Has anyone ever heard of loosing weight while pregant?

My Daughter just turned 2 last weekend... We had lots of kids over for her party and we loved the idea of giving our daughter alittle sister or brother. Anyway My first pregnacy i gained 100lbs!!!!!!!!! I think part of it was the fact that i quit smoking cold turkey and i wasnt moving very much... Anyway so Since the birth of my daughter i've lost 50lbs. Now i would love to loose another 20 before getting pregnant but im just scared that while im pregant im going to gain everything back. Im going to try my hardest to contuine walking every other night and eating healthy. But has anyone ever heard of someone loosing weight while being pregnant ??


  • jumpyjavajawa
    jumpyjavajawa Posts: 36 Member
    You shouldn't actively try to loose weight while pregnant, but you can eat super healthy and keep up whatever exercise routine you're already doing.
    Morning sickness helps some women (lol) and growing the baby in general takes a lot of energy so if you're eating right your body will dip into those existing stores.

    I had GD and I still only gained 10 pounds in the end and was 15 pounds down from my pre-preg weight 2 weeks after kiddo was born. It took a lot of work to maintain my medical condition and pregnancy but it was worth it in the end to have a perfectly healthy baby girl and the bonus of having lost weight!

    Remember you don't need to add extra cals to your diet until 2nd trimester and it's only 300 extra! About 450 in the 3rd.
    Stick to healthy maintenance cal level, keep up exercise and add your extra cals when the time is right.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I don't think that's possible. I lost weight for the first 3 months because I couldn't keep ANYTHING down, but there's stuff building in there that you can't control!!

    However, you can be on a monitored diet that will help you not gain excess weight. And you can continue to be active physically and stay in shape.

    Good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lost 20, but not on purpose.
  • jsjaclark
    I continued working out through both of my pregnancies and ended up back to my prepregnancy weight within weeks of delivery. Just discuss with your doctor and make sure that you continue healthy eating. I did lose a few pounds in the first few months of being pregnant but I wasn't trying to.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i read something a while back about how they have changed their mind about this, but it all depends on your body fat percentage. I know i only gained 6 lbs with my middle daughter and she was and is extremely healthy. (now 10 years old) And was 7.13# at birth.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    I lost 20 lbs my first pregnancy but not on purpose, due to nausea I couldnt stomach much foods. You're not supposed to try to lose weight .. depending on your beginning weight there's certain recommendations, I gained a total of 12 pounds with twins my first pregnancy after losing the 20 and they were both perfectly healthy. my second pregnancy i gained about 30 back of what i had lost on mfp. I'd say just eat healthy make smart food choices and continue after your pregnancy =)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I tried to watch what I ate whilst pregnant but I still managed to gain 22kgs (I'm not sure what that works out to be in pounds). It was only 2-4kgs under what I gained with my 1st pregnancy but I was a lot heavier when pregnant with the 1st.

    My bubs is now 16days old & from the day I went in to have her I've dropped 9.4kgs & that wasn't just from having her (I weighed myself the next day at the hospital & I barely had dropped any weight! Think I was full of fluid still).

    What will be will be - don't sweat it too much. Easier said than done, I know! I stressed about it most of the time but it didn't do me any good in the end.

    Good luck :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I've read that if you are obese its safe to only gain 5-15 lbs while pregnant - which means in a way you ARE losing weight, because the baby and fluid and what not weighs more than that.

    But your doctor will tell you - I think they don't let you actually LOSE weight while preggo though. Dieting is stressful and stressing your body while pregnant is a bad idea.

    Anyhow - you won't regain all that weight, because you won't let yourself gain 100 lbs again (and your doctor at that time should be fired for not yelling at you when you gained that much, any decent obgyn should have been monitoring your gain). (unless, you had some kind of complication?)
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    I lost with every pregnancy not on purpose but being sick and eating healthy saw the dr lots more frequently than usual but all were healthy and so was I
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    yes. my sister is doing it, but she is obese and I think it is safer to lose whilst pregnant if you have the resources so to speak, that you body can continue to lose weight. Though her dr didn't want her to lose more than 5lbs a month of something like that.
  • ericag128
    ericag128 Posts: 21 Member
    I lost 7 pounds while I was pregnant. But I didn't try just couldn't eat much.
  • Bigmomma0u812
    I lost a few pounds toward the end of my pregnancy. I had gestational diabetes though and I was eating extremely healthy. I gained a total of 9 lbs and then lost 3 or 4 at the end and my daughter weighed 7lbs so really I didn't gain much but my belly sure did balloon out there to new heights. ( I was really heavy though, not recommended).
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    Firstly, talk to your doctor!

    Secondly, eat very healthy, consume a reasonable number of calories, and you shouldn't gain or lose very much.

    The biggest mistake women make is "I'm eating for TWO!" Because no one should ever gain 50 pounds to push out a 6 pound baby. I'm sorry, but that's just disturbing.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    i read something a while back about how they have changed their mind about this, but it all depends on your body fat percentage.


    I know of women in Australia who have been told by their Doctors that they need to lose weight as the BMI was too high & some rural hospitals won't take women at their hospitals to have babies if they are too overweight.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    When I was pregnant with my oldest (now 18 yrs old) I actually went into labor weighing 4lbs LESS than I did when I got pregnant. He was 9lbs 12 oz and I was losing body weight the entire time. I did a lot of vomiting, had appts every 2 weeks from the get-go because I was not gaining weight but he was perfectly fine and healthy. Of course I did this unintentionally, but I still lost weight during pregnancy....
  • NicoleR1980
    NicoleR1980 Posts: 66 Member
    It is possible i did it with my second pregnancy docs kept close weekly appointments but was worth it:happy:
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Ask your doctor before you get pregnant and follow their advice.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    If you are extremely obese, then it can happen, but if you aren't a lot overweight, it shouldn't happen. I lost about 10 lbs while pregnant with my 2nd DD, and I was more than 100 lbs overweight before getting pregnant. I adopted a much healthier lifestyle, and I would get sick if I ate just a little past the point of full, and this lasted through the whole pregnancy. I ended up gaining about 20 lbs AFTER she was born, though, when I was breastfeeding, because I couldn't seem to get enough food.

    With my first DD, I wanted to limit my gain, because I was about 60 lbs overweight, and for the most part I did, but then I ballooned up at the end and gained 40 lbs total. Three months after she was born, I was down over 60lbs without much effort at all, unfortunately over the next few years I gained it all back and then some.

    I guess my point is that it's great to eat healthy and try to be healthy while pregnant, but don't hope to lose weight or even maintain and have miraculous results after birth. There's no need whatsoever to go all out and start eating crazy while pregnant. I think that if you are 50 lbs overweight, eating at a maintenance level would be fine. There's been some research that overweight/obese individuals don't necessarily need the few hundred extra calories that normal weight women do.
  • Dark_amethyst
    Dark_amethyst Posts: 20 Member
    Talk to your doctor but I do know that you don't have to gain any weight during pregnancy but as long the baby is growing and you are getting the nutrients you both need you should be fine.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I only gained 15 lbs while pregnant and was back to my beginning weight within few weeks after delivery. I was however over 200 lbs and OB sent me to a nutritionist to have a healthy diet while being pregnant. As I recall she had me on an 1800 cal diet (22 years ago).