Diet Pills...



  • shelbs2832
    Thank you
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    400 calories a day is not healthy at all. I really don't know how your managing to only consume that each day. 1200 calories should be the very least you consume each day. You should reconsider what your doctor has given you and start fresh with mfp and lose weight the healthy way. This will be a new healthy way of life for you, those pills and 400 calories a day certainly will not. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but I doubt you will get many positive replys.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    K you can all stop now.

    Here's a fun article about some quack who is prescribing this very regimen to his patients. Maybe this is the same dubious doctor that the OP is seeing... ?

    Bottom line is that once you're off the 'speed-no-eating' diet, the weight can come back. Truly losing weight is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

    Also, if you start a post talking about how awesome it is that you're starving yourself and popping amphetamine-based drugs to lose weight, you should probably expect that very few - if any - people will share your enthusiasm... even if you do beg people to not make "negative" comments.
  • shelbs2832
    Okay go ahead and bash if it makes you feel better about yourself. I would just like to point out though that its not something I'm doing permanantly and that I'm just doing it for a few months to get started losing weight.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    K you can all stop now.

    Not what you wanted to hear, OP?

    Going into a HEALTH forum and asking what people think of this crazy diet is no different than me going into a pregnancy board and bragging that I am 6 months pregnant and taking shots of jack Daniels and smoking a cig. You should have known.
  • willia123
    willia123 Posts: 60 Member
    How about trying to lose the old fashioned way? You know, with a lot of hard work and discipline. 400 cal a day? I am so sure.:huh:
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    K you can all stop now.

    Not what you wanted to hear, OP?

    Going into a HEALTH forum and asking what people think of this crazy diet is no different than me going into a pregnancy board and bragging that I am 6 months pregnant and taking shots of jack Daniels and smoking a cig. You should have known.

    Agree with this. Did you really expect positive comments. No one is bashing you to make themselves feel better. They are trying to tell you this is not the way to do it, even if you are only doing it to start.
  • shelbs2832
    Seriously everyone just stop.
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    Okay go ahead and bash if it makes you feel better about yourself. I would just like to point out though that its not something I'm doing permanantly and that I'm just doing it for a few months to get started losing weight.

    Theres no magic pill you need dedication and hard work
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm not going to judge or "bash", but the point is... no doctor I have ever know has EVER wanted to introduce a diet like this to their patients. Your body needs the nutrients. Even with vitamin supplements, your body will not get what it needs. I had a doctor once try to put me on 600 calories / day. Of course, that was a chiropractor, and my family doctor had me stop seeing him immediately. I found a new chiropractor.

    I know how it feels to have someone judge everything you do. So... I'm not trying to judge. I just hate to see anyone harm themselves -- especially at a "doctor's" advice. If you choose to stay on this diet, though.... I wish you luck. And please, please be careful.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Thread is being lock as it's getting out of control and don't want this to go further.
This discussion has been closed.