Anyone with an Eating Disorder?



  • SkinnyLilWitch
    SkinnyLilWitch Posts: 12 Member
    I added you.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    There you go love. This is a good group and good luck with everything
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I have had bulimia. Honestly, MFP is not a good place for you to be, because it's too easy to use MFP as a tool to enable your ED.

    The only thing that even remotely helped me was a lot of time in therapy. Please find yourself a professional who specializes in eating disorders if you haven't already...

    ^ Indeed, this.

    Here is a website where you can help educate yourself on various eating disorders. Purging is extremely bad for your body and you will cause irreparable damage if you continue... It's no joke. If you find you cannot stop, please seek professional treatment. You deserve better than that.
  • deadbambi
    I'm a recovering/almost recovered EDNOS.
    anyone can feel free to add me. <3
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    i have really disordered eating. thats all i will say. would be nice who have some friends. i keep my diary private
  • DraoMhaigh
    DraoMhaigh Posts: 25 Member
    Recovering bulimic of 10 years.
    Feel free to add <3
  • mrudolph02
    mrudolph02 Posts: 3 Member
    yup... feel free to add me
  • realmaverick
    Prior to MFP, I had bulimia for 10 years.

    The crazy thing is, it doesn't work and yet managed to grip me for so long. At first it was an almost instant weight loss, but then slowly the weight crept back on and I was never at my desired weight while doing it, yet I kept doing it. Totally illogical huh.

    It was only using MFP, that I felt I was back in control of my eating and it's now been 70 days since my last B/P.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    I know someone with an eating disorder and she admitted that binging and purging is why she has dentures at 50. She told me what she had done. There is one good reason not to binge and purge.
  • nutrition_nerd8
    EDNOS and in process of recovery. Trying to start a workout routine.
  • kittypudding
    I'm 25. I've had eating disorders for almost 12 years now - - binging/purging/restricting. . .I find this to be a really nice site to help with losing weight in a healthier way. I've almost made keeping track of my diet and exercise, into a game with a goal set in mind for the day and a little reward at the end, whether its shopping after losing 5 lbs, going to get a nice manicure at the end of the week if i stay on track for all 7 days, stuff like that. i tend not to rely on others for support because i prefer to do things myself, but there are plenty of people on here who are going through the same thing and it can be nice sharing helpful tips and informative stories. Good luck!