
This just stems from my curiosity :)
How tall are you?
How much do you weight?
How much do you want to weight?
How many calories do you eat a day?
Do you eat back exercise calories?
If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for YOU?

Around 1300... Just bumped it up from1200
Yes I am and not so good :/ and knowing that people look at my food diary because I don't want to disappoint. .


  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    6ft 2

    210 pounds.. ish




    Going awwwright. Lowered my carbs and increased protein :)
  • hellotherecupcake
    I'm happy with my weight. I just want to be healthier/stronger.
    I'm not sure because I don't track often. -_-
    I'm not sure. I also don't track calories burned.
  • AmberMarie09
    AmberMarie09 Posts: 70 Member
    I am 5'2"
    I weigh 192.8
    I want to weigh 135
    I am on a 1440 calorie diet
    I eat when i am hungry. I refuse to starve myself. So sometimes i eat them back and sometimes i dont
    Portion size and exercise works best for me-- and of course healthy weight loss
  • mh569
    mh569 Posts: 41
    I am 5'7"
    I weigh 165
    I want to weigh 150 (Or less, depending on what it's like at that point)
    I never eat more than 1450 calories/day
    I avoid eating back calories.
    Trying to lose fat, doing pretty well I think! My Doctor just told me I actually need more fat in my diet, so wouldn't you know it? Walnuts and milk for me, thanks...
    What works really well for me is pre planning my meals and snacks. I pack breakfast and lunch with my snacks for the day and pre make my dinner so that when I get home it's all ready for me. No work, no fuss!
    I like to bike EVERYWHERE. As much as I can, and walking. Taking the dogs to the park and planning gym times when I am at school as they have a gym I can use there.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weight?
    How much do you want to weight?
    How many calories do you eat a day?
    Do you eat back exercise calories?
    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for YOU?

    Calorie reduction with higher protein and taking it slowly has worked for me.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    How tall are you?

    How much do you weight?

    How much do you want to weight?
    around 115-120lbs

    How many calories do you eat a day?
    I usually net around 1400

    Do you eat back exercise calories?
    eat most if not all of them.

    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for YOU?
    Yup, and it's going great so far. I started at 140 and lost 5lbs on my own and 4 so far with MFP since starting a month ago. Recording everything I eat is really helping me, I try to prelog everything the night before it helps me make better choices.
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    5'2 tall
    weigh 71 KG would like to be 58 KG
    1200-1300 cal a day
    I eat back some of my exercise calories.
  • taytaylynn3
    How tall are you? 5'5
    How much do you weigh? 120
    How much do you want to weigh? 110
    Do you eat back exercise calories? Sometimes
    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for you? I do a lot of cardio, not great at losing fat but it's going okay.

    If similar weigh goals add me!!
  • geogie54
    193 lbs.
    165 lbs
    1250-1350 no
    yes so-so
    food dairy
  • APawli1224
    APawli1224 Posts: 80 Member
    How tall are you? 5'8
    How much do you weight? 268
    How much do you want to weight? 180-150
    How many calories do you eat a day? 1200-1500
    Do you eat back exercise calories? Nope
    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? Lost 42lbs already have a minimum of 98 left to go
    And what works best for YOU? Exercise and eating correctly with a water fast every 3 months seems to be working well besides the month and a half I took off which messed up my 100lbs in a year goal but I maintained and that is fine too as long as I am not losing to quick/yo-yoing
  • jadeleannekann
    jadeleannekann Posts: 1 Member
    How tall are you? 5'1
    How much do you weigh? 170
    How much do you want to weigh? 120
    Do you eat back exercise calories? No
    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for you? yes, not sure yet. cardio for sure
  • JamieDeBree
    JamieDeBree Posts: 15 Member
    How tall are you? 5' 5"

    How much do you weigh? 161

    How much do you want to weigh? 135-140 (up to 145 muscled)

    How many calories do you eat a day? 1320 net, between 1450-1550 total with exercise cals depending on the day.

    Do you eat back exercise calories? Yep.

    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for YOU?

    Yes, I'm burning fat. It's going well, overall. I've lost nearly 30 lbs this year (22 since I started using MFP). Taking a day off between workouts and staggering cardio w/resistance training works best for me (along with a quick 10 minute yoga/core workout every morning). Lowering carbs from breads, pastas, refined sugars, etc has also helped (I eat lots of fruit/fats for fuel instead). Raising the fiber in my diet has helped a lot too, even though it takes up a lot of calories.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Start weight: 204
    CW: 141
    Current GW: 137
    Calories per day between 1700-2000
    I always aim to eat back my exercise calories... Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. I never intentionally eat below my BMR of 1350 calories.
    I went from a high BF of over 45% to about 24- 27%, depending on what device I go by, my BF scale (higher number) or the handheld device at my gym (lower). My BF goal is to get into the fitness category and be about 23%. With that said I'd like to loose about 3% more body at... While gaining muscle mass. I think it's going well!

    The thing that works well has been to increase my weight lifting... Lifting hard and heavy.. And decreasing my cardio. I still do cardio most days but went from doing 60+ minutes most days to 2-3 times/week doing only 20-30 minutes and 2-3 days doing 60+/- minutes of cardio. I do a lot of variety in my work outs from boot camps, to spinning, to pilates, to heav weights, to trail running, etc.. Also increasing my protein and eating all my exercise calories back... Focusing on a healthy diet/nutrition, not just calories. Logging my food daily and holding myself accountable.
  • wwwdots
    im 5,2
    i weight 130-135 i think
    i want to go back to 90-100s,
    i eat calory from 800-1500
    yea i eat back excersized calory or just eat when ever
    i just started this, i really dont like drinking water with out flavor so i drink coffe with 1 tea spoon of surgar, i walk to bus station everyday average of 30 min walk.
  • mwesolo3
    How tall are you?

    How much do you weight?
    156.4 lbs

    How much do you want to weight?
    135 lbs

    How many calories do you eat a day?
    Best guess would be around 1600

    Do you eat back exercise calories?
    Some, but definitely not all.

    If you are trying to lose fat, how is that going for you? And what works best for YOU?
    Just starting, but feeling really motivated at the moment. Thus far, it's going well. In the past, having a buddy to work out with has worked best for me. Knowing that someone is meeting me at the gym motivates me to go. I don't want to be late and I definitely do not want to leave my friend alone.
    As far as food choices go, the days that I work out I find I do not have a taste for junk foods. I think I subconsciously want to make better choices to not undo my hard work.