Anyone needing to lose over 100 pounds?



  • scrdofbugs
    scrdofbugs Posts: 37 Member
    I am in the need to lose over 100 club. I started my journey in July after several failures. I made the changes and I am doing it. I am down 22.5 pounds. We all can do it!!!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Don't feel helpless or hopeless... I started out at 383 (!) several years ago and am now in the 180s (with 30 to go). If I can do it, ANYONE can do it. Hang in there, be consistent, and challenge yourself! I surprised myself the other day by setting out to jog a mile and wound up jogging a 5k in 32 minutes. YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • Darcy011
    Darcy011 Posts: 43 Member
    Definetely looking to lose over 100, its been a struggle. Feel free to add me
  • lucindasun
    I'm sure I could stand to lose 100lbs, I'd feel so much better if I could start by losing 60 and I'd be thrilled to lose 75. My knees are shot and I've had surgery on one already. Dragging my out of shape overweight body around post op on crutches was no pleasant in the least. 6 months off work and going to physio was a challenge to say the least. I found aquacise to be a god-send.
  • MandyJokl
    MandyJokl Posts: 26 Member
    I have lost 20 pounds but still have 120 to go. I am happy for anyone with large amounts to lose to add me so we can support each other.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Just an update on what is going on with me.

    Definitely need to lose over for 100lbs!! I was down to 317 but with getting sick in the last 4 months and being put on medication especially bc pills I gained all the weight I loss since January plus 30lbs. But since I have been following the Food Lovers Program I didn't gain all my inches back which is a good thing so I can still fit all my new clothes I brought although I wish they were a little looser. Anyway so I'm back to square since I had surgery last Tuesday and was discharge from the hospital on Friday. Started back to eating every 2-3 hours and walking on Saturday.

    Well, I had three wonderful days with the exception of today I woke up realizing my wound I had reopen, I know that's probably T.M.I. sorry in advance, but I ate this morning but that was my last meal until 5pm today cause I was in ER trying to figure out what's going on. The good news is it is not my fault that the wound open they said sometimes the fluid doesn't pick up the flow after you have surgery and it puddles in one spot so they had to drain and repack the wound, which is the bad news I have to get someone to do this twice a day. This is a very painful process but it needs to be done and it will delay my healing process and two weeks but TO GOD BE THE GLORY.

    I told the doctor that I had been walking for an hour on Sat. and Sun not yesterday because I didn't feel to good and did that cause the wound to reopen? They told me no, and then I asked if I could keep on walking for an hour everyday and she said that I can do that because just laying around will delay me getting healed longer.

    So even though I didn't get my meals in today, I refuse to accept defeat and am going to remain positive that I can still be active and start again at my next meal.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Add me! I lost 72 so far but I have more then a few more to go....
  • jcohio85
    I started wanting to lose 100. I am down 30 now, so I only need to lose 70 more, but please feel free to add me if you would like!
  • arodriguez6167
    I recently signed up to use this tool, I have about 170 lbs to lose, I am just taking it one day at a time, because its seems like an impossible goal.
  • HuntingS
    Praying for that sliver lining. I so much wanted to post a picture but I have been running from the camera for over 15 years and I used to model. I sincerely need your help and most of all your prayers. I have 140 lbs to lose and I know that I can do it with the help of a few good friends. Who was it that said "whatever the mind of man can conceive that he can achieve?" I have conceived it now I am ready to achieve it. Thanks for your prayers and your help.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I recently signed up to use this tool, I have about 170 lbs to lose, I am just taking it one day at a time, because its seems like an impossible goal.

    Set interim goals with interim rewards. I started at 309 and decided at 250 I'd go to Gettysburg and take the horseback tour (you have to weigh less than 250). I have a number of other goalposts along the way.

    Realize that this isn't a diet. Don't starve yourself. Don't try to go too fast. Because you need to go slowly and steadily to learn how to eat healthfully and how to get your body moving to be healthy and fit. And you will always need to know how to do it. It's just that someday you'll need to do it to maintain your healthy lifestyle. Now you're doing it to learn your healthy lifestyle.

    I figure it will be three years before I'm at a weight that is healthy for the long term. But every day so far has been a step toward being healthier, fitter, and happier with myself.
  • rainlover711
    rainlover711 Posts: 74 Member
    I used to hide from the camera too and beat myself up for my weight, but then I decided that the best way for me to get healthy was to start having better self esteem and to treat myself better, mentally and emotionally. It was hard, and is STILL hard. But i decided i needed to like myself at any and every weight.

    It actually has helped me to make a comittment to become healthier and to lose weight by creating better habits.

    I'm certainly not lecturing or preaching, I totally know how it feels to be overweight and all the guilt and self hate that comes with it.

    Anyway, i'm off of my soap box. Good luck to everyone!!
  • Sirxx99
    Surround yourself with people on the same journey and watch out for those who want to sabotage you. Take it day by day and in small goals by the time you look back you wont remember how you got there. Like others say it will be a long term commitment and will not happen over night. It will have to be a life style change. but when you are ready it is possible to make the change. You just have to want to.

    Remember there will be bumps in the road but It comes down to a simple question: what do you want out of life, and what are you willing to do to get it?
  • lavitaloca
    I actually need to lose a 183. So, ummm, yeah, you're not alone. :)
  • bkwhit1964
    Hi All,
    I have been a member on MFP since July, was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at the end of May so I have to make alot of lifestyle changes to prevent taking medications for my Diabetes in which I refuse to do, I am controlling it with my lifestyle changes at this time and would love to keep it that way. I too have over 100 more lb to lose, but thank God I have lost 50lbs since April. I would love to have some help and support, I will give all the help and support that I can give as well. It gets hard some days like this past weekend I did terrible, however I got back on the wagon today.
  • antanne
    I need to lose over 100 pounds, yikes! What a realization that is. I have been tracking my food and exercise for about 2 weeks or so and see where I have to cut out food (like snacking!) and concentrate on better choices. I used to watch what I ate very carefully and exercised. But that was another time in my life! I am now 64 years old but still feel pretty good and can walk at least 30 minutes. BUT it is getting harder and I am getting more out of shape. So yes, I will be your support - my niece and sister-in-law started with me and we support each other. But I will support you also! I still work 4 days a week and watch my grandkids on Fridays but this plan is pretty easy to follow and doesn't take much time. I have tried every diet and diet book there is and I know what to do, but I have to do it. It seems to be clicking now with tracking what I eat - I have read that all successful dieters track their food intake - even if it's just on a scrap of paper! So let's join forces and eat pray live together! My moniker is antanne!
  • sbenson1972
    I am a member of this club although I am 5 weeks in, "94#" aprox. left to go to goal weight :) Started my lifestyle change when I finally faced the fact of what was in my way of easy shoe tieing, toe touches on the mat for stretching exercises, etc was too much ME!! lol, that and turning 40 with high blood pressure. Learning so much as I go, try to read everything I can get my hands on, trying new recipes and foods, getting away from old comfort foods and bad habits(sitting on couch when I come home from work no more), and exercising even if it's a 20 min walk around the block with the dog. Hang in there!! So daunting at first, but this is a great community..have tried everything from sparkpeople to weight watchers and I get best motivation and feedback from here. Sure you will love it here as well!! Good luck again, look forward to being great friends :)
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    HEY NOW....everyone is beautiful on the outside as well....I took offence to that. Lots of peeps on this site have lost over 100 pounds, myself's a tough tough journey but oh so worth it.
    It's 90 percent emotional work through your *kitten*.....
    Good luck everyone.
  • nineteen70nine
    Hey guys, my name is Amanda and I am finally going to do something about being miserable and unhappy. I have two awesome little twin girls and I want to be able to be there for them every single moment. I also have so much confidence waiting to come out. I am a photographer and hope to one day, be able to get a picture of myself that includes more than just my face. I need to lose 160 pounds to be in a healthy range weight. Any tips or words of inspiration needed! I went to the store today and purchased tons of things for veggie/fruit/green smoothies and shakes. I start tomorrow!
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    HEY NOW....everyone is beautiful on the outside as well....I took offence to that. Lots of peeps on this site have lost over 100 pounds, myself's a tough tough journey but oh so worth it.
    It's 90 percent emotional work through your *kitten*.....
    Good luck everyone.