Seroquel, overweight, and lack motivation

Hi All!
I am once again trying to get back on track and hopefully lose some of this weight I have put on since starting Seroquel(about 9 mos). I have had a rough past year and am finally feeling stable, and ready to lose the 30lbs I have gained! I'm only 5'2 so that is a lot of weight on my short frame. I need help on getting and most importantly KEEPING the motivation to change to a healthier lifestyle. I have recently started school and signed up for a yoga class for an hour twice a week...I know its not much but I am hoping this will give me a jumpstart! I have also started being more conscious of what I eat, but need a little help with controlling my portions! Any input is greatly appreciated! Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • the weight gain a side effect of seroquel you can ask your dr to put you on a med thats in the seroquel family but doesnt have the weight gain effect. the ypga class is a great way to meet new people perhaps you will meet someone who will be a work out buddy.
  • I knew going on the seroquel that there was the risk of gaining weight, but I had tried many other medications prior to that and they all had even worse side effects and so far seroquel has been a godsend! So that's why I'm a little reluctant to change my medication. I'm hoping that with the yoga my mood will improve and I will be able to find a better balance with my medication and my diet. My mom actually is taking the class along with me, so hopefully that will help as well! :)
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I used to take Seraquel; I put on 40 lbs. I feel your pain! I switched to Abilify but I know that isn't an option for everyone. However, I did manage to lose 35 lbs while on the Seraquel just by being very strict in my diet and exercise routine, so it CAN be done! Good luck to you.
  • Music4Hym777
    Music4Hym777 Posts: 71 Member
    If the Seroquel is working for you, then stick with it even despite the weight gain! As a behavioral health therapist, I have seen what different meds can do to different people and changing them is not the answer if you feel that the Seroquil is working for you! You can do this and you can get the weight off. Don't let the side effect be an excuse. I know its easy to do, but you can lose the weight and feel great as long as you do it healthily!
  • throgmar
    throgmar Posts: 16 Member
    I took one once. Doc said it would help me sleep...

    I woke up 20 hours later, and didn't fully gain my senses until a day later. That was the last time. Later another doc told me that shrinks use it to peel psychotics off the ceiling.

    Seriously: Did you ever experience that? Scared me. I could barely move for most of a day.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I put on over 60 lbs from antidepressants and anxiety meds. I got up to 228 and i'm 5 ft 2. I feel the pain, probably more than you! lol
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I too take seroquel. Less than 5% of people who take seroquel gain weight. It's easy to scapegoat it. Not saying you are but those of us who need it are often inactive and have low moods, which we may try to alleviate with 'comfort' food. Which results in weight gain, that we don't really notice until it is 30 pounds. : )
  • Thank you everyone for your input!!! I know I just need to buckle down and really get motivated and stick to it!! I find it comforting that there people out there that are able to lose weight when being on medications.....I'm not completely blaming the seroquel for my weight gain,but I do know it was a major factor, either directly or indirectly, because I never had any trouble with weight before I took it..even when when my moods were pretty bad...and I didn't start gaining weight until I was put on it. :happy:
  • Throgmar,

    No, that never happened to me before! I never really had any side effects with seroquel so far...never even got groggy when I first started it as most people said they had! That sounds really scary! I'm sorry you had that experience!:cry:
  • D3vAnge1
    D3vAnge1 Posts: 104 Member
    I've been on practically every anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, mood stabilizing medication out there...Believe, I feel your pain and am not a stranger to your distress.
    Suggestion: In an attempt to control your portion sizes consider using smaller kid-size dishware and utensils, never opt for second helpings, and leave behind a bite or two...never eat everything on your plate!
    Also, get a mindset to MOVE! Not just for the sake of weight-loss but for the psychological benefits as well. Reduced stress, increased self esteem, improved sleep, better moods. Walking, running (try couch 2-5k app) or read "Run Your Butt Off!". Join a mall walking group or a local hiking group or create your own friends who walk group....Cardio is truly a godsend--medication w/o the side effects and prescriptions.
    IDK why you were prescribed Seroquel...Me, I'm a bipolar patient with chronic insomnia, touch of OCD and serious coping issues...On a slew of medications. Don't not take your med(s) because of weight gain but do other things as I've mentioned above, easy, cheap, subtle changes that will make a great deal of difference if applied daily.
  • throgmar
    throgmar Posts: 16 Member

    No, that never happened to me before! I never really had any side effects with seroquel so far...never even got groggy when I first started it as most people said they had! That sounds really scary! I'm sorry you had that experience!:cry:

    That's what I thought. It's surprising to hear that it doesn't knock you out.

    Well, be careful :) Good luck with your weight loss, and thanks for the response.
  • Nikegyrl79,

    Thanks for the tip for using kids plates! That's a really good idea, don't know why I never thought of it before!!

    I'm Bipolar as well, so the seroquel is to help control my moodswings.
    My long term goal, other than losing weight, is to decrease my I'm trying to implant that in my brain so that I can really succeed this time!!! :bigsmile: