new to this

Hi, my name is Mary. I have such a terrible eating habit at night. I am hoping this will make me really be accountable in the evenings. Wish me luck!


  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member
    hi mary,

    good luck to you...this is a great place for support and motivation!! I wish you much success.

  • Good luck Mary! I love this website to track my exercise and foods I have eaten throughout the day. Good luck to you - you can do it!


  • You can do it Mary! I have already lost 8 pounds in my first week!
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Weight loss and getting a good night's sleep are tied together. Go to bed an hour earlier = less nighttime eating :)
  • Morfein
    Morfein Posts: 57 Member
    Good luck Mary! You can do it!
  • HI! Mary New or Old we are here for one another! An we all are in this Battle together... A Day at a time......:flowerforyou:
  • Good luck Mary!! You can do it!!
  • Hi Mary... try filling up on protein (protein shake, peanut, lean meats). Try not to eat 3 hours before going to bed and drink lots of water. Water keeps u full and will cut down on un- needed snacking. Also get rid of the unhealthy snacks and replace them with raw vegetables.

    Good luck
  • Inspired2run
    Inspired2run Posts: 74 Member
    You came to the right place - Welcome! You can do this!
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Mary, new to this as well. I was a terrible night time eater. I have found by eating healther, working out, I definitely don't snack like I use time at night as I am pretty full. I do however leave in my calories for a snack like popcorn. I have lost 12 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Tracking my calories has held me accountable and that's what I needed
  • Hi Mary, I am also new to this...I guess i set up a profile some years back but it never went no i just got done reading a very inspiring story about a lady that used this site to lose weight and so i thought i would try it again...good luck to us all, i look forward to getting the support i need and being very supportive to you all.