postpartum moms wanted!!!!

I'm 6 weeks post partum and finally have been released to exercise and really start a new fitness plan....mostly per myself! Any postpartum moms want to join??? I'm willing to support and need the support too! I have 20lbs to lose from the little one and an extra 30lbs for a healthy bmi. I'm ready and have started my journey today.


  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    I'm 20 months post partum and am close to my fitness goals but I'll join. Good for you for starting early on! I waited until 4mpp lol
  • ashleyconstantine
    ashleyconstantine Posts: 73 Member
    My daughter was born July 6th! I'll join!
    I didn't listen about the 6weeks to wait until exercising.
    I started July 22, and am down 15 pounds...
    Luckily I lost all of my baby weight within a week of having her.
  • angelmma
    angelmma Posts: 33 Member
    I'll join too. My son is nearly 8 months. I put on nearly 4 stone when I was pregnant. Ive got another 7 pounds to lose. Although ideally I would love to lose 20lbs. I can't seem to get the weight off and it's annoying me haha :(
  • i will definitely join with you, im also 6 weeks postpartum and have just started my weight loss journey. i want to lose about 50 lbs to get down to a much healthier weight, and i'm aiming to lose at least 10 by the end of September (don't want to aim to high at first) don't know if I've lost any yet, but I definitely am feeling great and have loads more energy which is awsome!
  • JaeDeeCaterpillar
    JaeDeeCaterpillar Posts: 21 Member
    Do I still count as postpartum if my lil one will be 4 in December?? :tongue:
  • Do I still count as postpartum if my lil one will be 4 in December?? :tongue:

    i feel like im still postpartum from my first, and she'll be 6 in October! lol i was still trying to lose the weight from her when i got pregnant with this one
  • I'm 6 weeks postpartum, too. Have about 30 lbs to lose from the pregnancy and beyond. I do have this irrational fear about jeopardizing my milk supply for baby - anyone have any tips on keeping up supply and losing weight? Btw, the whole Breastfeeding makes you skinny concept isn't working for me so much!
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    My youngest turned 8 months yesterday. I lost the baby weight in less than 2 weeks but after maternity leave was over, put a bunch of weight back on. I'm now working on taking that back off (and then all the rest I needed to lose anyway) and really committed to it with my diet and exercise. I bought a Fitbit and am working on the c25k program.
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    Im in I have a 4 month old. I need the support!! I was chubby to start.
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    I am in the same boat.. I found this tea. that helps with lactation. sold at GNC for under 10.00.
  • sadams137
    sadams137 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 4 months pp with my 2nd daughter. I had a c section and got back into the swing of things around 6 weeks. I have 3 more lbs to go to pre preggo weight but I still have another 20 to go after that. I'm currently training for a triathlon in Oct so hopefully the weight and inches will fall off. Good luck momma! =)
  • FemmeJolie
    FemmeJolie Posts: 20 Member
    My son is 7 months old and I've lost 80 pounds (roughly) since having him (thanks to breastfeeding and exorcise). I've just recently been kind of active on the boards but I could use and give out more encouragement if anyone wants to add me :)
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm always either postpartum or pregnant, it seems. Due in December with #7. Youngest is 17 months. I'm working out regularly and will continue as soon as my 6 weeks rest is up.
  • luvsviola
    luvsviola Posts: 7 Member
    My second child is 17 months right now, and I got back to my pre-preggo weight, then slowly inched back up after I was done nursing. I am on her to get back where I want to be. So far, the mobile app with barcode reader is really helpful because while I'm not always in front of a computer, my phone is in my hand at least 20% of my day. It keeps me accountable.
  • I'm 17 months pp and still responding to this post!! I've lost all my baby weight but unfortunately my body does not look like it used to. I had gained some weight right before getting pregnant due to studying for the bar exam and that is ultimately what I'm dying to lose. That being said, I am 20 lbs overweight and my post c-section stomach is too ugly to show on MFP! I'd love to support anyone in their weight loss/fitness journey. Friend me if we're in this together!!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm 6 weeks postpartum, too. Have about 30 lbs to lose from the pregnancy and beyond. I do have this irrational fear about jeopardizing my milk supply for baby - anyone have any tips on keeping up supply and losing weight? Btw, the whole Breastfeeding makes you skinny concept isn't working for me so much! is a great resource for breastfeeding moms. Here are some articles on weight loss while breastfeeding:
  • I'm 4 weeks postpartum. Starting Insanity tomorrow! Add me!
  • Jaime2001
    Jaime2001 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! Second C section was 7 weeks ago. But I have 3 girls under two!!! Twins will be 2 in October : ) I need support of mom's! Uuuuggghh, I hate not fitting into my clothes, and exercise is going to be a chore (trying to change the mindset!)
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I'm 6 weeks postpartum, too. Have about 30 lbs to lose from the pregnancy and beyond. I do have this irrational fear about jeopardizing my milk supply for baby - anyone have any tips on keeping up supply and losing weight? Btw, the whole Breastfeeding makes you skinny concept isn't working for me so much!

    Everyone is different. I couldn't cut calories when I was EBF because my supply would plummet (I had supply issues anyways). But, if I ate a fair amount (1800-2000) and created the deficit through exercise, my supply would not suffer.