Ready to Start

I have been using this site for a little while now, but have not ventured into the social side. I am seriously trying to make healthier life changes and could use some friends who can help me do that. I find I do better if I am held accountable and as of now, I really have no support system. I am always looking for workout buddies too!! My schedule is absurd, but I do try to make time. I look forward to meeting new people and making new friends :smile:


  • kikamckee
    Good Luck!!
  • 2ndbubba12
    Hello, Im pretty much the same as you, Ive been on here a while but Ive been on and off and not gone to the social side of it. Good luck x
  • candctaber
    Best of luck to you all! I would not have done as well as I have without my MFP family!