I am going to commit to a work out program and wonder which one you would choose and why? any help would be appreciated.


  • MeganRhea_x
    MeganRhea_x Posts: 57 Member
    Insanity is pretty intense.. So deciding would depend on your fitness level as of now. I got through maybe 3/4 of insanity last year but I feel like I halfway did each workout because I could barely do all of the moves since I was basically a beginner. I dreaded working out everyday even though I felt better after I did it. But, if you are already on a good fitness level then I would say go for it! I've seen people have great results with it. It has a lot of cardio, jumping and plyometrics, and strength moves using your own body weight. I've only done one chalean extreme workout because it came with my TurboFire DVD set, but I actually just ordered chalean extreme to start in a few weeks. You use weights in CLX, but you also have a day of intense cardio. I see to stick with Chalene Johnson easier than with insanity because I feel like I don't have to be super fit to do the workouts she creates. If you're looking for something with mainly cardio, TurboFire is a great beach body program too! I'm on my 16th week and I love it. So I say just watch the infomercials and read some reviews and pick which workout would work best for you depending on what results you want and how fit you are! Hope this helps :)
  • ericachristie85
    ericachristie85 Posts: 69 Member
    I like to run, so I enjoy CLX as she provides a great beginner resistance program that allows me to fit in a few runs a week. Sometimes I do her cardio workouts and other times I run in their place. I have never done insanity, I have alot of issues with the high impact routines as I have back and knee issues. I'm currently doing the 30 day shred with low impact modifications. All the systems are great, P90X is a harder version of CLX. Whatever you choose make sure you record your reps, that really helps.
  • MommyofTwinies31
    MommyofTwinies31 Posts: 77 Member
    I have not done insanity but i have done ChaLean Extreme it is a great workout. I have completed it once and I almost done my 2nd round. I have lost 28 inches as of three weeks ago. I have also added some extra cardio in from TurboFire another great workout that I would recommend also.
  • I personally have not done any of the Chelean Extreme but I have done insanity. Made it through the entire 60 days although as MBooker7 said i only felt like i was doing half of it because i was not in a good place fitness wise. Insanity pushed me and I lost 38 lbs between when i started the program and when i ended it. The key with any workout is what you eat. You could work out every day but if you eat at McDonalds three meals a day you wont see results. If your knees are up for it and you have an hour each day you can set aside then go for INSANITY. But as MBOOKER7 said do your research. Im about to start the Insanity/P90X hybrid schedule today and cant wait.

    Good Luck.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Mmmmm ... Shaun T :) He is so nice to look at... I don't even mind that he yells at me, actually I like it -- A LOT!


    But I haven't tried ChaLean ... I am sure it is good too though:P
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    If you have ever had bad knees, I would not do Insanity, unless you feel like you won't hurt them. I did all of the moves in correct form and had to stop after 2 weeks because my knees were hurting too bad. Otherwise, it is an insane workout!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I just started ChaLEAN extreme last night actually... this is third time doing the program... i should have repeated the program months ago, but did some other stuff between.... felt good to be back at it... in the 30 mins, i burned 151 per my bodybugg and was sweating like crazy...and that was JUST the weights... not the cardio portions. I have to look again at the cardio she included to give you honest thouhts on that part ( i did turbojam/turbofire) for my cardio days instead...but I am sure it's pretty good as well. :) Really enjoy the program,...the emphasis is on weight training.

    As to Insanity... I have not done it myself ( bad knees :( ) but watching the infomercial and hearing people talk about it i know it is VERY intense. A lot of people DO swear by it though!!!! :)

    If you are considering something tough, but not THAT insane... maybe check out TurboFire.... it WILL kick your booty! Lots of High intensity intervals... but it;s also really FUN... with upbeat music that helps keep you going. :)
  • I am doing Insanity now, and you do at first kidn of look at the TV like "uhhhh" but you get into the routin after a week. Its awesome! But I do wanna try Chalean Ex.
  • mmimmi1
    mmimmi1 Posts: 49 Member
    I did Insanity first and then borrowed ChaLean to see if I like it and it seemed borring, but like it was said I dreaded every minute of Insanity ...actually I haven't been able to motivate myself to get back to it at all. Chalean is slow and controlled weight training, while Insanity is cardio interval training no weights, lots of jumping and high intensity moves.... 2 different workouts, they can't compare really. Hope this helps...
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Insanity is pretty intense.. So deciding would depend on your fitness level as of now. I got through maybe 3/4 of insanity last year but I feel like I halfway did each workout because I could barely do all of the moves since I was basically a beginner. I dreaded working out everyday even though I felt better after I did it. But, if you are already on a good fitness level then I would say go for it! I've seen people have great results with it. It has a lot of cardio, jumping and plyometrics, and strength moves using your own body weight. I've only done one chalean extreme workout because it came with my TurboFire DVD set, but I actually just ordered chalean extreme to start in a few weeks. You use weights in CLX, but you also have a day of intense cardio. I see to stick with Chalene Johnson easier than with insanity because I feel like I don't have to be super fit to do the workouts she creates. If you're looking for something with mainly cardio, TurboFire is a great beach body program too! I'm on my 16th week and I love it. So I say just watch the infomercials and read some reviews and pick which workout would work best for you depending on what results you want and how fit you are! Hope this helps :)

    How do you like Turbo Fire? I've considered it before, it looks fun!
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    All that has been said about both programs is true. I am currently doing a hybrid of Insanity and CLX and I LOVE IT! It definitely tests my mettle, but that is exactly why I push play everyday. I think Desiv2's advice is spot on. Good luck! :-)
  • garzapat1005
    garzapat1005 Posts: 25 Member
    I have done both programs and love them both, I did insanity about 6 weeks after having my last baby, mind you I worked out my before I got preg and the whole time during, if your looking to drop weight def insanity chalean other had is just as fab but I never noticed to much of weight loss but loss inches because it weight but the more you have the better the tighter your body will be so if weigh loss is ypu goal insanity, I could not walk the week my shins hurt so bad but I pushed through if muscle is what you want chalean! I am on my 3 round of chalean and I am doing the brazil butt with it!
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    Insanity is pretty intense.. So deciding would depend on your fitness level as of now. I got through maybe 3/4 of insanity last year but I feel like I halfway did each workout because I could barely do all of the moves since I was basically a beginner. I dreaded working out everyday even though I felt better after I did it. But, if you are already on a good fitness level then I would say go for it! I've seen people have great results with it. It has a lot of cardio, jumping and plyometrics, and strength moves using your own body weight. I've only done one chalean extreme workout because it came with my TurboFire DVD set, but I actually just ordered chalean extreme to start in a few weeks. You use weights in CLX, but you also have a day of intense cardio. I see to stick with Chalene Johnson easier than with insanity because I feel like I don't have to be super fit to do the workouts she creates. If you're looking for something with mainly cardio, TurboFire is a great beach body program too! I'm on my 16th week and I love it. So I say just watch the infomercials and read some reviews and pick which workout would work best for you depending on what results you want and how fit you are! Hope this helps :)

    How do you like Turbo Fire? I've considered it before, it looks fun!

    I have TurboFire as well--beachbody junkie that I am!-- and I love it too! Great music and of course, Chalene is so motivating. I always felt like I was at a party! It was a blast. However, I will be honest and say that I did not complete the program due to knee issues. Now that I am getting in better shape my knees do not hurt, but I decied to pick up with Insanity b/c it's 60 days...TF will be back soon!
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    if you have knee issues- I dont rec Insanity. It is hard and you dont wanna end up injuring ur self. I am carrying 35 extra lbs, and it put me out for 3 weeks.
  • MeganRhea_x
    MeganRhea_x Posts: 57 Member
    Insanity is pretty intense.. So deciding would depend on your fitness level as of now. I got through maybe 3/4 of insanity last year but I feel like I halfway did each workout because I could barely do all of the moves since I was basically a beginner. I dreaded working out everyday even though I felt better after I did it. But, if you are already on a good fitness level then I would say go for it! I've seen people have great results with it. It has a lot of cardio, jumping and plyometrics, and strength moves using your own body weight. I've only done one chalean extreme workout because it came with my TurboFire DVD set, but I actually just ordered chalean extreme to start in a few weeks. You use weights in CLX, but you also have a day of intense cardio. I see to stick with Chalene Johnson easier than with insanity because I feel like I don't have to be super fit to do the workouts she creates. If you're looking for something with mainly cardio, TurboFire is a great beach body program too! I'm on my 16th week and I love it. So I say just watch the infomercials and read some reviews and pick which workout would work best for you depending on what results you want and how fit you are! Hope this helps :)

    How do you like Turbo Fire? I've considered it before, it looks fun!

    I LOVE it! It's so much fun and I never dread working out which is what I usually have trouble with. I burn 400+ calories with most of the cardio workouts. I'd recommend it to anyone.
  • Jojodanz
    Jojodanz Posts: 2 Member
    I havn't done CLX but I did Insanity for 9 weeks. I started out doing 10 min warm for 2wks and lose weight just doing that.Then I watch all of the dvds to see how i could modify some of the exercises I too have knee issues. Remember everyone is at different fitness levels if u watch videos even the best of them had to take a break.Dont try to keep up with people in video do YOUR BEST and out do OURSELF!!!! You have to pace yourself and do what u can and by the end of the first month "your be in it" you will not want to quit.When I finished insanity my knees felt better because I didnt over do it and listened to MY body and I never skipped the warm-up or cool down which are the most important to prevent injury.A lot of the exercises strengthen my quads, hamstrings and calf which took the pressure off your knees.While I was doing Insanity I didnt do any other exercise it had enough cardio,plyo,yoga and strengthing in one package.I just started my 2nd round of Insanity last week. You might want to try Julian Michaels Ripped in 30 days.
  • shirin8
    shirin8 Posts: 51 Member
    I've done Insanity and am midway through a Chalean Extreme/Insanity hybrid right now (month 2). It depends on what you're looking to do--CLX (Chalean) is more strength based/lifting while Insanity is cardio/HIIT (high intensity interval training) and body resistance. They are both outstanding programs but Insanity is more intense and harder on your joints. If you are willing to commit and check your form, I would suggest Insanity--it is truly transformative. Good luck, you can't go wrong!
  • DanielleHodgins
    DanielleHodgins Posts: 22 Member
    It definitely depends on your goals. Insanity is a Max Cardio Interval at high intensity athletes type of extremely challenging workout program and ChaLean Extreme is Strength Training, muscle building and endurance workout program with few cardio days. Both come with complete meal plans and schedules and you can lose weight and build muscle with both - it just really depends on your goals and what works for you. Both have moves that can be modified to work for any fitness level. I personally am a fan of Chalene Johnson's style and love CLX and Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam, but Shaun T. is phenomenal as well...and easy on the eyes :~} Whatever you decide - just stick with it! Good luck!
  • I haven't tried Chalean Extreme but I just started doing the Insanity program. I find it to be very challenging and I probably wouldn't recommend it to someone who is just a beginner. The last program that I completed was a 90 day program called Body Revolution by Jillian Michaels. I also found that challenging but I am finding that the Insanity program is more intense and I find myself having to motivate myself to exercise because it is difficult. But I think with any program, you get stronger each time and it is personally rewarding when you do something that you didn't think was possible. I say give it a try! :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I've played around with just about all of these (except ChaLEAN).

    Insanity - Requires no equipment except yourself (and a pause button!). I honestly couldn't really finish most of the workouts. I'd get to a point about 30-45 minutes in that my breaks to catch my breath were making the workout ineffective. This is one of the workout plans at the top of the stack. They're excellent for cardio and heavy on plyometrics. The heavier you are the more difficult most of it will be.

    P90X - You'll need a chair or two, various weights (bands can do in a pinch) and a pull-up bar. This series is more muscular than cardiovascular. You will get tired of pushups, and then you'll get good at pushups. You'll also end up building muscle as you lose fat. It will probably be deceptive, but it will work if you stick with it. I would suggest starting with this one. Eventually I got to the point of going on a light jog after the more muscle intense days. The yoga disk almost made me cry. The Kenpo disk was the most fun.

    TurboFire - You need nothing but yourself and a whole lot of coordination. When I looked at TurboFire I had already done most of the P90X and Insanity workouts and while everything that was incorporated in TurboFire I'd seen before I simply don't have the coordination to follow the incredibly rapid exercise changes. It reminds me of old school hardcore aerobics classes. She didn't do more than four reps of any exercise that I could see. By the time I'd figured out what she was doing it was over and she was doing something else. I quit after five minutes of complete confusion. Unless you're really good at coordinated aerobics I would suggest you pass.

    Supreme 90 Day - Yoga ball, weights, a chair and I think that's it. This is the only one I've played with that wasn't a Beach Body series. It's not bad. It's only 30-60 minutes at a stretch. It'll give you a good sweat without killing you or consuming too much of your day. It's not the most intense, but it is definitely something you should add to your rotation (if you're doing multiple series). The yoga ball day and tabata inferno days will show you what muscle groups you need to work on. And the best part is you can pick it up for $20 at Wal-Mart.

    This is just my personal experience with these routines, but I hope it helps.

    (ChaLEAN - I have yet to play with this one. However I intend to give it a shot.)