Worst roommate!



  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    I had one of those smelly roomate ugh... It was so bad that he would go in the shower and 'wash" but come out smeeling like wet dog. His GF at the time used to wait til he was out the car /house and spray everything he sat on with a flowery perfume. Which then made everything smell like flowery wet dog :grumble:
    How do you not shower eww. And Its not like we were quiet about it.. Plenty of us told him you stink go shower and USE SOAP.:huh: Now my 6yr old knows to use soap in the shower but I'm having to tell a grown man that. I was so glad when we moved and didnt take him with us. I felt like I could breath for the first time lol
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I had a roommate in college who I knew was trouble the second she moved in. I lived in a very small triple dorm and when her and her mom walked in, her mom talked about how "nice it was she was living with COMMONERS". This girl was from an EXTREMELY wealthy family and her dad was the president of a well known company in my area. I lived in kind of crappy dorms and this was apparently 'camping' for her. Her mom proceeded to set up her stuff across half of the room. Keep in mind this was a triple and room needed to be shared 3 ways. Anyways, she never EVER went to class. She was literally nocturnal, would sleep in till 5pm and then stay up and be ridiculously loud and vaccum at 3am. I partied a lot, but I also had class at 8am every single day so I didn't appreciate her being loud EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. She would also take our food and drinks but wouldn't share hers. I had the sinus infection from hell and she had NyQuil and I asked her for some, she just looked at me and told me she didn't like to share, so I had to walk a half hour to the Walgreens to get some. I even offered her some money for it. Yet she would eat entire boxes of my cereal, Easy Mac, Ramen, etc and never leave anything. Needless to say, I moved out of that hellhole within a month and a half. haha
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I think the worst roommate I had was my ex-friend from high school. We got along fine until she sold my favorite unicorn picture to our landlady. When asked why she did it, she said, "Because it's funny."
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    My college roommates. I'm an engineer, they were liberal arts. I had one week where I had 3 exams. Engineering exams are 1 hour, and 4 questions. And I wasn't doing so hot in strucutral steel design. Doing my last minute cram before the test I decide the hell with it and make myself some jack daniels on the rocks. I notice that the kitchen is filthy. The trash bag is full. So full it's been pulled out of the trash can, and a new bag put in which is almost full as well (hello - can't someone take out the full trash on the way out the door??). And it smells. No one could ever empty the dishwasher, instead they would just take out what they needed. The sink was full of dirty dishes - can't load the dishwasher cause it's still half full with clean stuff that no one can put away. There were no clean plates, silverware. Instead of cleaning up the kitchen and taking out the trash (which was full of paper plates and plastic silverware), the sink was full of dirty dishes and the trash was just piling up. I was pissed. Did my exam, came home, drank some more jack while I spent the rest of the evening thinking I'd surely failed my steel design class, and cleaning up the kitchen. Come to find out I got the second highest score in the class, and I was still the only person in my apartment who knew how to empty the dishwaser and take garbage to the dumpster. After that I said no more living with someone unless we are married.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Who ever is this dogs roommate is the worst.


    Mine would be my buddy while he was going through is divorce. he would get hammered and go through all the ranges of emotions. I would get him to drink more at that point just so he would pass out. so I guess that makes me a bad room mate too.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I let my one roommate wear my adorable Ralph Lauren jacket with the yellow hood (it was the nineties & it was sweet) one time, and he took that to mean who could wear it whenever he wanted to. I didn't mind that too much, but he would even leave it on when he got home & would go to the bathroom with it ON!!!!!!

    Plus, who would eat my chicken flavored Ramen noodles & replace them with beef & shrimp flavored (BALLS!).
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    She made her and her live in friend a whole roast dinner and left the washing up...

    ... for a full week o-o
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I never had a bad roommate so I'm betting that means it was ME. :D
  • lmtrevin77
    lmtrevin77 Posts: 68 Member
    An old roommate of mine was always going out and getting way too drunk. Then after the clubs would close, she would show up at our house with a bunch of random, drunk guys. My room didn't have a lock on the door so I couldn't go back to sleep because sometimes the guys would try to come in there. The next day she would claim to not remember any of what happened. Luckily, her brother moved in with us and I went to wake him up the first time she did it. He threw every single guy out and saved yelling at her until the morning. She never did it again!
  • lmtrevin77
    lmtrevin77 Posts: 68 Member
    I never had a bad roommate so I'm betting that means it was ME. :D

  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I had a roommate once who stole my underwear and used to get wiped on speed and then wake me up to say goodnight to her hamster...not a euphemism...an actual hamster.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    My "roommate" was the gf of a "friend" of mine. She did not pay rent, and did not even buy her own food (although she was anorexic, so at least her stealing my food wasn't terribly expensive). She also borrowed money and never repaid me. It was a studio apartment. One night I guess they thought I was asleep (or didn't care), and started having sex. I moved around in bed, then started talking to my cat who was in bed with me--they just kept going at it. She also never did her own dishes. Then there were all the dirty pictures of herself she posted online, that were taken around my stuff. One of my friends emailed me a link and was like "isn't that your cat?" Yeah, it was. My cat, and my stuff, was in the background of many of her homemade bondage porn photos.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    All my roommates seem pretty tame compared to these stories. The only negative was she slept a lot and so this made it difficult to do homework (these were military school barracks). The other was the opposite and would stay up until 3am either doing homework or talking to her boyfriend when we had formation the next morning at 545am :( For the most part they were both nice people, it is just hard to be best friends with someone you have to live with in such close quarters.
  • It's been almost 20 years, but my first roommate ran up our phone bill from long distance calls (before cell phones were the norm) to about $600, and moved out without paying the bill, which was in my name. I came home and saw all her stuff packed up, she said she'd pay the phone bill, she left for work. I glanced at an open box, and saw some of MY STUFF. So, I started looking through all her boxes, and found multiple pairs of my shoes, jewelry, cd's, clothes, and much more.

    My blood boils when I think about the B. Last I heard she has a really crappy life. Karma!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    My roommate, who was assigned to me by the school I taught at (long story there), had recently gotten divorced and had lost custody of her two young children. She ended up being an alcoholic. And a druggie. And massively in debt.

    One night I woke up to her having passed out in bed with a strange guy and her sleeve of her shirt had caught on fire from the lit candle next to her bed. No "thank you" to me who had put out the fire and saved her from what could have been a catastrophe. A month later a guy took a bat to my car in the middle of the night and smashed my windshield and headlights out bc he thought it was her car. No, she didnt' want to pay me back for the damage. She stole from me. Took my jewerly that I had inherited from my grandmother and pawned it.
    She drank a box of wine a day, brought home strange guys all the time, stole from me and them. I was scared to sleep some nights because I thought the house would burn down.

    One day my principal called me down to her office and told me to go home. A friend had seen my roommate moving my computer and TV into her car to sell. My principal had been nice enough to send me home in time to stop it.

    This woman only lived with me for 2 months, but it was the worst two months of my life. Thankfully she got arrested and thrown into jail (failure to pay child support).
  • I had a roommate in college that would "get it on" in her bed with me in the room. Not a huge problem but she had the top bunk.
  • I had a college roommate who would open all the windows and leave them all day, in the middle of winter. She wanted to "freshen" the house. Seven others living there, freezing our tushies off. We had bunkbeds, she slept below me., and would also set her alarm to the news, which would go off blaring about bombs going off in Iraq, at 6:30am. We had an unspoken deal that she would learn to wake up for it or I would reach down and yank that sucker out of the wall. Every weekday, waking up to a heart attack. Woo. Another gal would eat crushed garlic straight out of a jar she kept in the fridge. The smell was horrendous. But she let me use her coffee and french press. :-D

    Reading the rest of these, I feel bad about complaining.
  • TiffADee
    TiffADee Posts: 20 Member
    I had one roommate who had sleep terrors. Not her fault, I realize this. But i really think that's something you should tell someone you share a bedroom wall with, so when you wake up screaming at the top of your lungs at 2/3am, I know not to call 911. Just saying.
  • By far and large the worst roommate that I had was something that I had ended up working with. She was a mother of two but had custody of her minor brother due to his father not wanting him and their mother committing suicide. Her brother had some issues that the state didn't believe at first... until she pummeled the living daylights out of his face and then sent him to school that way! So around the time I lived with her she was going to court for that, and to fight for custody of the other two children from their respective fathers. She saw one of them on Wednesdays, one on Thursdays and both together every other weekend (I so feel for these children).

    She didn't clean and never had money to stock groceries in the house. I have no children (unless cats count) and certainly didn't way back when. Well, I ended up making sure that there was food for them. I'd help drive her to get them and the like at times. Mostly because she would close down the bar every night, sometimes bringing random (different) men back to the house! I ended up just bringing her home half the time because I didn't want the entire county having visited my home.

    It really got bad around the time she told me she was either going to kidnap her children and run away out of state or she'd have their father's killed. Ye-ah... that's when I knew that I had to get out. Messy is one thing, implicating me as an accomplice to murder is something entirely different.

    Funny how around the time I moved out she learned that she was pregnant again. Who would have guessed?
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I lived in a house with five guys in college, one was a schizophrenic so technically six guys. One of them was a stutterer who had blazing rows with his bisexual girlfriend because he thought she was hitting on me and another was a French Rastafarian who kept his chopped dried shrooms in the same cupboard as the spices....That was an interesting time!