Have you ever been in "the slump"?

Ahhh, here I am again. Was back on track for a week and then Labor Day weekend hit and I ate everything in sight and then some. Now I don't want to workout again and I don't want to eat healthy again. It's been a battle like this for a couple months now. I get off track, drag myself back on again and get off track, drag myself back on again. It makes me wonder where I'm going from here? Is this where people get sick of fighting and just decide to slide back to not tracking calories and not exercising? Is the slump the cause of everyone's "giving up"? Am I suppose to keep fighting? Keep putting myself back on track? Does it get easier like it used to be? I'll have you know I was "slump free" for a solid 6 glorious months. I have 15 pounds left...just 15 pounds...SO MUCH LESS than the 57 I've already conquered.

Anyway, I don't know where to go from here. Do I give up or keep fighting? Do I keep putting myself back on track again every week? Is this gonna get easier again...ever? Oye ve.


  • EmilyJaneRigali
    1. absolutely, positively do NOT give up. keep on going.

    2. i had the SAME slump as 100% of everyone else on here has had too.

    I was 200 lbs, got down to 157, then sort of just hung around in limbo for a year, not trying too hard, but not messing up too much. then i started dating my bf and we ate out all the time. so i got back up to 186. from 186 it has been SUCH a struggle to get back into it. i've been on, off, on, off, on, off a bajillion times over the past year and a half. it's just a matter of using will power, pushing HARD, and training your mind and body to live healthy and not just sit and binge for days on end. i don't see my weight loss as "dieting," i'm changing my lifestyle so that i live healthy. exercise regularly.. even if it's just a long walk in the evening. plan hikes on weekends. i try not to sit and watch tv... if i have free time, i need to be doing something. don't buy junk food at the grocery. ever. that way IF you cheat, you'll have to go out and buy it, which tends to be a pain in the *kitten*. or if you stay in, your "binging" will be on a bunch of grapes or something. don't get me wrong... just 2 weeks ago i was "off" again... but i have begin to work on the emotional and mental aspect of my lifestyle change and i've noticed that i'm better able to stay on track. i need to be in the right mindset and you do too.

    just whatever you do... do NOT give up. that is the absolute opposite of what you want to do.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Yes! For most of August. I have been up and down about 2 pounds all month long. Not really feeling it. I have b/t 10 and 15 pounds left to go. I am not giving up, I've decided September will be better. Holdiay feasts are coming and i need to have this in hand before that! Don't give up.
  • davidjohnb17
    davidjohnb17 Posts: 36 Member
    I've done the whole off and on again thing so many times so I know what it's like. This time though i'm going to use that to keep me motivated. I know what it's like to lose weight them slump back into your old routine and put it all back on again. The frustration, the somewhat self loathing for undoing all your hard work and the daunting realization of having to do it again are this time going to remain at the front of my mind as a reason to keep going and not give up because I know i'll have to go through all the hardships again if I fail.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I have 7 pounds left to go. SEVEN! and am noticing I need much more motivation to work out. The eating is in check and I find I love love love low carb, with the exception of no beans in my salad and other minor things.. so thank god for that. but I am really lacking motivation in the working out. Just started ripped in 30 Sunday after finishing 30DS 2 weeks ago, and today is supposed to be day 3. (took my rest day monday) but I CANNOt get myself to do it.
  • absolutnonsense
    Same here, slumped to a hell.
    Been working different hours to usual and have found it tricky to find exercise times (I usually work nights and exercise in the mornings, but have had a couple of weeks of day shifts, so the outdoor gym is locked up by the time I get home)
    Have also had a bunch of days recently of spending all day making really decent food choices and then ruining it by having my whole calorie allowance in cider.

    Need a good hard kick in the pants. Was really hoping to be under 10 stone by end of August, but have been slumping good and hard instead, so probably not there a fortnight later. Haven't weighed myself yet (use scales at the boyfriend's house and he's been at mine instead the last couple of weeks)

    How d'you unslump?
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Baby steps. Give yourself attainable goals each day to get yourself back on track. And each day up those goals.

    Everyone falls off. It's apart of the process.

    Hang tight.
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member
    Stay on it... never... ever... ever give up!
    I have been in a slump for 2 months and gained almost half of what it took me 6 months to lose... Been slowly getting myself mentally refocused and I think I'm getting back there. I realized I need a goal date to look forward to. I hit my goal date and then I just nose dived off track.
    Please feel free to add me, I need some fresh support. :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Keep fighting! You've lost 57 and that is an awesome accomplishment! Everyone has better days and not great days. Let the better days win out! Stick with it!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Don't give up, stay focused. I'm sure everyone has had a similar slump, several times over. Sometimes you just need a mental break from tracking and measuring everything. Set a shorter term goal, and focus on that instead of the big picture.
  • izoom3
    izoom3 Posts: 56 Member
    Im working my way out of a slump right now. Do Not Give Up! The last time I gave up I gained almost 150 before I got my act together. This time I've been fighting the same 4 lbs for a month. And I will keep fighting those same 4 lbs again and again if it means I don't have to start all over again. I still have about 50 lbs to go and eventually I will get there.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Don't give up! 57 lbs. is awesome! You've come too far to let yourself slide backwards, so the only way to go is forward!

    We all go through times when emotionally, we're just tired of fighting. Our society is not conducive to discipline or any lasting happiness because it feeds the desire for instant gratification inside of us, which often is counterproductive and even destructive.

    Anything worth having, especially good health, is worth working for and waiting for, if necessary! Somehow, we've got to lose the focus on how we feel at the moment and pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and press on to the prize!

    You can do it!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Im currently pulling myself out of a slump. I am the master of rollercoaster dieting & that's why Im trying to lose 10 pounds AGAIN this year! Anyone can friend me for extra support!
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    My recent slump lasted the ENTIRE summer. 3 plus months. I am coming out the other side (I think! I hope!). Keep up the good work and get back on it ASAP.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I'm there right now, but I refuse to give up. It is just another challenge to accept and overcome! Think of it as a tiny speed bump.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I have been in this back and forth slump since July!!! ERGHHHHHHH. It is hard sometimes. I did the exact same thing on Labor Day weekend and now I'm having a hard time getting back to the gym.
  • shellicious777
    shellicious777 Posts: 48 Member
    And I thought I was queen of slumps. I just know I want this and eventually I'll get going full speed ahead again. Don't ever give up!!
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    Me too!! August has been a rough one for me to stay focused and 'committed'. No giving up though. I took yesterday as my kids went back to school as my fresh restart, too. I didn't slide too far, but definitely bounced within a couple of pounds.

    Here's to getting back to good routine, and keeping our healthy lifestyle a priority!
  • susiebear29
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!! I know exactly how you feel and I keep doing the exact same thing, but you can't give up now you've come so far you CAN do it!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    You just need to shlt or get off the pot............. hate to be blunt but the choice is yours. No, seriously.
  • alison0511
    You're so close to your goal!! I WISH I was 15 pounds from goal! Every time you wanna eat bad or skip your workout, think about those 15 pounds, and how bad you want it!! Then decide if it's worth it or not.

    Never give up, and never go back! Don't let yourself fall off the wagon for more than 1 day, and you won't be in a slump.