Trying to Do It The Right Way - Needing Motivation

Hi Everyone,

I am newish to MFP and am just discovering the message boards. My weight loss journey has always been up and down and up and down for many many years. I used to be 297 then down to 189 then back to 238. I am determined to lose with weight the right way this time, in the past I have always looked for the easy way out. The problem, I am finding it hard to stay with in my calories and stay focused and on track. My goal is 160, and I seem to always be able to get to between 210-200 and then go straight back up because I start to slack off and lose motivation. I know that is should motivate me to reach farther and push harder but for what ever reason this time, when the weight goes on it keeps going on instead of me being able to use that as a motivator to lose it.

I really want to reach my goals, as weight has been an issue for me my whole life and i feel like a failure because I can't seem to progress past a certain point. Feel free to add me as a friend as well, I need your help and support and I am here to help and support as well.

Look forward to hearing from you and have a great day my fellow MFPers.


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    You can do this! I have yo-yo'd my whole life but I really want to make some lifestyle changes. Feel free to friend me. The support here is what keeps me trying.
  • My best advice is don't try to lose the weight too quickly. If in the past you've severely restricted calories or exercised like absolute crazy, then it's no surprise you end up slacking off and losing motivation. Don't think of this as a chore, or a goal to be reached, think of it (and I know, it's such a popular term) as a lifestyle change. I've never had success before, and now I'm on MFP tracking what I eat, exercising at least five times each week, and weigh less than I have in five years.

    I guess the simplest way to say what I mean is: Make smaller changes that you can stick to over larger changes that are destined to be temporary. For example, don't tell yourself "no fast food ever again", but if you must have fast food (it happens), just make sure you can fit it into your calories for that day. Try to find a type of exercise that you enjoy doing, so exercising won't be this horrendous chore to push yourself through every day.

    And also...exercise! Losing weight is good, of course, but exercise has far-reaching benefits to your health over and above weight loss. Also, for me getting more in shape seems to have increased my metabolism, because even if I'm 'bad' and don't exercise for a few days or don't eat well, my weight doesn't rocket back up the way it used to when I slipped.

    That said, good luck and feel free to add me :)
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Hi irvingj!

    I too have had the up and down struggle...I would do great and get down to 155 and then lose my motivation and go right back up to 163-166. I've been "stuck" there for ages.

    I know what my problem is/was I was eating badly. When I started gaining weight back I would just get depressed and go back to my comfort foods. I also drink too much...and not water. LOL Can't go out every weekend drink all those empty calories; dehydrate yourself and expect to see any results.

    If you are really sick and tired of it...set up a healthy eating plan...not just a diet but something you can stick with and follow the rest of your life. I'm not going to lie it's hard...I'm starting this week and I have to fast forward through food commercials for McDs and stuff...but I've also lost 5.6lbs in 3 days. Also, find some sort of exercise that incorporates strength training with bands, or weights...muscle does burn fat. My first love is Insanity! It re-shaped my body and makes me feel healthy and strong. :)

    I hope know others are struggling helps and please message me anytime! I sent you a friend request. :)
  • Thanks everyone for your Add's and support.

    I got to the gym 3-4 times a week during my lunches and do a class at the local YWCA. I am eating healthy I think and my calories are at 1750 for the day and today looks like this:


    Protien Shake


    Avocado and two pieces of toast


    Yogurt, seeds and raspberries


    Wasabi Peas and Nature Valley Granola thins.

    I just feel like it is not enough food and I always seem to want to eat more and more, and I agree that when I gain I go back to my comfort foods as well, I think it is just natural but just because it is natural doesn't make it right for us it is breaking that cycle that is hard - believe me I want to plunk pills in me to make it come off faster but I know in the long run that will not make me happy, I can say it type it do whatever with it but bottom line I guess I don't believe it.
  • TravelistaQ
    TravelistaQ Posts: 4 Member
    Oh dear, I don't think that all would add up to 1700 calories! That is not enough food at all!
  • Breakfast
    Protien Shake 504
    Dairyland Creamer - Half and Half (Creamo 9ml), 4 Creamer (9ml) 40

    Silver Hill - Max Flax, 2 Slice 220
    Hass - Avocado (From Website), 1 Medium Avocado 250

    the Greek Gods - Honey Yogurt, 3/4 cup 270
    Manitoba - Hemp Hearts (1 Tbsp), 0.75 tbsp 43
    Seeds - Sunflower Seeds, Raw, Hulled, 1 tbsp 47
    Raspberries - Raw, 0.5 cup 32

    Dan-D-Pak - Wasabi Peas, 1/2 cup (40g) 150
    Nature Valley - Granola Thins - Peanut Butter, 2 square 180

    Totals 1,736
  • Kinda new to MFP, but have used it off and on for a few months. My biggest help w/ weight loss has been cutting sugar, and eating low carb or gluten free (as much as possible). I started excercising daily (6 days a week) starting at 15 min, and working up from there. I do make deserts, but now use stevia from Swanson (better stevia brand).
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Protien Shake 504
    Dairyland Creamer - Half and Half (Creamo 9ml), 4 Creamer (9ml) 40

    Silver Hill - Max Flax, 2 Slice 220
    Hass - Avocado (From Website), 1 Medium Avocado 250

    the Greek Gods - Honey Yogurt, 3/4 cup 270
    Manitoba - Hemp Hearts (1 Tbsp), 0.75 tbsp 43
    Seeds - Sunflower Seeds, Raw, Hulled, 1 tbsp 47
    Raspberries - Raw, 0.5 cup 32

    Dan-D-Pak - Wasabi Peas, 1/2 cup (40g) 150
    Nature Valley - Granola Thins - Peanut Butter, 2 square 180

    Totals 1,736

    Are you a vegetarian? If so have you thought about beans, soups, brown rice, things like that would make you feel fuller longer and more satisfied.
  • I have struggled as well, with weight. i have been anywhere from 230 to 168. It has been a struggle. The biggest thing is you need to eat enough during the day, at least 6 times a day. 3 main meals and 2 snacks during the day. my day looks like this:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs or 3/4 cup of healthy cereal

    Snack: Yogurt(Greek) I eat this around 10am

    Lunch: Lettuce, turkey lunch meat, slice of cheese, with a little bit of mayo and mustard. (i put this all together as a sandwhich, without bread)
    Strawberries with rasberries
    baked lays bbq chips
    maybe a pudding

    Snack: i have a slice of cheese or something with protien to keep me going

    Dinner: 1/2 cup of spagetti with 1 cup of brocolli

    i have to eat 1200 calories a day and even eating like this i find myself under for the day a lot. but i find when i have a few snacks throught the day with protien in them, i am not as hungry when i eat dinner. also another big thing like you are doing is exercising, i try to do it 3 to 4 times a week. i like the Zumba class in town. i also do, "The walking diet" it is a video where i can walk up to 5 miles in my own livingroom. i love it. add me if you want too! Keep on going, your doing wonderful!
  • My best advice is don't try to lose the weight too quickly. If in the past you've severely restricted calories or exercised like absolute crazy, then it's no surprise you end up slacking off and losing motivation. Don't think of this as a chore, or a goal to be reached, think of it (and I know, it's such a popular term) as a lifestyle change. I've never had success before, and now I'm on MFP tracking what I eat, exercising at least five times each week, and weigh less than I have in five years.

    I guess the simplest way to say what I mean is: Make smaller changes that you can stick to over larger changes that are destined to be temporary. For example, don't tell yourself "no fast food ever again", but if you must have fast food (it happens), just make sure you can fit it into your calories for that day. Try to find a type of exercise that you enjoy doing, so exercising won't be this horrendous chore to push yourself through every day.

    And also...exercise! Losing weight is good, of course, but exercise has far-reaching benefits to your health over and above weight loss. Also, for me getting more in shape seems to have increased my metabolism, because even if I'm 'bad' and don't exercise for a few days or don't eat well, my weight doesn't rocket back up the way it used to when I slipped.

    That said, good luck and feel free to add me :)

    Exactly! I couldn't have said it better my self. This is a marathon that we are running not a sprint. Making smaller changes is the best way to make them long term changes. I am also a firm believer that you shouldn’t cut out the things you love, just have less of them. It’s my opinion that when you cut them out you end up giving yourself a treat for reaching a goal and over indulging. Remember we all have bad days but it’s what you make of tomorrow that matters. Good Luck!
  • blobert1
    blobert1 Posts: 43 Member
    Rice,beans,quinoa,lentils and other similar foods will fill you up and curb your appetite longer for less calories.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hey - Working out and eating healthy are NOT easy. If it was easy then we would all have six pack abs and be shredded :) A few things I have leared over the past seven years. I used to be 210 and now I am about 167 and 18% body fat..

    1. You really do need to count caloriesand keep track of what you are eating every day, which MFP makes easy. I even keep a journal of work outs that I did for that day and what my body weight/body fat is...

    2. Once you make working out a part of your day, you will find that you actually stat to miss it or on days that you skip you feel like crap, literally!

    3. Carbs are good but you need to monitor your intake. I try and get most of my carbs in themorning and then taper off the closer I get to night. Carbs eaten at night are stored as fat..most of the time.

    4. you should mix in strength taining with cadio. I actually do not do that much cardio now becuae it eats away at muscle..but the more lean muscle that you put on helps you burn more calories...

    5. Make working out and eating healthy a part of your every day life and you will not have the Yo Yo effect of weight gain/weight loss...

    6. One a week have one meal and eat whatever you want...I call it a cheat meal but you can call it a reward meal...same diference right?

    Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need additional motivation! :)
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have Yo/Yo'd most of my life as well and I am finally committed to making a change this time. I am a firm believer that we all need support no matter what we are trying to take on so feel free to add me as a friend.