Looking for friends to lose weight with..

youngs Posts: 250 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Lisa and I live in WV. I am new to this site..I have tried several times to lose weight with some loss then falling off the wagon and gaining it all back plus more..I am really hoping that this is the key to my success I have only been on here for less than a week, but I love this site..I am just looking for some females to go through this with and to be a support system..If you would except me as your friend please send me a message..I find this site just amazing.. Good Luck to everyone on here with your goal weight loss...

Best of Luck,


  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Hi Lisa! Just joined the other day too! Thought it would be fun if all us "newbies" joined up and helped support eachother!
  • Count me in ladies.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    hi my name is kim, I just joined last week. Looking forward to support and laughs.
  • hi ive only been on the site about 2 weeks, i love it, i like keeping track of what im eating & the exercise im doing.

    i live in the UK.

    im trying to lose the weight ive gained in the last 3 years... since i moved in with my partner "contentment" weight my mum says but i want it gone.

    My goal is to lose around 38lbs preferably at least half of that by May.

    Start Weight: 178lbs
    Current Weight: 171lbs

  • Hi, joined 2 weeks ago and I love it. I've never calorie counted before and I love what it's teaching me about food and what exactly I'm eating. I'm really motivated at the moment but I definitely need friends to help me through the tougher moments! Nat x
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I just joined Sunday Would love to have diet buddies!
  • sh2010
    sh2010 Posts: 12
    I would love to have some more diet buddies, anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Hi Lisa and Ladies:

    I, too am new and desperate for change. I believe WE can do this with support from each other. Tired of failing this battle constantly!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • HI all! I am new too. I don't have too much to lose, but I am scared of the direction my weight is moving and I definitely need some motivation to eat better and exercise more. I think I have come to the right place!

    I am 40-years old, mom of two wonderful children (9 1/2 and 7) and I live in France.

    I am looking forward to heading out on this journey with lots of friends and lots of support. Good luck to everyone and may we all reach our goals!!

    Best -- Jen
  • Hi,
    I'm Magdaline. My friend got me on this site, she uses it and says its been quite helpful to her. I'm only going to be 20 but I have High cholesterol and know that If i dont get fit now I never will. I long to have a body that I can appreciate. I'd like to be online friends as a support system in any way I can. I want to make losing weight work for me too!
  • Hi! I'm pretty new too! I've been on for 10 days and trying to keep myself going! I am amazed at how much more I THINK before I eat something because I KNOW that I have to write it in here! I think it will be great to have people to encourage me to keep on!
    This site is wonderful!!!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    Today is my 10th day on this site, and i LOVE it!!
    I had already lost an inch from my stomach, and 3 lbs!
  • Hi :happy: My nae is Shikitia Jackson and I just signed up with this website. I gained 100lbs when i was pregnant. I have tried for 2 years to shed those pounds but it has been a struggle :sad: It is hard for me to stay motivated. I hate doing it alone is why it is hard for me to stay motivated. I am looking for ppl who want to lose weight and can help me stay on track and I will do the same. I am 21 year in Atlanta, GA.
  • bnfortune
    bnfortune Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Lisa count me in too, I think support is key in losing weight the more accountability the better. I want to lose about 60 lbs, I also do Weight Watchers but I have noticed the two sites are very comparable. I live in Florida, but anytime you need some support feel free to send me a message. Just remeber a quote my mother in law often tells me nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
  • I wanna have friends too. I was on this site before and quit partly I think cuz I didn't have friends. I just started again last week.
    Will you be my friend? LOL I feel like I am in grade school asking that.
  • Michelle923
    Michelle923 Posts: 28 Member
    Me too! I just joined two weeks ago and would love more diet buddies to share the pain! LOL
  • I just signed up on Monday but I have been eating better since 1/18. I'm doing well so far! I would like new friends though to keep me motivated.

    Won't you be my friend? :wink:
    FBSKTR Posts: 3
    Hi My name is Anthony, from Manchester i the UK. I started this 3 days ago, just eating salad anbd cucumber for snacks. I heard that cucumber is great for getting rid of excess weight, and yeah it seems to be working. Anyone else wanting to lose weight with me, ill be happy.

  • Hi Lisa, I am new to the site and I love it also. I started with weight watchers and I am following it to an extent. This is helpful because it does the calculating. I need to lose 100 lbs. I just started Zumba, a latin dance/aerobics/belly dancing class. It is so incredible and gives me such encouragement! I lost 6 lbs. last week before I started this site. Lots of fruits and veggies, lite cool whip and prayer!
  • You would be the first person I have talked to from France and I took French for 4 years in High school! I am new to the site also and wish you the best of luck. Lots of fruit and veggies, water and encouragement! My weight skyrocketed after I got married and I need to lose 100 lbs. !
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