Stupid Reasons Not To Diet/Exercise



  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I'm too tired to exercise.
    I'm going to have to do a lot of stuff later today, so I don't want to overdo it with exercise this morning.

    Diet: Just this one bad food!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    It's futile to diet and exercise, those with bad genetics will remain overweight.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    My personal favorite............

    I merely dont want to
    I dont have to
    Ya cant make me cant make me cant make me

    Then there's the whole rest of em:

    Im in too much pain
    I have a headache
    Im tired
    I dont wanna change clothes or get dressed for it
    Tomorrow will be a realllllllllly good day for it.

    Now.......with some freakin 100+ pounds to lose Ive excuse-d my big *kitten* right out of excuses
  • octleigh
    octleigh Posts: 86 Member
    There's no point starting now when I have (insert event here) coming up in a few days. (usually an event where it's a celebrations so I won't want to be on a diet)

    I thought this was just me. Sounds terrible when it's someone else's excuse. Lol
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    After working all day, I have only enough energy to either cook or work out, never both!

    Same here!
  • Arkani7
    Arkani7 Posts: 68 Member
    lol i say its too hot or I dont feel like sweating today!

    :D totally agree!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't like to start in the middle of the week. I'll start on Monday!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Do I have to take my clothes(work) off?
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    - "There's no decent food in the house, so I'll go for takeaway" While there was no decent food, even making the crap food would've fit my calories / macros better than the takeaway!
    - "I've already blown it for today, may as well go all out!"
    - "I'm too tired to cook, but I'm hungry so I'll snack on random stuff (usually biscuits)"

    - "I'll do it in a minute" "Right after I watch this one TV program"
    - "I'm too tired"
    - "I'm too sore"
    - "I don't have anyone to go to the gym with" Shamefully, even though I loved going to the gym and lifting with my bf, I used this excuse in my first year of uni (when we lived too far apart to go together) because I was far too shy to go by myself! I couldn't imagine doing that now!
    - "Too hungry" > "Too full" > "Too hungry" - I do get hungry quite often. I have learnt over time the exact amount of time to give it after eating before I leave for the gym, so that I don't get a stitch, but also don't get so hungry during that I feel faint lol
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    'I can't be arsed' is the only excuse I ever need.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Alright, I know everyone has their own favorite excuses to skip diet or exercise, and I want to hear them here!

    I'll start.

    I have, in the past, skipped working out because it would mean I had to wash my hair. (Stupid, I know!)

    Mine was simply..........

    I CAN'T BE ARSED!!! :bigsmile:
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    "The gym will be too crowded and I won't be able to find a parking spot"

    "The kids won't eat [insert name of healthy meal], so I'll just make [insert name of less healthy meal]"

    "I don't want to spend time working out that I could be spending with my family" - this one is particularly difficult for me since I also work full time and need to get over the mommy guilt and realize that my kids need a healthy mom and I'm setting a good example for them by being healthy.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    copy/pasting from my profile

    These are my excuses as to why I got into such bad shape. Honest truth time for me

    - Laziness. I was too lazy to move and make a change in my lifestyle. Fast food (which I hate btw, I really hate most of the food from BK and McD's) was just easier even though cooking for myself wouldve been cheaper and healthier.

    - Excuses. I made excuses. I will do this some other time. I will do it starting tomorrow. Oh I ate bad today? I will recover tomorrow by not eating and ofcourse that led to binging

    - video game addiction: World of Warcraft. I cannot even begin to explain how much that game have ruined my life, not just health wise but everything. I know I'm to blame but that game alone have ruined the last atleast 4 years of my life.

    - being a coward: Whenever I got hit by stress, I tried to confide in food or cigarettes. I just didnt wanted to face my troubles like a man but in the end, I had to anyways. Stress didnt went away because of eating or smoking but it sure did put on some weight.

    - Just not stopping: I couldve stopped with the bad habits when I hit 200, I was aware of the weight issue. I couldve stopped at 220, 240, 250, 270, and now I'm at 280. Each time I knew what was up but I didnt do anything about it. I was ok with the fat man in the mirror. I hated him but I didnt wanted to do anything to change it

    I lost a crapload of weight playing wow. I'd just play and drink and not eat lol. Not healthy, I know... But I almost want to start playing again hahaha
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Never... My only stupid thing was depression I went through because I had a stress fracture from running 50km after a 20km run the previous day...

    Was only supposed be out maybe 3-4months....

    Got majorly pissed off, sulked, cried you name it and figured what is worth living etc, what point of training if can't compete anymore.... blah blah blah... I mean for god sakes... I was only supposed be out for a few months so maybe 6months with getting back to form, but instead, I just stopped, and didn't give a damn about anyone or anything for a year or two....

    Now... I am back almost in form, sorry I did that to myself, and now just glad to be out running again... Or cycling when a nice race is on...
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I can't even remember a valid or even non valid excuse. I'll pack my gym kit and stash it in the car with best intentions, and at some point during the day my brain just slips to "na I'm not going" I don't even make excuses for myself just don't go. Which is really bad
  • simplynaturalfarm
    I stayed up too late working or with the baby and I need my sleep more than workout because losing sleep will make everything worse.
    Or when I get up early, baby wakes up too and then I am just tired cranky and sitting up with a baby who would have slept longer if I hadn't woken up.
    If I exercise now it is so late I"ll be awake forever and I need my sleep so I can get up early and exercise (the reason I didn't then get up next morning early is above. . .)
    SO, I got a bicycle seat for the baby so if she wakes up, she has to come along and I get a better workout. I got an ergo carrier and if it is a walk day and early or late, she simply comes along. I thought of my lame excuses and decided there was NOTHING that should stop me!
    So at 10PM after a long day with 4 little girls in tow, I bike up and down my 1/4 mile driveway with the 1 year old on the carrier on the handlebars, and three girls sitting in the bike trailer. Yesterday I calculated I was pulling 170 extra pounds of children and trailer - and I was beat by the time I did my 6 miles!
    But I do it because all the "DH isn't home to watch the girls" gets me no where!
  • victoriadw84
    victoriadw84 Posts: 77 Member
    First off I love the excuse of not wanting to wash your hair after....never heard that one before lol.
    One of mine is it takes too much time out of the day. I calculated in my head how long it takes to drive there/back and the length of time it takes for the workout.
    Now how I get myself to go is I think of how great I feel afterwards. I tell myself while I workout: Hard Work produces sweat which equals results :) As I sweat I think of it as fat falling off too! Makes me work harder!
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    -"I'll hop on the elliptical after this episode of *insert w/e show I was watching at the time*" and then I'd say the same to the next episode, and the one after that...

    -"Go walk to the park when done with this dungeon" (from w/e game I was playing at the time) .. and then I'd completely forget.

    -"I'll set my alarm and walk in the morning to work off what I binged last night".. and then I'll keep hitting the snooze until noon.

    I still do some of these but I'm getting better. I no longer game so running "dungeons" is no longer a distraction. I suppose there's always the chance I could go back to gaming... gaming is an addiction to some and omg its hard to get away from sometimes especially when your life is rather sedentary or you lack friends. This is where I'm trying to improve in... more friends to interact with even if we don't have much in common. A distraction to get you out of your house is better than a distraction that keeps you in it.
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    My dogs are crated while I'm not home and I feel guilt if they can't be out since I'm working out
  • positivepineapple
    I'm too tired.... I don't have time. Those are usually mine.