People with big weight loss...weigh more at smaller sizes?



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think you could line up a dozen women who wear a size 8 Brand X jean who are all 5'8" tall and see a dozen different body shapes and a dozen different weights. My size 8's fit perfect (no need for the 1% spandex in them) with about an extra 1/2 inch in the waist.. I have one style of jeans that is a size 6 that fits exactly the same.. but I am calling myself a size 8 to start - generally fits but may need to go up one size or down one size.

    I have a doctor certified small frame -long thin bones but with really good bone density. Working on developing long lean muscles!
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I would also say muscle. Im bottom heavy but when I weighed 210 lbs at 5'6", I wore size 14 misses jeans and size M tops. Since I'm bottom heavy, I tend to use jeans as a guideline.
  • I have no scientific answer but I have Always weighed more than I look....I wear a size 2 (size 4 designer) and I weigh 141 pounds now- and am 5'2". I barely do any strength training besides some sit ups once a week and some planks (I know I should do more...!)My best guess is that I am naturally muscular and/ or built it early in life by starting dance classes at a very young age. I even have a mini six pack poking through, lazy as I am now:) So yeah, it's gotta have something to do with muscle...
  • bibliophilic
    bibliophilic Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I know this is a fairly old thread, but I thought I'd answer anyway for people still reading it. When you gain a significant amount of weight, your body creates more lean mass (muscle) to support the extra load. Think about it- Your body has to find the strength to move your larger frame around, and that requires more energy to do even simple things like sitting down and standing up. This is a bit of an exaggerated example, but imagine you weigh 300 lbs & you are getting up off the couch- it's almost like you're doing a 300 lb squat! Obese people tend to have more lean mass (muscle) than regularly lean people. It's just difficult to see because that muscle is covered in layers of fluffy fat. Sure, you gained fat, but your body built extra muscle for you at the same time! Take advantage of this! Those people you see that lost a lot of weight but look trimmer than their equal-weighted counterparts look so great because they lost the weight the best way & preserved that lean muscle mass. Muscle is very dense. It takes up less space than the same amount of weight in fat. 5 lbs of fat is nearly 3 times the size of 5 lbs of muscle!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    My guess would be that to lose that much weight, they probably had to put on quite a bit of muscle in the process. I have seen many comparisons between people who lift weights and those who don't. the ones who lift weights have quite a bit more muscle than those who don't but will weigh more with less volume. I hope that makes sense...

    This. People do often say i dont look like i weigh nearly 200 pounds. But when I had a dexa scan...i weighed 191 pounds at the time and 147 pounds was lean body mass. You have to remember when someone is bigger (i was 380 pounds) my body had to carry around 380 pounds,,,,,there is strength training there just in my then day to day life :) And trainers have always commented that I am much stronger then they expect :)