Why is there so much conflicting information?!?!?

Just spent 2 hours reading about BMR, Fat loss etc etc and read a great article on Muscleandstrength.com. http://www.muscleandstrength.com/expert-guides/fat-loss

From this though It suggests that being an overweight Endomorph I consume 2184 calories per day, 200g protein (no problem ), 60g Fat (no problem), 190g carbs (PROBLEM). everything else I have been reading points me to Low Carb, Keto, etc. I have managed to lose a decent amount of weight so far but have increased strength training and cardio but still hovering around 180-183lbs. I currently eat around 1800-2000 cals and try to keep carbs as close to 100g per day as I can.

Is more food and more carbs the answer????!?!?! HEEEEEEELPPPPP


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    you can lose fat eating plenty of carbs.

    you can lose fat eating little/no carbs.

    As a general rule the more physically active you are (and hence the higher calorie allowance you can have) the more carbs you can eat.

    usually the answer is closer to making small tweaks to what you are currently doing, rather than ditching a plan that has worked for you up until now just because you read something on paleo/fasting/carb backloading or whatever.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I eat lots of carbs and have no problem losing weight, and I am 46 and it is supposed to be harder the older we get. The only macros I care about are protein and fat. I try for at least .7grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, and about 50 or so grams of fat. The rest is carbs. Frankly, I am not even that fixed on meeting my macros, as I don't need to extra obsession. I did that once, and eventually I was absolutely obsessed with meeting them. I realized that was unhealthy and made me unhappy. I concentrate mainly on calories, then protein, and pretty much let the rest fall where it may.
  • birdinho
    birdinho Posts: 86 Member
    I seem to have hit a wall at 180lbs. I did the same at 190lbs and to get under that is when I really started looking at my macros, calrories etc etc and like rileysowner said I have pretty much become obsessed.

    I strength train 3 times a week, using Kris Gethings Body By Design and love the workout programme. The diet is pretty bland and no carbs after 3pm which isnt a problem but i prefer a bit more freedom. I also do cardio every morning and also 2 x 20mins sessions on non training days. Also play football for 70-90mins every week.

    I know im burning loads of cals so maybe eating a few more carbs wont harm and still get my 1-2lbs a week loss.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I seem to have hit a wall at 180lbs. I did the same at 190lbs and to get under that is when I really started looking at my macros, calrories etc etc and like rileysowner said I have pretty much become obsessed.

    I strength train 3 times a week, using Kris Gethings Body By Design and love the workout programme. The diet is pretty bland and no carbs after 3pm which isnt a problem but i prefer a bit more freedom. I also do cardio every morning and also 2 x 20mins sessions on non training days. Also play football for 70-90mins every week.

    I know im burning loads of cals so maybe eating a few more carbs wont harm and still get my 1-2lbs a week loss.

    If you are close to your goal weight, within 15 pounds, I would suggest shooting for half a pound a week. More than that is just going to be counter productive and frustrating. Basically the leaner you are, the less fat your body can oxidize per day, so trying to lose more than that will just result in muscle loss due to the deficit. In the long run taking it slower means more fat off and more muscle preserved.