Husband upset with different dinners...



  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    update us on that one! mine won't eat tofu LOL
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I agree with your husband.
    Eating a different meal is RUDE.
    Put him and the kiddos on the same liquid diet.,
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have a different take than most. To lose weight and keep it off the journey has to be a healthy lifestyle. I'm not impressed with doctors who pad their pockets selling pre-packaged or liquid diets....that leave you unlikely to maintain the weight lost after you stop using those products.

    If you are cooking healthy and eating healthy the whole family should be able to eat the same foods. What better way to teach your children about nutrition than to show them how it's done.

    Best advice - find a new doctor, and start eating clean and healthy. You can drop that 100 pounds in a year or so - and have a maintainable lifestyle.

    Whatever way you choose to go forward - good luck!

    I agree! I've always thought it was weird when posters say that they make a different meal for their family... why shouldn't the whole family be eating wholesome healthy meals? And just adjust portion size to caloric needs.

    I also agree with the liquid diet comment. Seems weird that a doctor recommended it.

    I'm down 30 lbs and my wife has not changed our meals at all. We've always eaten pretty healthy, but yea there is no reason to be on a liquid diet or anything else. I tend to try and eat 300-500 calories at bfast and lunch and then I can eat a little more at dinner.

    Just drinking two tall glasses of water before dinner will help you cut your calories. No way to eat seconds after two glasses before a meal and one during.
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    I have a different take than most. To lose weight and keep it off the journey has to be a healthy lifestyle. I'm not impressed with doctors who pad their pockets selling pre-packaged or liquid diets....that leave you unlikely to maintain the weight lost after you stop using those products.

    If you are cooking healthy and eating healthy the whole family should be able to eat the same foods. What better way to teach your children about nutrition than to show them how it's done.

    Best advice - find a new doctor, and start eating clean and healthy. You can drop that 100 pounds in a year or so - and have a maintainable lifestyle.

    Whatever way you choose to go forward - good luck!

    Thank you, I was thinking the same thing! :))
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    so basically he's saying he wants you to keep eating the same stuff that got you 100lbs overweight, despite the fact the doctor has instructed you to do otherwise? I guess he won't be happy if you cook healthy meals for you all either, which basically means he is trying to nag you into eating unhealthy food.

    i don't doubt that he loves you, but it is your husband who needs to change to your ways and not the other way around. im afraid you have to look out for your health, and just do what you have to do. if it means a clash of words occasionally, then so be it. I'm sure he'll get used to it after a few weeks anyway.
  • ladylemoncurd
    Is he controlling in other ways or is this a one off?