USDA disagrees with the box - who to trust?

Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
I'm trying to enter couscous that I had for lunch, and the box says 1 serve of 100g has 341 kcal / 1448 kj. Also, 11.3g proteing, 71g carbs and not much else. The ingredients are pure durum wheat semolina. Nothing else (just add hot water).

But USDA gives the calorie count for 100g as 112 calories. Just under 1/3 of the calories on the label!!

And it says there're only 23g of carbs - also just under 1/3 what the label says.

So am I eating 341 cal (71g carbs) or 1112 cals (23g carbs)???

The brand is Sapori Mediterranei, an Italian label. The info on the box is definitely not for a recipe or something other than straight up couscous.

Any ideas?
