Whats the worst/best date you have ever gone on?

Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member


  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    9th grade, I was with a really cute guy. We went into an old abandoned ice factory, evidently I was the last person in town to know about it. Anyway, this guy comes in and we though it was a cop so we hid behind some stuff. Guy breaks out his saxaphone and starts playing really beautiful music! It was our first kid. For 14, it was pretty damned romantic.

    One of my worst dates was a guy proposed to me. Most people would think it's fabulous. Nope.
    We had been dating for 2 months
    We had just had sex for the 1st time in which he was HORRIBLE and had the smallest member I had ever seeb
    The ring was ridiculously gaudy and ugly. Totally NOT my thing. I don't like jewelry, and he knew that, so something that big (not the rock, the ring) was just ick.
    I said "well, that's great, how about we see how things work out after we move back to san diego"
    I was 19, it was the best I could do. I had a fabulous job (for 19) and cheap rent. I was able to save 500/month and we had plans to move back to san diego where we were both from.

    I go out of town, my roomate tells him I moved back to Cali. and he doens't check his voice mail (pre-cell phone)
    By the time I was able to talk to him, he reported the ring stolen and was engaged to someone else.

    Bullet dodged quicker than I expected!

    *For those who think I was mean for stringing him along, it was 3 weeks, I was 19 and in a city with few friends and no family to help me figure out what to do!
  • susiebear29
    my best date was the first date with my current BF, we went to the cinema which was pretty average and I spent most of the film throwing popcorn at him!! then we stayed up talking until midnight when he had to go home to get up early for work, we talked about some very deep and personal things and I felt like I had known him for years!! and then when he kissed me goodbye I literally felt weak at the knees :wink: I always thought that was just a figure of speech?!!! and he still makes me feel like that now!!! aaawwww!!!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • cdprouty
    cdprouty Posts: 140 Member
    5 years ago. Christmas morning, wife and I woke up 2 hours before we needed to do anything or be anywhere. We gave each other a nice long trail run through the frozen New England forests.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Best date is any date with my fiance.

    Worst date, I was a freshman and he was a senior. We saw SAW 3 (you see where this is going...) and he tried to get all up on that. NO THANKSSSSS.
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Guy breaks out his saxaphone and starts playing really beautiful music! it was pretty damned romantic.

    I gotta bust out my old alto!
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    The worst date i've ever been on was with the guy i'm with now (and we've been together for nearly 3 years) so... it couldn't have been that bad (; it was pretty awful though haha. He was on his phone the entire time and kept on leaving to make phone calls....
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Many years ago I was set up on a blind date with this girl. We will call her "Carol".
    White girl. blue eyes, pale skin and blond hair (there is a point to all of that).
    Anyway, Carol and I go to a resturant and we order drinks. We both get carded and the waitress hands both ID's back to me.
    I look at hers and her name is "Sarah".

    Me: "Sarah? I thought your name was Carol?"
    Her: " Yeah, Sarah is my real name. I changed it to Carol back in college".
    Me: (a bit curious). "You had your name legally changed? How do you do that?"
    Her: "No. Not legally. I just started calling myself Carol".

    That was my first red flag. As the night went on, the conversation drifted to our future plans. I had just left the Army and was still looking for a career.

    Her:...."And I am also the future Queen of Korea" (remember her physical description?)
    Me: "Oh really? North, or South?"
    Her: (Dead serious) "No Billy, UNIFIED Korea. Once I am 25, I will remove the 38th Parallel and I will be the Queen of unified Korea".
    Me:.... "Check please!"

    I can handle some crazy but, this was off the charts.
  • caylee2k8
    funeral- I was only dating the guy for 1 week (and he wanted me to go for moral support)
    and to top that all of it was a funeral for a constable- so you better believe my *kitten* was sweating the entire time :D
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Best date: dinner & a walk through Times Square with my hubby on our first date. I had never been there before, it was fabulous. Makes me sad to think about it since we're separated now although we are trying to work it out.

    Worst: was on an internet dating site.. corresponding, talking to a guy who seemed really cool. So we meet at the mall for coffee. The man who meets me there is not the man in the picture and he's mildy developmentally delayed. His brother had been trying to find him a girlfriend. I don't know why he thought the bait & switch would work. I actually felt bad for my "date", but that disappeared when we were done having coffee and I said I had to go. The guy couldn't reach his brother who had dropped him off at the mall, I had to drive him home.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    ~ Ok! worst date ever 4 me,my very first date everrrrrrr!!!!!! this guy who was a friend of a friend....picked me up in an old classic Beautiful car!!!!!! (40's )but he blasted the music so loud,it hurt my ears ...& then he tried to talk...over the music,we get to this little diner,and proceeds to tell me he was adopted from Africa,..that was fine untill he said the following.....but felt as though he was a white man traped in a blk mans body.....my very next thought? CHECK PLEASE!,...

    Now, the best date I ever had was(Sept 1,2011) to a guys fam picnic,this guy & I had been flirting for months & he had his cousin invite me.When we got there other guys were hitting on me,so I asked my main flirt if we were together at this picnic or not?....He took a long pause and said this~ " Would you give me the honor of allowing me to be your man?" I did'nt answer him, just kissed him,...we started slow dancing to Mary J Bliege cd,...and when we looked up EVERYONE was gone!!! Turns out we had danced for 3HOURS!...& everyone had left the picnic.......been together ever since....married ,2 beautiful kids!