Looking for myfitnesspal friends for motivation

Hello! I am new to mfp, and am looking to make friends starting out on the journey to being healthy. I have just started this past week, and am looking for friends that will help share, guide and walk this path with me. I am looking forward to the journey!


  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    Good luck to you Sam. This place is a great place with alot of great people. You shouldn't have a hard time finding people here to help motivate you and keep you on track. Use all this site has to offer, and above all be honest with yourself, and it will work!
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member

    Welcome to mfp. I have been here for a little while and seriously since last August. This works very well for me and I still have a way to to go (about 25-30 lbs) but i"ve reached a point where the new habits are now ingrane in me and it's so much easier to follow and not fall off the wagon :) Not to mention also that I train with a personal trainer once in a while so he's not allowing me to take it easy (althought he's good at following my shape which was not great... I was so totally out of shape that it's a work in progress but I definitely know I"ll be there).

    I find it very nice to read other people's experience and very motivating as well.

    Good luck in your journey.... Sylvie.
  • johnmcfarm
    Hey Sam,

    You are at the beginning of a wonderful adventure...getting fit for life (I presume). That means you will enjoy life so much more by having more positive energy, better health, and just plain feeling good!

    Best of Luck,

  • cluden
    cluden Posts: 3
    Hi, I am a newbie too, I am desperate to lose the weight I put on whilst pregnant. My son is nearly 3 and I can't keep making excuses for not putting the effort in.

    I am hoping that counting calories will help to motivate me a bit more and I have signed up to run a marathon in May to help me get fit.

    Good luck and I look forward to hearing how you are doing.

  • sportsmomof2
    Welcome Aboard! You will certainly find LOTS of people who are encouraging and motivating around here! Check it out Im sure you will like what you find! Best of luck on your journey! You can do it!
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Welcome ,
    I totally agree with tayner, use everything you can on this site. There are a few people with real scientific knowledge. These posts are very helpful when you get frustrated with the "why' questions. Why am I doing this and my body is not doing that? type of thing. Very helpful and great motivation to keep going. Once you know the science behind it, you can keep doing it and wiat for results or change to improve your results.

    Also, I have gotten great feedback from quite a few people here who have been through the struggle for awhile now. They have lost and continue to loose a bunch of weight, VERY ,VERY helpful. I think of these ladies often , especially when I dont want to exercise. I hear them in my head, if they can do it then I can do it too. Their success keeps me on track.

    Remember to be 100% honest on your food diary. Log everything you eat, and that includes the couple bites of mac & cheese "just to taste" or "to take the edge off" those BLT's ( bites, licks & tastes) will add up quickly when you start paying attention.

    You'll be fine, just ask yourself everyday :
    "What do I REALLY want" you'll know the answer if your honest with yourself. Somedays the answer will be "I want to wear a size 10 again" and once in a blue moon your answer might be" I want a snickers bar" just make sure if you eat the snickers bar that you log it, and maybe try to eat the mini bite size first, see if that takes care of the urge. :blushing:
    Hopefully your desire for the size 10 ( my goal) is greater than the urge for the candy bar the majority of the time.

    Keep in mind this should be a healthy way of life and habits you will keep for a lifetime, not just until you loose the weight. So take it easy and learn new good habits.
    Good luck hope to see you around the boards.
  • pipedoctor
    Motivating post thanks! :smile:
  • adelheid
    Hi Sam,

    Good luck on reaching your goal! I joined only a few weeks ago but have found that the food journaling is very useful. The best thing is tracking the exercise and telling me how many calories I burned, it's very encouraging! Whenever you need support or if you're having an off day it's so helpful to log on and read some inspiring stories. Godd luck to you!
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I used sparkpeople in the past, and it got way too slow and time consuming!
    Excited to take the control again!
    2010=the year of me! I love my kids and husband, but I know I have to take care of ME to be the best mom and wife!