Protein snacks for work


Any body have any good ideas for cheapish, simple protein snacks? I'm struggling to get my protein upto 30%.

I've heard almonds are good, but there seem to be different types. Ground almonds have similar carb and protein ratios

I used to buy Herbalife protein bars as they were recommended by my gym, and I do love the taste of them, but they're too expensive to have long-term.

Any ideas welcome! I work in an office, and don't fancy baking my own protein bars... I'm not great at cooking!


  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Hard-boiled eggs.
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    i get the blue diamond dark chocolate mint dry-roasted almonds - 24 almonds in a service, 160 calories, 5g protein - taste like thin mint girl scout cookies - the bag at my grocery store is about $6, and there are usually at least 8 servings per bag.
  • low fat beef snack stick
    cottage cheese
    string cheese
  • Cpsnisi
    Cpsnisi Posts: 22 Member
    Boiled eggs
    Low fat cottage cheese
  • As I said I'm not great at cooking... do you peel the egg shell after hard boiling the egg?

    We have chickens so there are always eggs around :)

    These blanched almonds seem to have a higher protein count than carbs, but then they are high in fat, good fats though
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    bars aren't likely to help, unless you eat really high protein meals outside of work.

    Nuts suck...good luck catching up on the fat...

    beans, same as nuts, too many carbs

    (disclaimer right here...nuts and beans are good foods to have in a healthy diet. However, in a high protein diet you'll realize quickly that they are not great sources of protein. They are fat and carb sources, respectively)

    I personally have whey powder, casein powder, muscle milk (40% protein, basically a "meal replacement"), no sodium added canned fish, and some precooked chicken breast fajitas in the freezer.

    To reitterate, you'll have hell hitting 30% protein if you down 2 servings of nuts as your high protein snack.

    Bars typically are around 25% protein at they'd still put you behind on your macros leaving you with likely having to eat an almost pure protein source (chicken breast not cooked in oil for example) with a green vegetable or no side at all to "catch up" on your macros at one of your meals (assuming 3 squares with snacks model).
  • I struggle with this too. I don't eat protein shakes or bars as I'm not crazy about mysterious ingredients. I'll eat a banana, or a bit of cheese, but other than that I'm a bit stuck. Just try to have protein in my lunch and not really snack, but if anyone's got a better idea I'd love to hear it!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I take these to work almost every day:

    Special K Protein Meal Bar (my favorite is strawberry) for breakfast. They are $1 each at grocery store and 170 cals.
    Breakstone's cottage cheese doubles. fav is pineapple and apples & cinnamon, each has 100 cals
    Emerald cocoa roast almonds, the 100 calorie packs are perfect
    Chobani greek yogurt - this is my afternoon snack to power me thru my workout after work!
    beef jerky
    salads with lots of spinach and grilled chicken on top (easiest way to get a LOT of protein)
    low sodium lunch meat

    sometime's I'll have a protein shake (just protein powder and almond milk) after a workout if I need to get more calories/protein in.
  • They have them ready grocery store
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    Do you have a fridge at work? I eat a ton of fat free greek yogurt. At home I eat the plain kind with some added honey and fruit, but for an easy work snack, the flavored ones by Fage are pretty decent. My favorite is the apple cinnamon!
  • Yeah there is a fridge... although the last time I put a yoghurt in there it mysteriously disappeared!

    Thanks, cottage cheese on ryvita might be a go-er, as well as fat free greek yoghurt. I used to have that with my granola in the morning, but have switched to fat free natural yoghurt. Maybe time to switch back. Think I'll get some almonds as well though.

    I always tend to go for chicken as my main meat to get protein, but I don't have this everyday. I'd get sick of it.

    I'll have a look for fage yoghurt - are you based in UK - hopefully you are so I can get it!
    Thanks everyone
  • In Asda and Sainsburys I buy crudites with cheese and chive dip. They also have crudites with hummous but I don't like hummous. Both packs are about 100 calories and low carb and cost £1 each. I find them quite filling.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I make banana protein "muffins" only 125 cals each, 8g protein, 1g fat, 21g carbs

    I eat one before I run (for lunch) and one after lifting at the gym..

    The recipe is on my blog..
  • What are crudites?
  • suzmagana
    suzmagana Posts: 15 Member
    I keep tuna in my desk drawer. For those days that I didn't pack my lunch well, I have that to fall back on when I get hungry in afternoon.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    I make beef jerkey using a dehydrator and buy lean meat on sale. It makes a great protein snack.
  • Yeah tuna is good - I have tuna salad for lunch a few times a week. I love it!
  • aguilla112
    aguilla112 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd say hard-boiled eggs are good. But in my opinion, nothing is better than a quality protein powder, whether whey, egg, soy or hemp.
    I would honestly stay away from Muscle Milk, EAS (basically the stuff that you can find in the service station cooler).
    Optimum Nutrition is the best to me, but they do cost a bit more. Another good brand is Isopure. They tend to cut down on the sugar and fillers. GNC's Wheybolic brand is also pretty good, as well as's protein line.
    Hope this helps.
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 336 Member
    I have Nature Valley brand Protein bars that I keep in my desk.
    Muscle Milk is also good as it has 20-25g depending on if it's light or not.
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    Right now, at work, I am eating a "snack pack" bag of seapoint farms shelled edamame.

    90 cal, 8 carb, 2.5 fat, 8 protein for one serving (there are 2 servings in a bag)
