Insanity Beginning Soon

Hey everyone,

I just ordered insanity and I will be starting it as soon as it gets here. I asked several people about it and here are some of things people have told me why I should NOT do:

-hard on the body
-prone for injuries
-quick give up rate

Some would even say, you lost 55 pounds so far, keep doing what you're doing and work towards that goal. Here is what I've come to the conclusion about: Yes, I've lost that much weight, but I still have a gut, and fat w/in my thighs. And ultimately I appreciate everyone's opinion, but I need to do whats best for me. I will work at MY speed and not try and keep up with Shaun T or the people in the video, but I will push myself to the best of my ability.

Starting weight: 229 at the beginning of this year
Currenty weight: 177.6
1st big goal: 160 by the end of the year.

Next year's goals:
Goal weight: 150
flat stomach
32-24 inch waist; or wearing a size 8 to 10;
shirt size; M or L (currently wearing some L)

I won't be doing the shakeology because its too much and I don't feel like some magic shake is the trick to losing weight its through consistency, healthy eating, and working out.

With that being said does anyone have any weight loss results after completing the 60 day challenge?


  • GlitterStarSarah

    I've been doing Insanity 4 weeks and I love it. Plus I have stuck to it and have no injurys :D

    I have only lost 2lbs but I have lost lots of inches on the top of my thighs and waist and around the top of my arms. I have dropped a dress size since starting insanity.

    I have joined myfitness pal so I can keep track of my food so wish me luck!!

    Hope you enjoy the workout
  • kmumansky
    I've done the first 30 days of insanity. It is hard...but who cares? I did stop during the 2nd half because it really was too hard for me and my form was really really poor. But that's me...everyone is different! I will one day get there, in the mean time I love Turbo Fire (anything Turbo...Turbo Kick, Turbo Jam Turbo Fire haha).

    Shakeology is more about giving your body all the nutrition it needs in once source, because our food industry is crap. Weight Loss is just an added benefit. At the end of the day weight loss is cals in vs cals someone drinking Shakeology and then going overboard the rest of the day isn't going to loose weight, but at least their body got everything it needs that day. If that makes sense :)
  • LifeLineS
    I started Insanity a couple of weeks back.!! It is as it promises.. INSANE. Lots of sweating, and I felt all the muscles I did not know exist. Its about how much you push. I think I pushed too much too soon. Am down with cold, cough and fever, general indicators of take it a notch down. Will get back on it as soon a I recover but be a little less hard on myself.!!
  • Danielle2bfit
    Danielle2bfit Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you and I wish you continued success on Insanity! Thats awesome, any lose is great in my opinion, but I always here you will lose the most amount of weight the second month, also not cheating yourself when it comes to eating is key as well.
  • sarah_loo87
    can someone enlighten me what 'insanity' is??
  • Danielle2bfit
    Danielle2bfit Posts: 17 Member
    @ Sarah: the best way I can tell is to google: Insanity Results or just Insanity and go for it!
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    A group of coworkers and I are half way through Month 2 of Insanity. Nobody has lost much weight yet, but we've all been losing inches. We have a list of what we measure and then we take each others measurements every week or every other week. Nobody has been injured doing Insanity and one of the girls has a bad knee, so she modifies some moves. Don't focus on going as fast as the people in the video, but focus on your form and once you get the proper form down, then you can work on speed. We also will make protein shakes for after the workouts to help out bodies recover. I've heard from other threads that when people complete the first round of Insanity, they lost inches, but when they started the program all over again, they lost pounds. We are going to test that theory after this round of Insanity because we will start it all over again on Oct 1st. You can do it. You will love it and you will hate it. Stick with it because it truely is a great workout.
  • sarah_loo87
    holy mother of god, i feel exhausted just reading about it, you people are legends!!! so much respect for you all
  • jbuffham
    I'm on day 53 of Insanity, and all i can say is if you can get through the muscle aches and pains of the first week, you'll be set! I have lost over 15 pounds so far. I joined mfp to help track my food intake and get max results. Stick close to what your calorie needs are, or you will burn out!

    Starting Weight: 195lbs

    Weigh in this morning: 177.2lbs

    10 days to go until I'm finished round 1!!!
  • geo1437
    I have about 2 weeks left go before I finish my first round of insanity. So far I am down 18lbs. I know I am down inches, but how many I do not know for sure. I was a dummy and didn't take any measurements before I started. What I can tell you is this, about 3 weeks before I started insanity I bought a brand new suit and had it tailored to fit me perfect. The waist was around a size 40. I had to put the suit on the other day to go to a funeral...the pants were so big it was actually uncomfortable wearing them! I had to fold them over, pin them with a safety pin, and still had to have my belt tightened all the way. This week I pulled out some old shorts...waist size 36, and those are falling off of me as well.

    I'm not following the nutrition plan that came with the progam, but I am eating healthy, and I am staying on or just below my alloted calorie totals that MFP provides me.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    It's a great program. Listen to your body though. You don't have to do every stretch, or every rep. You don't have to jump on every circuit. Do speed squats instead of squat jumps, etc. Modify for you. You have the videos and you can always do another round. That's what I'm doing. I haven't seen fabulous numbers in inches or weight, but my clothes feel so much better and the general composition of my body is wayyy better (thighs and stomach smoother). I'm sure I am down body fat percentages (Didn't take it before, so can't compare). I'm going to have a trainer take it at the end though so I can compare with my Round 2 results. I'm starting round 2 on 9/24 FYI if you want to wait and do it with me and some of the other people on here who are also starting that date.

    You will likely feel like quitting at some points. But every time you do, you literally have to yell at yourself the mantra that so many of us have learned "Just Push Play." Cheesy but true. Once you've started the tape, you're in it. Shaun will keep you there. Just have to get through that first step.

    Also, just an aside... I use a pink highlighter for my calendar to mark off my workouts. Post it somewhere you can see it near your workout area and use a fun color. It's great motivation as the workouts get harder to see the amount you've achieved in your peripheral vision while you're pouring sweat and counting the minutes.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    <---- my profile pic shows my results from round 1 of insanity. I LOVE it! I "only" lost 8 lbs, but I lost 27 inches overall. I'm currently finishing month 1 of round 2 this week.

    You already have the right attitude. You do what you can do, watch your form and as you improve (you will), do more. Take photos and measurements to document and see what's going on with your body when the scale doesn't say it!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like some encouragement/ support.

    Also be sure to check our the running insanity progress thread. When I first started, I went and added several insanity folks to have on my friends list. Very encouraging.

    Good luck!
  • Danielle2bfit
    Danielle2bfit Posts: 17 Member
    Wait you are on day 53 but you're about to complete round 1? Did you take two months to complete round one?

    I'm on day 53 of Insanity, and all i can say is if you can get through the muscle aches and pains of the first week, you'll be set! I have lost over 15 pounds so far. I joined mfp to help track my food intake and get max results. Stick close to what your calorie needs are, or you will burn out!

    Starting Weight: 195lbs

    Weigh in this morning: 177.2lbs

    10 days to go until I'm finished round 1!!!
  • Danielle2bfit
    Danielle2bfit Posts: 17 Member
    Thats AWESOME! Congratulations on losing the 18 pounds on just ROUND1!!! I don't plan on taking any measurements either probably because I'm too cheap to by a measurement and fat caliber since I just shelled out 144 for this thing, but I can tell like you said when I put my clothes on. I just lst 57 pounds and I went from size pants 20/22 to 16 possibly 14 but ultimately my goal is be in a size 10 maybe 8 by the end beginning of next year. Thanks for the info and keep up the great work thats awesome.:wink:

    I have about 2 weeks left go before I finish my first round of insanity. So far I am down 18lbs. I know I am down inches, but how many I do not know for sure. I was a dummy and didn't take any measurements before I started. What I can tell you is this, about 3 weeks before I started insanity I bought a brand new suit and had it tailored to fit me perfect. The waist was around a size 40. I had to put the suit on the other day to go to a funeral...the pants were so big it was actually uncomfortable wearing them! I had to fold them over, pin them with a safety pin, and still had to have my belt tightened all the way. This week I pulled out some old shorts...waist size 36, and those are falling off of me as well.

    I'm not following the nutrition plan that came with the progam, but I am eating healthy, and I am staying on or just below my alloted calorie totals that MFP provides me.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • Danielle2bfit
    Danielle2bfit Posts: 17 Member
    WOW! What inspiration you just gave me by reading your post! I agree I will modify the hell out of these workouts because its about pushing past my limits and I'm not trying to out beat anyone but be healthy and nice body wouldn't hurt either. lol. I might just start on the 24th granted the dvds aren't here yet, but I will follow you advice about the calenders, I can't wait to knock off those days lol. But congrats on your achievement and keep up the great work!

    It's a great program. Listen to your body though. You don't have to do every stretch, or every rep. You don't have to jump on every circuit. Do speed squats instead of squat jumps, etc. Modify for you. You have the videos and you can always do another round. That's what I'm doing. I haven't seen fabulous numbers in inches or weight, but my clothes feel so much better and the general composition of my body is wayyy better (thighs and stomach smoother). I'm sure I am down body fat percentages (Didn't take it before, so can't compare). I'm going to have a trainer take it at the end though so I can compare with my Round 2 results. I'm starting round 2 on 9/24 FYI if you want to wait and do it with me and some of the other people on here who are also starting that date.

    You will likely feel like quitting at some points. But every time you do, you literally have to yell at yourself the mantra that so many of us have learned "Just Push Play." Cheesy but true. Once you've started the tape, you're in it. Shaun will keep you there. Just have to get through that first step.

    Also, just an aside... I use a pink highlighter for my calendar to mark off my workouts. Post it somewhere you can see it near your workout area and use a fun color. It's great motivation as the workouts get harder to see the amount you've achieved in your peripheral vision while you're pouring sweat and counting the minutes.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I cant belive ppl would talk bad about insanity its an amazing work out I love the way Shawn T motivates I was thinking of doing it again real soon I completed that while doing c25k I got amazing results
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member

    These are my results
  • TiffanyyNicole
    I'm thinking I'm going to have to try insanity when I'm in better shape..
  • sarah_loo87

    These are my results

    Wow you look fantastic!!!
  • woodfrag
    I feel like the exception. I had to go back to check my results that I have been tracking on here. I did one full cycle of Insanity. I finished up about 3 weeks ago now. Meaning I started Insanity in mid June. Since then I have lost right around 40 pounds from getting back up and pushing harder. Sticking close to what Shaun T had setup for a meal plan but using MFP to track it all with. The one thing you need to make sure of is listen to what he is telling you. If he says take a break if you can't go on then do it. If he says push just a little bit further and you'll see results its because you will.

    The biggest hurdle I had was actually getting off caffeine and sodas. I was going through a monster cup of coffee and a couple liters or soda a day right before I started. I went cold turkey, drank straight water and fought my way through the headaches and came out the other side fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear in...well I can't remember. I have to take the measurements and after pictures so I can actually compare. I can see a difference but I'm not sure it will fully hit me til then.

    I plan to start onto P90X tonight to tighten up whatever I had missed. This site and that plan really has change my life for the better.
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