Looking for some Zumba friends

I've been doing Zumba for about a month and have lost about 13 lbs but started getting bored so i ordered the new Zumba, Exhilirate. Not a fan. I went back to the original. I need some motivation. I got back on track today and kicked butt with the cardio disc on the original. Anyone interested in being Zumba friends, add me....


  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I just signed up for a zumba class that starts next week. I am totally stoked about it. I watch the videos on youtube and it seems like a fun way to get a great workout
  • I'd love to! When do you work out? Where? I'm trying to get into Zumba, but don't own the discs and can't really afford them right now. I need to start exercising and can't stand boring old walks, haha. :)
  • tajour
    tajour Posts: 134 Member
    Why aren't you a fan of Exhilarate? I just purchased that set. Haven't tried it yet (it scares me, lol), but it's waiting for me.
  • jvac9397
    jvac9397 Posts: 25 Member
    Tajour: It's not harder, but I'm not a fan of the trainers and they don't explain what they're doing so you just have to try and follow. Also, some of the discs are voice overs so they recorded the talking separate from the actual workout. It's weird. The disc about the international moves is ok. I'm just used to the original.

    Daneelbel_Lee: I do it at home every morning, no later than 9am. I did the cardio disc today, will do the tone and sculpt tomorrow, and maybe the Live after that and then keep rotating them. I was thinking of doing a Live class but don't want to go by myself. So i'll just keep doing it at home.

    Lyssa62: Let me know how you like the live class.
  • I love doing Zumba! I don't have the sets, I do Zumba with the Kinect. I know it isn't the same, but I can be a Zumba buddy! :)
  • Nursestyle
    Nursestyle Posts: 26 Member

    I started Zumba this week at home with Zumba Exhilirate Set. I use to attend class but didn't stick with it. It is real fun way to get back to working out. For those that don't purchase the set, I just found out that my local Library has the whole set....check out your library.
    I plan on attending one class weekly, and continue my own regiment at home. So far I really like it, I modify a lot, and did fine. I am also using he the food plan that came with it, it is very doable.
  • Nursestyle
    Nursestyle Posts: 26 Member
    Another thing about the newest set Exhilirate....it has a 55 Minute tutorial DVD, it includes just dance lessons called step by step.
    It made a huge difference from their other programs. Again, you can check your library to try it out.
  • sunnyval
    sunnyval Posts: 6 Member
    I ahve been going to zumba for close to 2 yrs now-- i have not used the dvds, i played kinex once....NOTHING is like a good class
    instructors vary you will need to find one that fits your style
    I started at the Y that offered different instructors.
    I went to one class that was all latinny and hated it all hips and salsa---not my style
    finally found one that was more club/techno some reggaton--ive been hooked since

    Try it live the motivation of being in a class i great and its ok if you dont know the moves...you will get it with time
  • Nursestyle
    Nursestyle Posts: 26 Member
    I want to use my DVD' s in between attending classes. I will begin with one a week. I agree the live class is much different than doing it at home.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Hey, I do Zumba as well (sometimes)! Except I do new ones every other day with the ones on YouTube, they have a bunch of full lessons on there. Since unfortunately I can't afford to go to classes =(
  • Nursestyle
    Nursestyle Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all,

    My Zumba @ Home is going really well, I haven't made it to a class yet. I am alternating with strength training. Here is a great site to calculate your weight training calories.''

  • msbran77
    msbran77 Posts: 63 Member
    Don't have any zumba dvds but I Have tried zumbs kinnect..it was fun but not same energy as class. I am a proud zumba chick and I go to 2 to 3 classes per week. Feel free to add me
  • I found this site that you put in your weight, time of workout, and it gives you the calories burned.

  • Nursestyle
    Nursestyle Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello, today is my Rest day and day of reflection:

    Week 1 is coming to a close, my assessment of my first week is ---It will take me a little time to get my nutrition under control but I am making many small changes each day. Finding a balance between nutrition and fitness is really hard, but I have read that nutrition portion should be like 75% of your program. I don't want to deprive myself but at the same time, there are a lot of food items i can do without. Best wishes.