Anyone needing to lose over 100 pounds?



  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    It wasn't meant to being a heavy person for MANY years, I often look in the mirror and not see myself as beautiful, but when I look on the inside, I ALWAYS see beautiful...even when people only judge the outside. see the point...I for any reason would never put down others for the struggles we share. Sorry!
  • It appears that there are more of us out there than we think. I could use all of the help that I can get. I have just at 100 lbs to lose although my goal is at 90 lbs. I noticed that many of us have set our goals higher than they really should be. I'm sure that none of us want to settle but all of us feel that our goals are the minumum amount to lose. We can do this. I quit smoking on the 18th of June...on my own... cold turkey ... after 35 years of smoking. If I can do that then all of us can do this!!!!
  • caramelicious1
    caramelicious1 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in. I need to lose close to 100 pounds. I feel horible most of the time at the weight I am. I have very little energy. I need all the motivation and support I can get and am alos willing to give it. Also I need to get this diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and cholesterol under control. I truely am at the point of being sick of how I feel and look.
    I have gained weight, lost weight, and regained weight. Now it seems almost impossible to get it off. I know that God is with me in this battle as he has been with me in so many others. I just need to put forth more effort. Blessings and good health to everyone of us.:love:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm another and I've been around for a while.

    I'm about a quarter of the way into my journey to lose around two hundred.

    I can be quiet at times, but I'm pretty consistent at posting and logging, so if anyone wants to friend me, they're more than welcome to.
  • Hey. I'm 110 lbs overweight. I gained most of it in less than 3 years. I am trying to lose weight myself but have no support. I have 3 small kids ( all in Elementary), I have 4 dogs, 2 cats, and a garter snake. I also have a super tiny rabbitry in the back yard. My pets keep me busy! I don't know how this weight got on me. I was a size 5 and now a size 20 womens! I feel like a balloon that someone blew up and started kicking around. I would love for some support. Mostly what I need is for someone to say, "hey! Go walk the dogs!" or "why did you eat the second sandwich when you were full?". For some odd reason that is what works for me. Anyone who wants to yell at me, please add me!
  • I just joined this site today when I decided that I was tired of not being able to walk to classes or up a few flights of stairs comfortably. I would like to lose 160 pounds, but getting under 200 is my goal right now. Today was my first day with my new healthy choices, and this website is making it a lot easier. I'm glad to see many people who need to lose a lot of weight--I've joined websites in the past where most of the population seemed to be people who needed to loose under 50 pounds. It's disheartening to see people who think they're so "fat" when they only weigh 140 pounds. I'm excited to start this journey!
  • ajsolar_30
    ajsolar_30 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am looking to get serious myself and lose acutally definitely over 100lbs. I am 35 yrs old. I just weighted in today and I am almost 400lbs...Def not a proud moment for me BUT that is the last time I will see that number :-) Would love any friends or encouragement to help me in my journey...
  • I also need to lose over 100 pounds. When I first started this journey I was 300 pounds. I have done a couple biggest loser competitions and kinda lost focus as soon as I noticed results. This site has really helped me, I first thought it was simply a way to track how much I ate, little did I know there was this much help and support! I can not imagine doing this any other way! I would love to have this weight gone by now, but through my years of yo yo I have found slow and steady is better, and I have made lifestyle changes along the way. Yes, I have good days and bad, but I try to learn from the bad, and continue the good!
  • Musicdaddy1
    Musicdaddy1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 130 lbs so far (57 since i discovered myfitnesspal) but I still have about 140 to go. I am so thankful for this site! It has been a fantastic tool in increasing awareness of what i put in my body. My wife and son are also on here and have been successful as well. My son has lost 56 lbs and my wife about 26. We have been part of the myfitnesspal family for a little over three months and we've only just begun . All of you can do this too, just be faithful in putting down everything! THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY. It'll help keep you on the path and you will succeed!!!
  • I also have to lose over 100 pounds to be at my considered weight for my height.. I really want to lose the weight so i can be confident in my own skin because right now i don't feel that way.. i'm only starting soo hopefully within a few months i can see some changes!
  • Hello Everyone...
    Its nice to be able to sit here and know that I am not wasting my time telling people how embarrassed i am to be obese and need to loose over 100 lbs to feel better about my self! I would feel great if i lost 75 to bring me to 200...

    I do have a medical condition. i was born without a thyroid so that does play a role on my body. Its lazy and works hard to just function let alone burn off weight... so Its not a east task!!

    I have had two babies in the last 3 years so I have some extra fat hanging around I JUST HATE ..

    I am here to get any support , tips advice i can get!
    Please add me has your friend!!
  • I have way more than 100 to lose, but, 100 is my starting point. After finding out today that I have the beginnings of kidney damage as a result of diabetes, something has to give..... this time it's gonna be me. I didnt start out this way, once, there was a time I couldnt gain weight and since I overcame that problem, i am confident I can overcome this one.

    For me, it is not about being skinny... I just want to be healthy!
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Yep, me too -- add me if you like. 100 would take me to 130 -- at 5'4" that's on the higher side of a normal weight. I haven't been there since the 8th grade. I can't imagine it, but I'm working on it.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    hi I'm Laura. I'm on here every day because I am super serious about losing the weight and keeping it off this time. My starting weight was 330 but I've lost over 30 pounds and am proud to be 299 now. I vow not to go back to the 300's again. My goal weight is 160 so that is 170 lbs to lose. I'm calorie counting and doing LOTS of exercise. If you're serious about losing and dedicated to being on here for the long haul, feel free to add me.
  • Sueso47
    Sueso47 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Sue and I'm a gramma. The last time I lost 110 lbs. Well, it's snuck back up on me for various reasons even tho I've been trying my whole life. ...uh, I love food?...I have been journaling forevah, and especially like myfitnesspal for sure! I'm hoping you can help me and I can help you. Haven't throughly got this site (MB) down yet, not sure what I have to do.but will play it by ear. Weigh about 278 right now even tho my thingie says 274. Trying not to weigh in until I lose again..sheesh
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Does anyone else on here work out like crazy? I started slow but I'm up to 3 hours of cardio/6 days a wk and 30 mins of strength training 3x a week.
    My usual types of cardio include water aerobics, yoga, elliptical, rowing machine, spinning, cross-trainer machine, stair-stepper, treadmill, light hiking, and C-2-5K. I just started the C-2-5K, I'm on week 2. So far so good!
    Just wondering what everyone else is doing for fitness.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Yep, I'm currently 318 (heaviest was 328) and I'd like to ultimately get down to 200lbs. My short term goal right now is 299, so I've got 19lbs... I'm hoping to reach it before Halloween!

    Anyone in the same boat is free to add me!

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • wdwgirl3
    wdwgirl3 Posts: 36 Member
    count me in and add me as a friend.:) the last 4 years I have packed on the pounds( since I quit smoking) losing 100 pounds would be wonderful! I keep trying to tell myself if I can quit a pack a day habit that I had for 20 years, I can surely lose some weight! let's do this together! :)
  • Feel free to add me! Any of y'all can (:
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 175 Member
    It wasn't meant to being a heavy person for MANY years, I often look in the mirror and not see myself as beautiful, but when I look on the inside, I ALWAYS see beautiful...even when people only judge the outside. see the point...I for any reason would never put down others for the struggles we share. Sorry!

    But you are beautiful even if you don't see it really are!