I have been told the weight just melts away during Month 2. I am so happy I found this workout program it is totally worth it.
  • I am in my 3rd week of Insanity and I love it! My goal in doing this was not to necessarily lose weight but to get stronger and toned and to do something different than my normal gym routine. After week 2 I have noticed that I can do normal pushups (yeah!) and my endurance has increased. The workouts are tough but I look forward to them everyday and feel a sense of satisfaction once done. Be sure to get a heart rate helps track your calorie burn as well as keeps you within the proper zone. If you try it, be sure to eat small meals throughout the day. You will definitely need it! The book it comes with has food tips and also how to calculate how many cals you need per day while doing the program. Good luck!
  • ahiddenlink
    ahiddenlink Posts: 42 Member
    Though it's been said before, Insanity's results are bigger in the inches lost than necessarily the weight loss. It can be a super intense workout so you build up quite a bit of muscle, but you shrink!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I did Insanity after P90X and I can tell you it does work!!! I am in the latest informercial also due to my results.. I just love it :)
  • Of course it works, it's exercise. Any exercise will bring benefit.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    One of my good friends is losing a ton of weight from it. He's been chubby since we met six years ago, and now he's finally slimming down
  • casevm
    casevm Posts: 1
    The reason so many people are seeing instant results is a lot of these people are not accustomed to doing hiit training or running.
    I am the same as you, when it comes to my height, weight, and fitness level, and we are aroung the same age (I'm 20 and a junior in college) Your body WILL see results, it will just take more time. Either way, you should notice more firming/ toning.
    I've been also reading up on the different body types, and if your body type is like mine (endomorph) it just naturally takes my body more time to lose weight in general. Granted, that is not to say that you can't lose weight, but it just takes more time.

    !!ALSO!! If you are not eating enough with insanity, or not following the meal plan because you want to consume less calories to expedite your weight loss, it will backfire. Your body will go into starvation mode. It happened to me, I was eating around 400 cals. a day, and it backfired. I ended up having to go to the hospital. Follow the meal plan and you won't have to worry. The plan obviously works, but like most plans, insanity was not created as a guideline, it was created to be followed strictly.
  • garycoops111
    garycoops111 Posts: 3 Member
    i will be starting this today, so i will let you no in 2 months whats up.. but the only way to know is to day it your self
  • 11branha
    11branha Posts: 2 Member
    The exercise videos, nutrition plan, and insanity calendar are all online if you do some quick searching. At least that way you don't have to pay for it.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    My ex husband did Insanity and he was already thin.. weight still dropped off of him. Unfortunately he also injured his back doing it and now has a recurring back problem. Be careful. I'd love love love to do it but I know it'd be too much for me as I already have back problems, ankle problems and knee problems.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    From what I've seen it's pretty good, but like anything you get out of it what you put into it. I would go as hard as possible and then just take short breaks when you need to and jump back in when you can. I've done this approach with the P90X ab routine and I've gone from completing about a third of the exercises to doing a little more than half of them. Each week I can do an extra sit up or two, or perform the exercise with better form(since it's body weight training I am not too concerned about injuring myself with poor form).