Anyone in their 40's just starting out?



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    You're never too old. I started losing weight when I was 38. I'm now 41 and in the best shape of my life.
  • Yes, just starting out at 41! Life (metabolism) certainly changes at this point. I've been dieting/exercising since June and only recently joined MFP when friend suggested it. It has helped. I feel better than I have in years. Friend me and we can support each other.
  • tazzzydevl
    tazzzydevl Posts: 37 Member
    You guys are all so awesome. I used to be in really good shaper and than I has a child, moved to the suburbs where you need to drive everywhere and got a desk job, went back to school.. I could go on and on. I was starting tomfeelin like I was embarking on an impossible journey, but you all have made me realize I can do this this, thank you- each and everyone of you!!Xoxo
  • I am 49 & find it hard to believe that I am losing weight, whether I see it on the scales or I am told I am losing it.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yes!!! Go for it! I'm 41 and started around January. I also started lifting weights pretty recently (maybe 3-4 weeks ago). I honestly feel better than I ever have, and the last few months I have been getting hit on by 30 year olds on a regular basis. :D Good thing I'm married! 0:)
  • I'm 43, and really LOVING going from fat to FIT!
    And slimming off that yucky flab.
    Bye-bye flab!
    And it is leaving.
    The weight lifting has really shown it the door.
    You're going to love it.

    By the way,I've had 5 babies.

    See you later....I've got to go get on my bike for an evening ride!:happy:

    hey there co-mom-of-5! i'm turning 40 next year, have five kids ages 13-3 and am almost back to my "Before I had Kids" size ... addicted to spin class and determined to kick some serious *kitten* when that bday rolls around!!!!
  • EmpressHollie
    EmpressHollie Posts: 25 Member
    Im not 40 (yet) and the reason i have gotten serious is because i dont want to look back in a couple of years and realize I should have started taken care of myself years ago.... i am so serious about this life change and will be here to help motivate you and anyone else, feel free to add me if you would like some encouragement and motivation
  • knb2000
    knb2000 Posts: 29 Member
    40 here and finally sick of not being healthy. It has only been 3 weeks but I feel so much better already. So happy that I found this site. I am a visual person so seeing the numbers really helps me. Just think, if we live to be over 80 then this is only our half way point. I too don't want to look back and be sorry that I didn't start because I already feel guilty for waiting as long as I have. But I look forward to what I WILL be able to do.
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I'll be 40 in March :sad: and hopefully I'll be a healthy weight by then. At least that's my plan! :drinker:
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Well I am 45 and really just getting started. I don't feel old. I can tell you my feet don't move as fast as my mind thinks they should like in Zumba but whatever I keep moving. In 2 1/2 weeks I can already see some differences and I hadn't worked out in 16 years. If I keep at it I think I will look awesome and so will you.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I turned 50 last's never to late to lose weight!
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    My nana...who is in her nineties claims that one is never too old. LOL :wink:
  • I heard that 40 is the new, it's not impossible as long as you are motivated and willing to make little steps towards your goal. It's a life change you are committing to, not to see if you can bench press this much weight, or go crazy with the cardio . Go forth and conquer!! And good luck on starting this journey...
  • shoomai1227
    shoomai1227 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 44 years old and have been working out on and off for almost 8 years. This time around and as of a couple of weeks ago...I joined MFP and started monitoring my caloric intake. The combination of the two has proved to be successful so far as I've lost 8 lbs since April. I will also be incorporating into my workout routine weights which I hope will tone my arms. You're never too old to do anything. Determination is determination no matter what the age!! You can do it!!!
  • Im celebrating my 50th this October and i always feel i am never to old. I also have a slogan and that is 50@50 which is i am aiming at a 50Kg weight by the end of the year. There is nothing more depressing than getting old and not feeling good about oneself and one's health. This is already my 3rd month and i ve lost 20lbs so it is never too late.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    i'm 42. I started in March (joined here in April, I think).

    I've lost ~25 lbs, and can squat with 115 lbs on my back.

    I'm still about 30 lbs from goal weight and have a goal of squatting 1.5x my body weight.

    I absolutely think it's possible.
  • Hi Tazzi and Dee, I am only 2 days into a committed lifestyle but have been in a inconsistent yo-yo slump for 15 years. Will be 46 in November and starting to feel the pre-men. stages as well as slow metabolism. Mostly began with an immediate 10 lb, gain from fertility treat. at 35. Now 11 years and 30 lbs later, here I am. Struggle w/ pcos due to hormone unbalance. Look forward to seeing your blogs and success stories. Claudia
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Like everyone else says here, it is absolutely possible to get fit and lose weight! Sure, it might take longer than when we were in our 20s and 30s, but we don't have any choice about how old we are do we? As we know, lots of people are denied the privilege of getting older so make the most of it! But what we DO have choice over is what we do now, and with good work attending to a clean diet with the right amount of foods for your needs, and seriously working out, it will totally happen in the way that suits one's body shape. As you get fitter, and see the weight come off over time, you will see the potential that your particular body has. We're rootin' for ya! If you've not exercised with weights, now is a great time to start, and it's totally worth it to enlist a good trainer for a few sessions to get you onto a decent program for your goals and most importantly, show you the proper way to do the exercises.
    BTW - I'm 65, and still at it at the gym, currently only having a few pounds to lose but over all pretty fit. I do weights, cardio, Pilates mat classes, and hoop dancing. Loving it all the way, and feel great too. I'm one of these who thrives on a variety of exercise and plenty of it, what with my nervous energy that MUST be worked off. So the exercise is a natural stress reliever in this respect in addition to it's other benefits.
    Last but not least, do not let a SINGLE person tell you you're "too old" to get in shape or have fun. Half the time they're jealous of those who do, and are often threatened by the new healthy habits one gets into. Also, since so few people 40 and up, and even more so among the 50+ crowd, exercise much at all, at a time when it's crucial to do so for quality of life as well as being fit. As a result, we don't publicly see very many fit older people. Let's all change that, and it sounds like the folks here on this thread are doing just that. Best of luck!
  • dortress
    dortress Posts: 28 Member
    All these people are fantastic - they've taken control and so can you. Age has nothing to do with it. Neither does goal weight actually.

    There was an article in the New York Times this past week about how mid-life exercise / weight loss improved folks' life as they aged.

    So the real question in front of you is: how to you want to spend the rest of your days? I'll be 51 this coming December. Five years ago, I decided I didn't want to end my days unable to walk because of heart failure or risking the debilitating effects of diabetes. Even more importantly, I wanted to stop *wishing* I could do things and start doing them: hiking, biking, and more.

    Now I can hike 10 miles, lift 150#s in squats, climb multiple flights of stairs without problem and today, I rode for 25 miles. I could've easily ridden another 25. I don't run the risk of the health problems I did before and don't sit and wish I could do things.

    Join us. Start now, so you can enjoy the rest of your years in as good health, with as much ability as you can.
  • jimzisa
    jimzisa Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 53 and a competitive athlete from my younger and much, much lighter (75 pounds, precisely) days. I've found workouts to be tougher but weight loss to be pretty easy. I think, however, that what comes with age - for me at least - is the creative ability and experience to concoct ever more colorful excuses to avoid the workouts or marginalize my diet. Don't give in to the dark side of age; stick to the plan. You'll be glad you did.