School and snacks!

Hey everyone! So september means getting back to school.. and packing lunches, my least favourite thing ever!!

Last year, I bought a lot of the food I ate when I was at school - how could I not, they have pubs and wonderful restaurants at my university!!

This year I am determined to stay on track!! (and spend less money!)

I really need help though on easy snacks and lunches/dinners (I have evening classes some days) that are transportable and not to much work to make!!

I am a vegan and eat gluten and corn free (and I try to limit my soy intake). If you have ideas please share!! Even if they aren't vegan or gluten free, I can always adapt and they may help others who look at this thread.

Thanks :)


  • lucylou9701
    bump :) I usually take a Tupperware container and put some frozen strawberries in the bottom then put plain Greek yoghurt on top and then stick it in the fridge. The strawberries melt and make the yoghurt flavoured. I sometimes take dry roasted edaname beans (130 calories and 14g of protein per 1/4 cup) I take almonds sometimes too :)
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    I make a bean casserole, which is just 1 can of kidney beans, 1 can of black beans, 1 can of tomatos, I can of diced green chilies, and 1 can of black eyed peas, mixed up with cilantro, salt, pepper, and hot sauce. It makes a big bowl of it, which I'll then have by itself, put over spinach with salsa, or use it as a side or base for something else (for me, turkey burger or tuna).