Lost 25 Pounds In Less Than 2 Months



  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats Mike on a job well done. It took a lot of hard work and commitment to shed all of those pounds. I know because I'm 46 and went from 200 lbs to 160 lbs. I didn't lose it as fast as you did it. It took me about 4 months. It's so much harder when you are older but we are proving that there are no excuses. Now 8 months later I've completed a mud run and will compete in my first marathon at the end of the month. I'm planning to do a duathlon in November. It is cool to see 40+ men getting it done. Proud of you sir. As it relates to portion control... I originally kept mine between 1400-1600 calories. I've had to up it to 2400-2800 since I'm logging 35+ miles running per week. Keep up the good work and portion control.

    ^^^^ What he said ..... kudos
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    First of all congratulations on your determination and effort...You've made the first step to make the changes necessary for your goals.:drinker:

    I am not an expert but I feel like 1200 calories is the minimum for females, not males. Males need more calories. That is why you've lost weight so FAST. Ideally you want to lose about 1-2 lbs weekly. My opinion is that weight loss should be slow. You're losing about 3 lbs weekly.

    I used to do the ultra low calories and would successfully lose weight FAST. I always would gain it back. So now i'm discovering that that isn't the path I should take.

    Also not all calories are "equal" in other words, calories should come from a proportionate number of carbs / proteins / fats like ~ 40% carb / 35% protein / 25 % fats

    This is all based on my own reading and research. I would continue researching low-calorie for a lifestyle? you're right in saying that it's a diet vs a lifestyle.

    check this calculator out for Men's Daily caloric needs:

    interesting. I checked out the calculator that you shared for men. It gave me a recommended daily calorie goal of 2023.9 per day to lose a pound per week. The same info on MFP gives me a goal of 1670 per day.

    I have tried many calculators online and they all give me more calories than MFP, I dont go by MFP calorie.

    They all give higher calories because they all include intended exercise. MFP does not which is why here, using MFP's calorie suggestions, you are supposed to eat the calories you burn.
  • PisceanDream224
    Wow! That is amazing! Great job!!!

    My views on portion control are that it is very helpful, especially when you are unaware of the calories you are consuming, such as eating at a restaurant. I have saved many calories over the years eating only half/less than what was served. I have read that it is wise to leave food on the plate (in general) because it saves calories when your body is actually satisfied. It does take around 20 minutes for the brain to recognize that, so a lot of overeating stems from this alone. I agree with eating more than the limit at times because it keeps your metabolism guessing and really boosts weight loss, especially when one plateaus or stalls.

    I have been doing Weight Watchers off and on since 2006, and have learned quite a bit about portion control, which foods I should get minimum servings of daily, and how to recognize signs from the body during eating/hunger. I know which foods are empty calories, and I stay away from them for the most part, but it is okay to indulge every once in awhile (or find more healthy versions of that item) so you don't binge eat just from a craving. I also learned that if your body is craving something, you are probably lacking certain nutrients your body needs.

    Another thing I learned is to always measure your food when possible. I have noticed that I can eyeball a lot of things, but sometimes I am under the actual serving, like when I eyeball peanut butter for instance. Instead of getting 2T I end up only having 1 1/4T. It really helps to have these simple tools handy. :)
  • PisceanDream224
    Congrats Mike on a job well done. It took a lot of hard work and commitment to shed all of those pounds. I know because I'm 46 and went from 200 lbs to 160 lbs. I didn't lose it as fast as you did it. It took me about 4 months. It's so much harder when you are older but we are proving that there are no excuses. Now 8 months later I've completed a mud run and will compete in my first marathon at the end of the month. I'm planning to do a duathlon in November. It is cool to see 40+ men getting it done. Proud of you sir. As it relates to portion control... I originally kept mine between 1400-1600 calories. I've had to up it to 2400-2800 since I'm logging 35+ miles running per week. Keep up the good work and portion control.

    Great job!! Congrats on your hard work! :)
  • zwatrif
    Thank you!
  • zwatrif
  • zwatrif
    Thank you!