Enzymes anyone?

i was reading in a magazine that enzymes help with weight loss as well as other things. anyone try these? do they work?


  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    What enzymes? If you're missing them in your digestive system, I suppose they could help. All they do is break down foods into simpler carbs which your body then uses.
  • Well everyone has enzymes in their body and this sounds like a first to me about using them for weight loss :S Have to look out for this...
  • luvmakeup4ever
    luvmakeup4ever Posts: 60 Member
    I used bile salts to break down my fats because I had my gall bladder removed, after I started using them I did notice a substantial amount of weight loss. They are derived from an animal, if I'm not mistaken, an ox lol
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    I've used digestive enzymes when I started increasing my protein intake. They definitely helped the way my gut felt. I now keep them on hand for the times I eat red meat. I eat so much poultry, eggs, and fish now; so the red meat is just a bit harsher on the gut for digestion. Can't say I had any weight loss results, but health benefits...yes.
  • stacey5971
    I used bile salts to break down my fats because I had my gall bladder removed, after I started using them I did notice a substantial amount of weight loss. They are derived from an animal, if I'm not mistaken, an ox lol

    bile salts. hmmm. i wasnt sure what kind to get, but i also had my gall bladder out and that might help me. i have always had problems with my stomach and digestion, so something like this might help me.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I have started taking enzymes and a probiotic, as I was starting to get really bloated and (sorry for tmi) gassy, with all of the new foods in my diet. I was told that it had to do with the need / lack of proper digestion. I am glad I started- after a week, I am more um "regular" and feeling a lot more energy.

    Remember that you don't always have to take a supplement for these.. you can find both of these options in a lot of the healthy foods you eat. http://www.livestrong.com/article/26805-list-high-enzyme-foods/ & http://www.livestrong.com/article/528907-what-foods-can-be-eaten-instead-of-taking-probiotics/ are great (quick) articles. You may be getting just what you need. Of course also talk to your doctor if you think you are having problems with digestion.
  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member
    I take them before every meal and between meals. I have noticed huge benefits in my digestion and my workout recovery time since taking enzymes. Here is a short article on enzymes but you can do more research online. :-)

    Why are enzymes important?
    Enzymes are one of the most essential elements in our body. Enzymes are as important as the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat. Why is this? Enzymes are required for your body to function properly because without enzymes you wouldn't be able to breathe, swallow, drink, eat, or digest your food. To do all of these things, your body needs some help. You must have enzymes to help perform these tasks. Enzymes are an absolute necessity to live.

    Enzymes are your body's workers. They are responsible for constructing, synthesizing, carrying, dispensing, delivering, and eliminating the many ingredients and chemicals our body uses in its daily business of living. Your body makes enzymes. When you were young, you had an abundant supply of enzymes. You felt great. Your energy level seemed never ending. You had "enzymes to burn" which kept you running at tip top efficiency.

    As time goes by, you SLOWLY begin to lose this efficiency. For years you don't even notice the changes. But then you are less able to eat the spicy foods you love or less able to recover as quickly from the aches and pains of weekend sports. This reduced vitality and stamina can signal a weakened and compromised body.

    You’re running low on the enzymes you need to fuel your life. The process of depleting your enzymes is a slow one, and most likely you didn't notice your energy and vitality disappearing until one day something you once loved to do was suddenly too much work. You aren't getting too old to enjoy life, you are running out of enzymes that would ensure you the energy you need to enjoy life. You simply need to restore your enzyme potential.

    What is happening to our digestive enzymes?
    The reason we are running out of digestive enzymes is a LIFESTYLE PROBLEM. Our poor dietary habits, fast food obsessions, and excessive intake of fat and sugars, all require excessive amounts of enzymes to digest our foods. Stress kills and damages cells, resulting in our enzyme-making machinery having to work overtime to help rebuild and replace them. Environmental pollution causes cellular damage requiring ongoing assistance from enzymes just to maintain a healthy immune system. And time is a big factor. Time and the process of living uses up enzymes that must be replaced if we expect to retain the healthy active lifestyle we have grown accustomed to. Every one of these factors diminishes our body's capacity to act, to do, to feel the way we want to feel; and, as many reputable scientists will tell you, these factors may even shorten your life.

    ENZYMES are ESSENTIAL, but your enzyme potential is dropping. Many researchers now view the aging process and death itself as nothing more than an enzyme potential which has decreased to a level where the living organism can no longer be repaired and maintained in its existing environment.

    You may slow down this trend by fortifying your body with supplemental digestive enzymes. You can help minimize this inevitable downward spiral in your body's efficiency, a spiral created by a growing shortage of available enzymes.