A new start ... 20lb weight loss anyone??



  • arose80
    arose80 Posts: 3
    Hi! Count me in also please!! I just started this week. I'm looking to lose about 15 lbs and need MOTIVATION!!!!!!! :)
  • erincuthrell
    erincuthrell Posts: 6 Member
    In the 20lbs club too! Just started last week! Add me!
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    Hi ! I have already lost 12 pounds in 3 months ( gahh it's so slow ...). I am feeling a little bit discouraged so I' d need the help of the support group if you want to add me . I have still another 12 lbs to loose...
  • MSmooth747
    MSmooth747 Posts: 55 Member
    Add me, I'm always looking for more support and to support others.
  • alexia99
    alexia99 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in!! Feel free to add me, I need to lose about 30 lbs but would be ecstatic with 20 :smile:
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    we got a great group going!!!!
  • Jaybug91
    Jaybug91 Posts: 5 Member
    heya.. I would like to join the lose 20lb club... i wanted to lose 30 and am 10lbs down so 20lb to go before I can go on a huge shopping spree :)
  • Tarshs
    Tarshs Posts: 16 Member
    Ok I am in too!!! i need to lose 20lbs and have been attempting too for some time! time to get serious!!!
  • Nakesha95
    Nakesha95 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me on. I have 40+ lbs lose and I'll encourage you. We all need some support.
  • Nakesha95
    Nakesha95 Posts: 9 Member
    What did you do to lose it?
  • I am, 20 is my magic number =)
  • Yes yes and Yes :)
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    I am on board, aiming for 15 though. Cannot wait to shed my cloak of fat!! There is a crazy fit girl under there I KNOW IT!!! :explode: :smile:
  • Houndoggys
    Houndoggys Posts: 8 Member
    I'm looking to lose same. This app is awesome. Anyone need some consistent support, I'm pretty dedicated. Add me if ya like
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 478 Member
    Same here! Going to drop this crap off!
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. Yep, I have about 20 lbs more to lose - lost 6 so far. And they are not coming off fast or easy, but they will come off.
  • Inrequia
    Inrequia Posts: 53 Member
    I'm working on losing about 60-65 total. I'm 16lbs down, and have a long way to go. I'm in it for forming a healthy relationship with food, and making changes for life. Feel free to add me for encouragement and support!
  • FuncTioN64
    FuncTioN64 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on my last 15 so feel free to add me as well! Isn't it awesome that all that hard work is finally paying off and you can see that finish line!
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I need to lose 20 to feel better and 30 to feel happy! :smile: Add me if you like as well
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    I just had my third child on August 25th and now I have 30lbs to lose...I used MFP last year and lost 15lbs to reach my goal and then got pregnant and gained it all back (I loved every minute of being pregnant, ate anything I wanted). So now I am at square one so I would love to be on board with you guys so we can keep each other accountable.