


  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You're only lying to yourself, and you're only hurting yourself in the long run. I don't think it is a good idea, but, That is on you!
  • corrieville
    corrieville Posts: 113 Member
    That is why I made my diary private.... I am the only one who sees it and it keeps me honest.
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    I usually don't log calories on my cheat day, but the other days I log EVERYTHING, even half a tablespoon of mustard. lol
  • soph120
    That defeats the point of restricting calories if you're just going to pretend that you're eating under
  • Huney411
    Huney411 Posts: 10 Member
    if I cheat, sometimes I will just exercise enough to burn off the amount that I am over. If I have a SUPER bad day, I honestly don't even bother to log it, for example, with the holiday weekend, we went to a cook out and it was bring a dish to pass... I cannot possibly log all the different dishes accurately, so I just didn't log that day, as I knew I was also probably over too. I try to log almost all days, try not to cheat. If you are tweaking the numbers, you are not accurately seeing what you are eating, and it isn't going to benefit you in any way.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    If I eat it, it goes in the diary. It would only hurt myself in the long run. Try to understand that everyone has bad days and everyone has good days. We are not perfect!! If you're having a hard time not 'cheating' why don't ease into it a bit more? Try setting a goal, like '3 days this week I will not go over my target calorie goal' (and NO CHEATING) and let the other 4 days be what they will. As you get used to that, add another day, and another, etc.

    Sometimes, when it comes to getting used to a new way of life, it's better to take smaller steps and make 'better bad choices' then to force yourself to go full speed right out of the gate.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    If you worry about others seeing it, just keep your diary private.

    I log everything. Part of doing this is being aware of what I am eating, and also situations, events and similar that make me eat more so thatI can do something about it. Even yesterday when I went over by a huge amount I made sure I logged it all so I could see exactly what I had done.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    No. And even if I eat massively over I log that too. That way if I'm not losing I can see the reason and not just assume "it's not working".
    ELCABRA Posts: 50 Member
    I don't see the benefit in cheating, you are just lying to yourself. If you are worried about what people will say simply make your diary private. There is nothing to prove on here and nobody to impress, we share a common goal and simply try to provide support to others when it's needed, that being said add me and quit lying to yourself.

    -Your Fit Friend
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Your body keeps an accurate log of calories in, doesn't matter what you record. You're only cheating yourself.

    I'm totally honest in my recording, even when I go out drinking, the next day I come back and log. So that when I don't lose weight I can go back and see why.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Before i would grab anything like a cookie pretend its healthy trying to cheat myself know i know im putting good things in my body and its workingg... dont cheat your only deluting yourself... and it will make your goals 10 times harder.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    No, I'm the opposite, used to log even a stick of gum. I don't do that anymore but still pretty ocd about logging everything.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    What exactly is the point of counting calories if you don't even correctly put in what you eat???? If you are more concerned about being under your goal than actually counting what you eat, then you will never get anywhere...

    How ridiculous!
  • MSimm62385
    No because I'd only be lying to myself and it wouldn't allow me to keep an eye on things properly and assess what worked for me/ why I hadn't lost weight.

    What's the point in using a food diary if you're going to make it up as you go along?

    This pretty much. And if I go over I'm man enough to fess up to it to my MFP friends (many of them DO check my diaries to make sure I'm eating good).
  • nataliexxxx
    no because otherwise i wont be able to see where i am going wrong
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    I'm afraid I don't.

    I can see where you're coming from, its irritating to be only a few calories over and get that told to all but still- it's the truth.

    Have you tried pre-logging and organising your meals so that you know what and when you'll eat? I do so that I can work out how much I have to 'play around' with afterwards.

    When I'm logging I always think- if I can't be honest with myself who can I be honest with?
  • sleepybean1
    sleepybean1 Posts: 3 Member
    What's the point, I know what I ate. The same with exercise, I know what I did. So why lie ? It's funny, my hubby and I were just talking about this on Saturday.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    This is a completely, utterly the dumbest thread ever.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I'll stand by you, OP. Sure, once in awhile I go easy on myself--I estimate a little lower b/c I know most of the other days I'm much harder on myself. And yeah there will be the occasional hershey's kiss that goes unmarked. So long as your progress is going well, I wouldn't beat yourself up for it.