Plantar wart



  • bandsofblue
    bandsofblue Posts: 33 Member
    I actually had multiple plantar's warts on both my feet. There was so many, it was awful. I've recently started soaking them in apple cider vinegar, soap and warm water for 10 minutes a day. They got better real fast and now I only soak every other day and they're almost completely gone.
  • HayleyMcFadden
    HayleyMcFadden Posts: 8 Member
    I had one right in the middle of my heel for a number of years and nothing from the pharmacy worked. Earlier this year I went to the podiatrist who first scraped it back and then used liquid nitrogen on it. But you need a podiatrist who will make you suffer a little bit to make sure it gets all the way down into it. Sure it hurts for a day or two but then it's fine. I was told I might need to go back after a couple of weeks to get another treatment but luckily with the stuff at home and using sandpaper to get rid off all the dead skin it went away. Best thing I ever did!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Had one when I was 15...this is what I did...

    Every day after school I sat on my bed with an exacto knife and tweezers cutting and yanking chunks out of it. Ice cubes help with the pain. They are made up of clusters of little tubes, like fibers in celery so sometimes when you grab one and pull, it takes a chunk out about half an inch deep into your foot.
    Dump peroxide over it, bandage and try again tomorrow....
    After about 2 weeks of hacking at it, it just looked like a bloody hole with nothing abnormal in it. I covered it in peroxide, closed it with steri-strips, and waited.
    2 weeks later...not even a scar....can't even tell now where it was...

    yeah, I was

    we were poor and I didn't want to tell my mom because she would have insisted we go to the doctor and I didn't want to make her pay for it...
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    duct tape works very well! Freezing them off can take quite a few treatments and be quite painful. Duct tape takes a while but it doesn't hurt! They are a virus, so they will eventually go away
  • zoegator
    zoegator Posts: 165 Member
    I got ELEVEN of them during my first year at University and I used Dr. Scholl's Plantar Wart removal adhesive bandages. They cost about $5 for a pack and because I went through them so quickly, I ended up buying I think three of them total?
    Anyway, they're great!
    In the end I had to get the bad ones frozen off by the Dr., but they said that I had done exactly as they would hope I would've.

    If it hasn't been bothering you for long, the OTC stuff should work just fine.

    Also, always wear socks!! Even after you get rid of them, you can transfer the virus.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I had mine frozen off at the doctor's office. Dr Scholls and duct tape didn't work. Duct tape may work for smaller ones because it's anti-fungal. And get em while they're small or else they spread and really dig in.

    One thing the doc said was, make sure you wear cotton socks, and don't just bleach them-- boil them. Only thing I could find was cotton/poly white workout socks. I got a ton and boiled them on the propane stove out back. That kept cross-contamination and re-infection down. Meanwhile it took 3 freezings to get the damn things off. (F*cking yoga studio...)
  • My Dr. told me the duct tape one and miraculously, it worked!
  • Bernabrook
    Bernabrook Posts: 19 Member
    thanks everyone
    i had it about a month and ut is really painful now
    i;m going to try the duct tape and hope i works, it is really effecting my ability to work out
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    Most derms wont burn them off because they say they will come back worse. They have a cream they can prescribe but it expensive. You can see if you can get a sample, put it on, follow it with duct tape and just repeat till it's gone. They take a while. I just got rid of 3 with the wart stick/duct tape method. Working on the last two - I had a lot! and they hurt too!
  • Trying to re-hash this topic. I have a very painful one on the outside bottom of my foot and is extremely painful. I am not so much looking for remedies because there are plenty on here. My issue is I am having difficulty just getting exercise period because of the pain. Any ideas of home exercises that can be done without the use of a foot (other than push ups and situps )? Any help would be appreciated b/c I am really trying to keep my momentum going until this thing is gone.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I had one for 6+ months.. the doc froze it, I froze it, duct tape, wart medicine..NOTHING and I mean nothing worked. I used to have to shave it down every couple days with a pumice stone because the pain got worse as it got bigger.. Then out of the blue it just started going away.

    The only thing I did different.. was start a new job where I had to wear socks and sneakers every day..not sure if that helped but it go away shortly after that.
  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    I got a bad case of them when I was about 10-11 from the public pool I think, anyways we used compound W (they have a special formula just for plantar warts that are like band-aids) and they were all gone in about 3-4 weeks. I never shaved them down but they were extremely painful for a while.