HELP!! Why Have My Weight Loss Stalked?

Help!!! I have been logging on MFP now for seven months and exercising daily (mainly walking) at a leisure to brisk pace 30 to 60 mintues a day. I also, workout with video " Walking Away Pounds" - Leslie Sansone, once or twice a week , yoga once a month and an occasional jog, but I AM NOT losing weight. All I have loss is 8 lbs and my weight has plateau. I hate working out in gyms and I am not a runner and I hate to strength train.

My question what else can I do? Should I worry, are just keep doing what I am doing? My calorie intake is set at 1350 daily and I try to stay in that range. 1200 calories a day just do not work for me, I stay hungry. HELP!!!

P.S. my TOPIC is incorrect should be "HELP!!! Why Have My Weight Loss Stalled?


  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I wish my loss stalked me....

    You can check by measurements but if you are really on point with diet you should be making progress of some type. Scale just may not be as eager to show it as a tape measure is. Just a thought.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You need to ACTUALLY work out.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    with regards to your calorie intake if you were eating healthy you could reach your 1200 calorie intake without feeling hungry all the time. Are you eating high calorie junk or are you eating low calorie bulky foods like fresh fruits and veggies? Are you eating any protein? Eat lean protein with 3 meals a day and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Filling foods are things like oatmeal and no not the packaged stuff with all the sugar. Since we have no idea what you eat we can't really see where your going wrong. But sounds like you need to pick up your exercise to more than just a couple walks. Get moving and work up a really good sweat.
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    Are you being honest with yourself? I looked at the past two weeks of your diary. You went over your calories 4 out of 7 days both weeks by varying amounts. You aren't logging exercise, so I can't tell what you might have done in that respect or how many additional calories you might have had to play with. However, your exercise doesn't sound terribly intensive. (A half hour walk will get you maybe an extra 100 calories.) You are basically losing about 0.25 pounds a week, so it is coming off, albeit very slowly.

    How did you come up with the 1350 calories? What is your current weight and height, and how much are you looking to lose?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    just looked at your meals. YOu have a lot of high salt foods listed. Cheese balls, ready made soups, not at lot of fresh veggies at all. I did see one banana. Lots of bread and such. Your not really eating healthy. Assuming your portions are correct and your measuring everything your within you calories but there isn't much healthy stuff there. Try cooking something like boneless skinless chicken breasts. I would be hungry too if all I had all day was a bowl of soup for 2 of the 3 meals a day and trail mix.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What do you hate more? Exercising or not getting the results you want?
  • addaline22
    you have work out to get results.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    man i wish weight loss stalked me to....i
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    work out. it has to happen.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You really have so few more pounds you want to lose that you could probably reach your goal body without dropping another pound if you did more strenuous exercise. Just a half hour, three times a week, of lifting moderate to heavy weights would make a HUGE impact.
  • wazzanz
    I would suggest you look on the net at healthy weight loss foods. Start by knocking KFC on the head, not having fruit juices etc etc.

    Would also suggest the money you're wasting on all those supplements could be used to buy better foods in the supermarket where you get all those things anyway.

    Though exercise only a part of weight loss is more important than just the calories credited.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    You're eating way too many carbs and not enough protein. You should change these to a better range than what MFP sets. It's clearly not working for you. You can change it by going into Food/Goals/Custom.

    You're also not consistently eating at 1350. You frequently go over. You don't have to work out so much more if you're eating at the deficit MFP gives you, but you just won't lose as fast, which is what's going on.
  • MichelleW566
    MichelleW566 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! Have you looked at what your eating and how often? I know for me, eating 4-6 smaller meals a day helps keep the "hungries" away and along with walking between 30-90 minutes a day I have dropped 47 pounds so far this year. I do, however, go to a gym 2-3 days a week to walk on the treadmill and alternate between the circuit room or eliptical machine. Good luck and keep your motivation will figure something out :)