what do you do when you're at your calorie goal and hungry?



  • jypsyjulia
    jypsyjulia Posts: 33 Member

    lol just kidding. (maybe)

    Mostly I just exercise so I can earn some extra calories to eat. A lot of times after I've exercised I don't want to eat anymore, so it's a win-win :)
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    I use to eat cheese and crackers and pickles...I have not done that in a while tho....Now I just eat whatever I want. If I can I will talk a walk or play the wii. Low cal things that make you feel full are water, chicken broth (or any broth) lettuce, protein powder, apples just to name a few. People have already named some of my faves which are carrots celery and cucumbers..I dont used ranch tho not even walden farms idk calorie free ranch just sounds weird to me...I use a lite vinegarett or nothing on my veggies. If I do want the ranch flavor...plain yogurt and powdered ranch packet makes a good dip
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    and raspberry keytones...
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Drink water, if I'm still hungry fifteen minutes later, I eat something then exercise.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Another tip I got from Dr. Oz was to drink mint tea mint actually tells your mind ok I am done eating now makes you sleepy also
    That's funny ;) Because just the other day he said Cherry Juice is more likely to aid in sleep than tea.
    I heard Dr Oz said to have sex...burns calories and makes you sleepy...

    I heard Dr. Oz said to jump off a cliff. All the cool kids are doing it.

    Just NO....Okay

    But it's Dr. Oz!!! He's always right! Chia seeds, damnit!

    chia seeds with an HCG shooter!
  • shadoewz
    Make sugar free jello, drink a ton of water, make hot tea or broth, try to redirect my attention, and then get to exercising so I have more calories ;)
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 237 Member
    Plain green peppers. Or if I'm right at the limit, I eat 0 calorie kosher dill pickles and drink a bottle of water. :)

    I do the pickles too! I also will drink water. If real bad I will eat something and then exercise the calories away.
  • MackLaura
    I will eat a dill pickle only 4 calories and drink water. It has a lot of sodium though.:smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Depends.. Most of the time I try to stave it off by drinking some water (hunger signals can sometimes mean you're dehydrated) and distract myself with a good book or surfing FB. If I'm still hungry a half hour later, I'll go ahead and have something because I'd rather sleep well and not wake up starving. If I'm just a tiny bit hugnry, I'll stick my finger in the PB jar and call it good. If I'm a bit more hungry, I'll have a fiber plus bar.

    Also, I saw someone noticed the OP's diary was under a total of 600 calories for the 2 days before - that means you have plenty calories to use up! Just because MFP resets at midnight doesn't mean your body does - biological functions and weight loss are not linear. Folks who do this on purpose call it calorie cycling. When I was on WW, we called it banking.
  • oldsalty1
    Yep...that is exactly what I do...Or...I spent to many years on the YoYo circuit of not eating enough...eating more is working very well for me...as long as it is healthy or relatively healthy...my favorite all time snack is a cuop of greek yogurt...4 tablespoons cool whip free...and an 1/8 package of sf jello pudding...ummm ummm good 150 cals
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    All good ideas, previously posted. Water first, exercise 2nd and if you're HUNGRY, eat a healthy snack. Pre plan your meals and snacks daily. Don't eat out of boredom...
  • caro1275
    caro1275 Posts: 198 Member
    I wait another 5 minutes and see if I am still hungry (sometimes if you can get busy doing something else you will forget about being hungry!). If I am still hungry, and not just wanting to munch, I eat! I look at how my macros shaped up for the day and fit something in to eat that is low cal.

    The way I see it, there are some days that I am a bit under calories, so it all works out in end! I am just getting used to listening to my body and what it wants and NOT my emotions.