A new ME!


I have tried dieting a few times in my life. I'm a young 24 years old and for the longest time, I was satisfied with my weight. I always was overweight, but I came to live with it. I honestly couldn't imagine myself any other way. One day, I am not sure what happened but I decided enough was enough. I was tired, unmotivated, depressed and just out-right feeling like I was neglecting my body, and it was telling me to CHANGE! So, I started research. I wanted to take a new approach to dieting considering before in the past, it resulted in failure. I started reading, reading, reading and guess what? More reading. I started off by removing all temptations. Sweets, fats and the what nots. I went to the store and spent quite a bit of time breaking down meals per day, per week, per month. I set a caloric goal to suit the same. Not to mention the myfitnesspal app helps and motivates me amazingly. I liked the app so much, I even decided to peak around the website a bit and found a ton more of motivation, tips and personal stories. So far, at just under a week of dieting, I'm feeling full, extremely energized, happy and ready to tackle on the day, including whatever it may bring. In general, I feel fantastic and hope to have continued success.



  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Patrick

    Welcome to MFP. I joined 3 weeks ago and I'm finding it so helpful. Like you, I swayed between thinking I would be overweight forever, and knowing I really should do something. One day it just clicked and I was ready to start finding the new me. I love keeping myself honest with the food diary and the support you'll find here is great.

  • IrishEssence
    So far, I'm extremely pleased with everything I'm reading. There seem to be some amazing and goal driven people on this site. I'm really happy I decided to visit.
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member

    1. Keep track of the food you eat. Sounds easy but most people underestimate their calories by 50%.

    2. Don't skip meals. The reason for this is simple, when you skip a meal you are hungrier longer. This will trigger something in your brain that will draw you to high calorie foods (cravings). If you can eat at regular intervals, that will help.

    3. Low fat dairy that is high in calcium actually traps fat and keeps it from absorbing into your system. In other words you poop it out.

    4. Protein and Fiber will keep you full longer and it has the added benefit of retaining or gaining some muscle.

    5. Exercise has the added benefit of after-burn. When you exercise you deplete your fat stores, not many but enough that in the next 22 hours they will have to be replenished and thats where the weight loss comes in.

    6. Any exercise is good for you. Take the stairs, park away from the building, walk to the corner grocery store, take a bike ride. Everything doesn't have to be an all out exercise attack. Anything you can do will help.
  • IrishEssence
    Thanks for the great tips to get me started. So far, I'm on a great track for success.
  • kelleyp31
    Welcome! I'm pretty new to the site as well, I love all the support - makes it SO much easier. Good luck!
  • IrishEssence
    This place has been wonderful as far as knowledge and motivation. I'm really enjoying it. ^-^
  • TheBigDog923
    Good luck.
  • IrishEssence
    Thank you kindly and everyone else.
  • Houndoggys
    Houndoggys Posts: 8 Member
    Agreed! Much success to you. Add me if ur looking for more support or ideas. It's not my first rodeo