What parts of your body show the quickest weight loss?



  • Bust,belly and face.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I can always tell if I lost or gained weight by my ribs, right around to my back. my belly and love handles are where I carry most of my weight.......
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Over the last two years I have lost weight from the outside in - arms, leg, neck all went first...tummy, hips are the toughest.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    For me the weight loss was all over, never a spot reduce. But once I got pretty lean the last place to lose fat was my upper legs pelvic area which I think is pretty typically for women.

    It was really exciting to see my arms slim down and be able to wear tank tops and look good. I LOVE summer now. I spent so many years covering myself up! You can see my befores and afters on bobbies fitness blog.

    It's frustrating that we can't spot reduce! The body loses it where it wants to and we have no choice.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    Quickest weight loss areas for me: anything above my torso

    Last weight loss area for me: hips/butt/thighs

    I can wear a Junior Small top and still be sporting size 12 jeans that i now have to take to the cleaners to get the waist taken in 600 million inches.....ugh. wish it would all blend away evenly lol
  • My waist and *kitten* go first, my belly and thighs are last. I have never actually seen what they look like without fat as I have never gotten thin enough to find out!
  • bust definitely first for me. notice the belly a bit - but there is more than enough of that.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Face is first to show, gut is last to go...
  • face wish I could say belly but thats probably she last place I'm going to see any change, still not there...
  • kathijen
    kathijen Posts: 14 Member
    My jowls. :)
  • dshgna
    dshgna Posts: 54 Member

    It was really exciting to see my arms slim down and be able to wear tank tops and look good. I LOVE summer now. I spent so many years covering myself up! You can see my befores and afters on bobbies fitness blog.

    I am looking so much forwards to wearing tank tops! Can totally relate to the experience of hating to cover everything up! Checked your photos and its amazing!
  • brissell
    brissell Posts: 23 Member
    You lose weight in the reverse order that you gained it. Unfortunately that usually means the areas we want to lose the most will be last to come off. All you can do is increase calories your body uses (by exercise) and take in less calories (by eating healthy foods).
  • My tummy and boobs are at competition with each other when it comes to which part loses the weight quickest. My thighs are a lost cause :/ I'm a size 8/10 from the hips and up and 12/14 from below the hips and the fat isn't budging!
  • definately my thighs, face, boobs..(which sucks cause theyre already small...grrrr.) and arms first. Then the places I really want to loose weight last - love handles, and tummy.
  • i always see change in my face and waist first but of course i want my stomach and hips to go and they fall in last!:explode:
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 478 Member
    Face, neck & chest
  • My face is always first, then my neck, shoulders, back, arms, calves and way down the list is tummy, thighs, and hips.

    Basicaly, I lose from head to toe in that order with the exception of calves and cankles. Which is mostly water retention.
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    I've noticed it so far in my face, neck, arms, and calves.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    love handles/belly