need a texting buddy, desperate!

So i was doing awesome...i've lost 60-ish pounds..and suddenly..i'm having problems. I really need someone to check in with. I've tried with my friends or my family...but if they fall off the wagon, they stop checking in with me..and vice versa. It's gotten to that point have a bad day and you're relieved that obviously your "accountability partner" has too..because they haven't checked in with you either! But that totally destroys the idea of accountability partner.

So...after giving in to the evening cravings AGAIN today, i am getting desperate here. Ideally i would love to connect with someone who has lost most of their weight..someone who can keep on me..someone i can text or email when i have problems. But if you are also someone who is committed to texting and checking in several times a day..EVEN IF IT MEANS SHARING FAILURE..well then that's great too! I just need SOMEONE..please help!

Reply here or message me, thank you!!!


  • chikaygo
    chikaygo Posts: 4 Member
    p.s. Obviously i've never posted before..i only discovered myfitnesspal a few months ago and didn't even realize it has such an extensive community..just started looking around yesterday. Hoping the forums will help as well. :)
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    You need an accountabilibuddy!! If you know what that is from, send me a message! We'd have something else to talk about than how fat I feel today
  • oregongal77
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. We all need all the support we can get! Good luck to you
  • jasmine890
    jasmine890 Posts: 6 Member
    I really need a texting buddy to for motivation/support add me please