Just that little extra boost...


I've actually been using this site on and off for months now, mostly for logging my food. I decided to check out the forums, also.

I'm a personal trainer in the UK, and sometimes I just need that little bit of extra accountability to make sure I stay on/get back on track.

Feel free to say hi!


  • MrsSnelly
    MrsSnelly Posts: 30 Member
    Hello! I am on again off again as well, mostly tracking calories and cardio exercise. I find myself eating better when I am consistently tracking, but it's hard to stick with the calorie goals. I like the forums and community groups since there are lots out there to help set goals and be accountable for them. I would love to know your tips and tricks as a trainer, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!
  • wendymol
    Hi. I just started using this program. I'm very happy with it and am absolutely being more accountable then before. I'm still not very motivated to exercise and time is limited, which is a significant factor. I recently had a life changing event and am very aware of my health and where I am headed unless I make changes. I find myself eating many more whole fruits and veggies because they're so much lower in calories than processed foods. I am hoping that I will get into a rhythm and the whole process will become second nature to me. I am looking for some delicious and interesting recipes--surprised how plentiful they are. I have found that a leisurely walk with my son or dog is comfortable for me and doable, but have only committed to 2 times a week and I know that isn't enough. It would be very nice to have others to go back and forth with here. Feel free to add me as a friend as well and we can exchange ideas. Thanks!
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! If you would like to be my friend I am happy to help on the accountability front. I know I always benifit from that! Add me if you like. :-)
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    Wendy, I truly think that finding your exercise programme is a combination of what you like to do with what you need to do. Don't worry about what you're not doing yet, focus on what you're getting done. Think of what other activities might be fun for you and your family and add them in when you're ready!
  • kje254
    Hello! I'll send you a request. I'm looking for motivational friends as well! Others are free to add me :)
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    Just wanted to let people know I am always here to help out people new to fitness/wellness/exercise - I know how daunting it can be! Feel free to add me :)