Going Round In Circles

I don't know what it is with me or how I can stop myself from doing it, but I find myself dieting very intensly for a few weeks and by intense I mean sticking to MFP calories, making sure I hit my macros etc... Eat lots of protein, have no chocoloate etc.. & then one day I just snap, and end up bingeing on ANYTHING in site which totally ruins any progress i've made. I recognise I have a problem but don't know how to stop this.

Any suggestions?


  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Look at Eat More to Weigh Less -- absolutely designed to help people break out of these circles I think.
  • I have the same problem so I can't wait to see what everyone has to say!
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    I allow myself to have things that might not be "healthy" once or twice a week. If I want a cupcake, I'll have one. That way I get the craving out the way and I don't think about it anymore. There is nothing wrong with having things you enjoy. Just don't have a lot of it. One cupcake a week (or even two) won't derail all your hard work. (Or whatever the thing you want is). Now if you still binge after that, then I'm not sure. That's just what I do.

    Another alternative is to research recipes. There are tons of low calorie recipes for things you probably love that would fit your eating plan :)
  • mwhite0578
    When I get a craving for something I head off an all out binge fest by giving into that craving within moderation. If you completely deprive yourself of the things you want you will make yourself crazy and therefore binge. If I want ice cream I eat it within moderation and I usually get the Skinny Cow brand things like that. It satisfies the craving and I move forward. I also try to keep my calories for my evening meal down when I do that.

    Hope this helps!
  • celb500
    I allow myself to have things that might not be "healthy" once or twice a week. If I want a cupcake, I'll have one. That way I get the craving out the way and I don't think about it anymore. There is nothing wrong with having things you enjoy. Just don't have a lot of it. One cupcake a week (or even two) won't derail all your hard work. (Or whatever the thing you want is). Now if you still binge after that, then I'm not sure. That's just what I do.

    Another alternative is to research recipes. There are tons of low calorie recipes for things you probably love that would fit your eating plan :)

    SO TRUE!! there are tricks to make yourself think you're having a treat too, like I put a pinch of salt on raw tomatoes to make them taste more decadent. I have three little squares of chocolate after a workout as a reward (if you get over 70% cocao chocolate you won't put on an ounce it is very rich but a new research project launched by a uni in the uk shows that you wont put on any weight and get that treat feeling), so there are ways around this - just whatever you do try not to binge. you deserve a treat now and again and if you go over now and again that's okay too - were only human!!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    You are being to restrictive. Seriously check out John Barbans The Anything Goes diet. It's a pdf online, well worth the price, and you get a series of manuals and the most awesome stream of GEM emails on diet strategy and why this happens. If you go to the Venus Index blog and search for emotional eating you will find some articles and how John's work has helped many other girls. I am not a seller or marketer, I'm super passionate because this literally changed my life. You can read my story on bobbies fitness blog and I have links to all the Venus Index and Anything Goes Diet there and they are not affiliate marketing links.
  • VogtAndrea
    So much depends on WHY the binge.
    When I get the urge to binge I drink a big glass of water (sometimes it's actually thirst). If that doesn't satisfy the problem I go for a low fat protein (alot of the time it's because I'm low on proteins for the day) If I'm still not satisfied, I'll look for a "good" carb but by that time I've usually figured out what it is that's causing the urge to binge
  • msrottie
    I have done that type of "dieting" for the last 20 years, then I found this site. Instead of depriving yourself of certain foods, embrace the lifestyle type of eating that you can follow for the rest of your life - everything in moderation... so instead of never letting yourself appreciate the taste of a chocolate bar, eat a mini size one and log the calories. If something fits in your calorie "budget" go ahead - in moderation, and then eat the rest of the calories in real food with real nutrients, not foods out of boxes and cans full of filler ingredients and chemicals. I also plan my future menus by planning to allow myself a scoop of icecream on the day I push mow my yard, because I know I will have lots more calories to eat that day. If I don't plan icecream that day, I will plan to eat pasta that day. The days where my schedule doesn't allow time for my normal exercise routines are the days where I plan salads for meals, knowing ahead of time that I won't have "exercise calories" to eat back, so it will be a lower calorie budget that day. Anyway, life is to be enjoyed, and food tastes good - its even better when you know you earned the treat, and for me it is unrealistic to think I will have the willpower to never eat chocolate or ice cream again. I am learning I can have the things I love, just not as often or in the amounts of the past.