Have you ever been in "the slump"?



  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I don;t know if it ever gets easier but yes...put yourself back on the path gently and with forgiveness.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I'm with you. I lost 51 lbs in 6 months last year. And now most of the time, I just don't care anymore. I do good one day or part of one day and then screw up for the next 4-5 days. I just can't get motivated anymore.
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    well ... now that u have found some encouraging words... maybe u can stop posting about it .. and do something about it ? ... its all choice. either u care.. or u dont. yeah people have bad days... but u have to want it for yourself. work out to get your mind off the bad . go for a walk. .. anything.
    i battle certain days at a time.. depression... unhappiness... working out seems to be the only thing that makes me happy lately. its rewarding..
    good luck to you.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I think we all hit that slump. I have weighted the same for the last 2 months and have 25 more lbs to go. The thing that keeps me in line is that I don't want to go back to the "FAT" person I was. I am by no means skinny, but I refuse to go back. I also know that if I go back that means that the diabetes is back also. I have been able to get it under control. Take out some of your before pictures and look at them. Ask yourself if that is what you want to be. I can't stand looking at my before pictures. I must have been really stupid to not see how big I really was. I believe I was in denial about it, I don't think that I thought I was really that big. Just look at how far you have come and remember how great you feel. We all fall off the wagon, just don't stay down and let the wagon run you over. Get back up and back on the wagon. I told my doctor on Friday that I was afraid that my blood sugar would be bad again becasue I had eaten quite a few peanut M&M's. He told me I can have m&m's just not everyday. Treat yourself once in a while just not everyday. You can do this. We are all right here behind you. :happy:
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    Gah I am in a slump right now, have been for about 4 months. I really want to lose this extra weight, but I cant be bothered exercising. I still eat 90% healthy, but I give myself some snacks. I know what I need to do, but life gets in the way. Most days I would rather cuddle up with my partner and watch a movie then go out on the treadmill and bust my *kitten*. You are definitely not alone!!!
  • sarapie
    By the way, ignore all the people who are telling you "either you care or you don't", "either you're committed or you're not", etc. That's such garbage. We're human and we deal with challenges and some days you want to feel like giving up. That doesn't mean you HAVE given up. The fact that you posted this, looking for motivation and others who understand, proves that you care. Don't ever feel like you can't ask others for help because a few self-righteous people have to make it sound like everything is black-and-white. It's a long fall off that high horse so I hope they're prepared for the landing.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I imagine those not on 'diets' have these 'slumps' but don't consider them slumps. They have their phases of less than stellar eating, then somehow just slip back into healthier ways of eating naturally.

    Maybe also, you need to want this not just for a bikini or a weight, but for your health, and consistently eating junk, won't be healthy in the longterm and affects so many more things than your waistline.

    Maybe try allowing a treat or two in your daily food, but build lots of healthy, nutritious foods around those treats, so you are getting what your body needs, but also getting some of the foods you love and end up eating when you hit these phases.
  • lindsiswatchingyou
    By the way, ignore all the people who are telling you "either you care or you don't", "either you're committed or you're not", etc. That's such garbage. We're human and we deal with challenges and some days you want to feel like giving up. That doesn't mean you HAVE given up. The fact that you posted this, looking for motivation and others who understand, proves that you care. Don't ever feel like you can't ask others for help because a few self-righteous people have to make it sound like everything is black-and-white. It's a long fall off that high horse so I hope they're prepared for the landing.

    I agree...a lot of people forget about the grey areas of life. Not everything is in extremes.
  • drivenheart85
    Yes, I have several routes I'm going to take. I'm eating a lot of crap food and thinking its the greatest, so I've ordered a book on Amazon called "It Starts With Food"....that will remind me how toxic or beneficial eating habits can be.

    The black or white, "**** or get off the pot" answer is so crass; I don't even know if there's a good intention behind that. I can think of why a person might think it's helpful....motivation to make a decision...but I don't know if that good intention is even there really. Snap decisions don't always bring the best results. There are many shades of gray here. I'm already here, on this message board, because I know I need to make a decision but I'm trying to find out what exactly the problem is.

    The other thing, when we go from stellar dieters and then hit these hard times for weeks and months, I think re-evaluation is due. If you think of an old-school scale, when we start these journeys, I think the scale is extremely heavy to one side. Your reasons FOR far outweigh the reasons AGAINST. The majority of my reasoning FOR isn't there anymore, because my 57 pounds isn't there anymore. Now I'm back to healthy, what I was in college and looking much better. I have to decide whether or not I'm going for the last 15...because if I am, I need to weigh the scale down again with a lot of reasons FOR the effort, or I'll keep hitting this wall. I think you get here, when one side of the scale just barely outweighs the other.

    So I'll keep working for my 15, I just need to bring some more support to that goal. I have to find out why I want it and plaster that all over my life, so I don't forget it.
  • semira6
    semira6 Posts: 36 Member
  • Susan2BHealthier
    Susan2BHealthier Posts: 130 Member
    After eating healthy and exercising for 2 months, I blew it the past 2 weeks. I haven't exercised and have been inhaling sweets. I've learned when this happens I cannot weigh myself. If I see the gain on the scale I will get upset and just continue eating. Today I looked back at my notes and comments when I was eating healthy, saw how great I felt, and today is my 1st day back on plan.

    My goal is to make any slumps short in duration. Get back on plan asap. Let the overeating guilt go.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    OF COURSE YOU KEEP FIGHTING! It isn't just about the scale!!!

    Having lost my dad last year makes me think--it isn't about the number! He was thin, but didn't have an active life-style on a regular basis, he didn't eat well on a regular basis. He had fun and was awesome, but you have to take care of yourself.

    Wake up with a plan and just do it! It is the healthiest thing you can do!!!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Yes! For most of August. I have been up and down about 2 pounds all month long. Not really feeling it. I have b/t 10 and 15 pounds left to go. I am not giving up, I've decided September will be better. Holdiay feasts are coming and i need to have this in hand before that! Don't give up.

    ^^This for the past month. I think it's my fault though because I upped the intensity of my workouts both in speed and endurance, and I'm having NSVs all over the place with firming up and overall "shrinking". Pretty soon the pounds will start rolling off the scales, I just know it!!! :)