Overweight and feel awkward at the gym?



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    The good thing about joining a gym is that you are joining for the right reason. People are drawn to and would rather be around sincere people and people who are there for the right reason. If you enjoy working out in the gym, and keep going - sometimes if you just say something nice to the people at the gym, the person checking you in, the towel person, the trainer, and make that your first goal, (Thank you is a scarce saying these days unfortunately) you will be amazed how the atmosphere is more conducive to encouragement to come back.

    this is VERY true. I have noticed that the trainer who works M-F morning at my local Y definitely notices me and I am still 50lbs over weight. 90% of the time he says *something* even if it is "hey, how you doin?". A few times he has made comments like "you're getting a late start today, aren't you?" ( I was!), or cracked a joke. This summer the running joke was how many days til school started--about once a week I would walk in and greet him with "hey Justin--(insert number) days!"

    and certain other members have come up and said something to me too. Haven't seen him in a while, and I am kinda worried, but one day I was leaving and this big buff black guy ( I'm short, fat and casper-white) made an encouraging comment. Another time, 2 grandmotherly women were on the treadmill next to me and mentioned that they had noticed that I was there VERY regularly ( like 3-4 times a week for 4-5 months)
  • jenniprr
    Does anybody else have this problem?! I am starting a weights for women class at my school's rec center tomorrow, and while I am excited about getting back into working out and learning how to use weights the right way, I'm nervous about it. I feel like I will stick out like a sore thumb among all the skinny sorority girls that seem to spend all their time in the gym. Anybody else ever deal with this and/or have some ways that you learn to deal with it? I do not want to let this discourage me from going to the gym.

    PS- Just as you don't want to be judged, I am sure the "skinny sorority girls" wouldn't want to be judged, either. You never know someone's past or what they have been through to get where they are today. Just my 2 cents.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    maybe its the gym I go to but Ive only ever seen a cuople of nearly perfect bodies! I doubt anyone is worried about the other person beside them its certainly nice when someone is friendly with a smile or a nod ! I think thats so much more important than what anyone weighs!
  • ryanherbert
    ryanherbert Posts: 79 Member
    When I see an overweight person in the gym, my thought is "good for you". You are trying to get healthier. I have mad respect for people like that.
    Couldn't agree more. It's good when you see people who've stuck at it and you can really notice their weight loss.
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    firstly, the only people staring will be in your imagination, so ignore that! and there aren't only skinny girls at the gym. trust me on that. all sorts of people go, men, women, all shapes and sizes. it'll be so much fun! it's just nerves. go there, focus on yourself and what you want to get out of it, and it'll be over with, and you'll want to do more!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Don't let the link title throw you off:

  • glamdiva11
    glamdiva11 Posts: 13 Member
    At first it may seem that way ; but If they are good people, they will root you on without making you feel separate at all. Plus, guys dig a girl trying to get in shape. Trust me ;)
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I started at a local gym a couple months ago and almost everyone was fit. Not to mention it was raided with **** disel guys... I let it be enough to discourage me and I ended up putting on +6 more lbs its not worth it. Besides when I got over it and realized I was there for a reason ie. myself. They ended up being very supportive and fun to be around. -Good Luck
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yeah, I did feel awkward at the gym. I got over it, got in shape, and now feel completely comfortable there. The gym is a place where people go to improve their bodies. If you feel like you're the only overweight person who's ever set foot there, you're wrong :) If you go regularly, you won't feel awkward anymore.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Did at first but as I got to know the gym and the people in it now I feel right at home and the more you go the more at home you will feel. This awkwardness is temporary trust me.
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    I would not worry at all! It's an amazing accomplishment to take the steps to make a better you! I always felt uncomfortable to be there but knew I was bettering myself. And once I put my head phones in I was in my own little world. I love seeing people at the gym that aren't super skinny and fit. It just made me proud of them and myself for trying to doing something good for ourselves! you go!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Do you KNOW those people? if not, then why care what they think? You are there for the same reason they are, to better yourself. They are just a bit further along in their journey than you are in yours. You'll get there, if you don't let things that don't matter get in your way. Do what you HAVE to. You'll be far more respected than you would be if you didn't.
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    I have this problem too. I have really bad anxiety when I go to the gym. It sucks and sometimes I can't even get out of my car. I wish there was something that I could do to stop this because I actually like to work out. :o)
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    How do you know these 'skinny sorority girls' don't actually think 'good on her' when they see an overweight person go to the gym?

    How do you know some of these women weren't in your shoes a year ago?

    Either way, you shouldn't let what anyone else thinks interfere with your weight loss. You are doing it for you, no-one else. And to be honest, more often than not, they are too busy doing their own thing to pay any attention to anyone else.

    I agree with this 100%.

    As a 'skinny sorority girl' myself (who was ANYTHING but skinny a yeah and a half ago) when I see other girls in the gym who are overweight I am proud of them and think wow good for them and think nothing but positive thoughts about ANYONE looking to better themselves and become healthy.

    Who cares what others think of you at the gym - you are there for yourself and no one else! Get in the gym and kick butt girl!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I stepped foot into a gym yesterday for the first time in about 20 years...and loved it. I went with my son, who wants to get back into lifting since he hasn't been able to lift much since he graduated high school last May. I'll be going with my wife after work tonight.

    Just like everything else, it's a mindset you have to have. Why do you want to go to the gym? To work out...hmmm...imagine that, that's why EVERYONE else there. So, right from the beginning you have something in common. Some of those people are even eager to share the knowledge they have learned, if you just ask.

    I probably stared more at other people then they stared at me. I watched a guy work out and said to myself, "When I grow up into a big strong boy, I want to be able to do that!"

    I realized how much I missed the gym and this morning, with my sore muscles and all, I realized I can't wait to go back and make other parts of my body sore.

    It's only going to be as fun as you make it. You're in this for you, and when you get where you want to be, you're going to be the one the new "fat" kid is worried about when they walk into the gym for the first time.
  • Egberta
    Honestly the worst feeling ever is to walk into the gym to get started - again and all of these buff women are looking at me and wondering if I'm going to hurt myself. Once I get started on my routine I lose track of them completely. The weights and my routine take up all my thoughts.
  • essencemccallny
    I used to feel like that too. I thought all eyes were on me but I realized that how would I know if they are watching me if I wasn't watching them? And for the most part everyone has their own thing going on. My husband would always tell me that don't worry about anyone else.

    A side note...I love to Salsa dance and the tables turn for my husband. He always feels that people are watching him. I explained to him that no one is watching and that people are into their own thing. If they are watching it usually means we are awesome! :wink:
  • jessicae1aine
    I had this issue - especially because our only local gym is at the college. I have it every time I consider going to the gym, but it goes away when I'm there. Good music, headphones, and I'm good to go.
  • spennypw
    Put in your headphones and work out to a motivating playlist - if I have good music, I completely forget about anything around me. It also helps the time pass! And try not to worry about what anyone else is thinking - you are there to help YOURSELF :) and should be proud of that!
  • UncleAngry
    NEVER let anyone make you feel like @$#% at the gym! You made the hardest decision and decided to get up and do something. Anyone who has the balls to mock/snicker/point while you're busting your hump at the gym is a soulless &@*#. No one steps into the gym ripped and in the best shape of their lives. It takes time and dedication to get results. I was 300 pounds when I first started and I'll admit, the first week did feel humbling and a bit embarassing. It wasn't because of the looks I was getting from other members, but because I had let myself go this far. I'll say this though, those same people that used to look at me funny and smirk are still stuck in the same rut they were when I started while I've dropped from 300 to 243 and continue to drop. Keep going and don't look back! One of my favorite motivational lines from a favorite song of mine.

    By my own command.
    To be vehement, remain confident.
    Doubt me, Hate me
    You're the inspiration I need
    You're all the inspiration I need.
    Your doubt, it fuels me.
    Your hate, it drives me.
    The challenge ignites me.
    You make me fight harder.