Knee Injury Help

Let me start by saying I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow to get a professional opinion. I was just curious if anyone ever experienced anything like this because I have no clue what's going on with me.

I have been running for about a month. Walking before that. I'm doing the C25K program. I went to week three yesterday. It was hard but I pushed myself hard. No pain or problems afterwards.

Woke up this morning with slight knee pain as the day went on it got worse. Now it's to the point I can't bear to put weight on it. It's killing me. Very stiff and hard to move. Sensitive to the touch. Swollen.

Anyone know a guess what it might be?


  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I have had something similar but not the swelling. I found that I have to go every other day with running now, not every day. In fact even biking and elliptical (supposed to be easy on joints) hurt me knees, I get more pain with elliptical/bike then running. I try to do strength the other days and drink joint juice :)

    Hope your doctor is helpful, mine were not.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I have no clue what is wrong. Go to the doctor.

    I can say that I overheard a professional trainer introduce someone to gym equipment a few times. Her speech went like this

    - I don't recommend that anyone over 40 run on a consistent basis. It will kill your knees. Anyone running for a long time, have knee and/or foot problems. I stopped running years ago. You can get as good of a workout by walking at a fast pace at an incline. If you do run, break it up. Do swimming, eliptical, stairs. If you run, watch your surface. Some outside surfaces are terrible. Use the best treadmills (meaning Woodway).
  • lcedmond
    Or...see a physical therapist/physiotherapist. Find one with an OCS - Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Get recommendations for good ones. Please consider those in Private Practice [local small business], not just the hospitals or chain clinics.

    Full Disclosure: I am married to a DPT.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Glad you're seeing a doc! That's hugely important. I'd hazard a guess that it sounds like bursitis, or a tendinitis, but good to get it checked out. Hope it's something a little rest will help!
    Pls follow up and let us know what the doc says!


    bum knees, over 40 and a runner.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Get yourself to a physical therapist/physiotherapist. Dr's, with the exception of orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine specialists, really don't have a lot of training on injuries - odds are you'll walk out of the office being told to follow rice - rest, ice, compression and elevation.